
Sunday, September 4, 2016


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I and explore the interviews. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetas by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II are available on

Today's blog is about magnificent beings who are tasked to be of service, often known as angels. Enjoy the perceptions of the Zetas as they describe their experiences with angels. 

Therapist:  You are familiar with the human concept of angels. There are famous ones. One is named Michael. Who are these angelic beings, and are they actually ‘angelic’ beings?

Zetas:  There is Michael, and there are other beings that are addressed as angels. They are a combination of things. In the biblical sense, they are viewed in one context and, at the same time, they are advanced spiritual beings, separate from us. It is as if we have two views of this. There is the legend and mythology and their actual presence, which is very real in the Universe. They are a presence and a very benign and loving presence. It is one that is very powerful. We expect this. In our earth visits, we have often been labeled as angels or demons by earth religious leaders. This is inappropriate. This is frequently the case that some religious leaders utter inappropriate remarks. However, these remarks are both inaccurate and embarrassing, in light of these spiritual supreme beings, which exist separately. They are on a different plane, but still quite interactive with the physical worlds.

They are not to be confused with us. They exist on a plane where they are not omnipresent. They carry out their roles with a servant’s attitude in relation to a master, which is less clear, but very present at the same time. They perform the wishes as an agent of a higher power. They are very reassuring for us as well as they can also be reassuring for human kind. They encompass all of us. This is my impression. There are several of these, given assigned names to distinguish between them. They have certain specific tasks, yet they are all together in a unified purpose.  Each just carries out different roles.

There are Gabriel and Michael. There is a third. The name is less clear. A sense of peace and reassurance comes into my mind that I am sharing back with you. These entities that you call angels we refer to as spiritual agents. It is the same meaning, and these beings also encompass our civilization and touch our worlds as well as yours. They are without boundaries and go wherever they wish to go to accomplish whatever task they are assigned to perform. They are comforting beings.

Therapist:  Do think there may be  countless numbers of angels, but perhaps some may be less powerful?

Zetas:  In a different dimension, there are as many as there are stars. The number is unknown, but there are many. They are just on another plane of spiritual existence, but one that can often interact with the physical plane. They are not remote or detached from a physical existence, but they dwell in another place, yet just as close and just as far away.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Your questions are invited.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting blog and very very outstanding movie and all ifnormation i really love it.
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