
Sunday, September 18, 2016


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I and explore the interviews. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetas by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II are available on

Today's blog examines the complex subject of multiple personalities in Zetas, what memories are preserved after death, spiritual visits vs. spiritual possession, the integration of one's soul with other souls, and the danger of erratic energies.  Please keep in mind that many Zeta concepts are not shared with us simply because we lack the capacity to understand them at this time. Enjoy these beautiful and reassuring views of the afterlife offered by the Zetas.

Therapist:  Does your species encounter multiple personalities in one individual?

Zetas:  There is a multi-part answer to this. Multiple personalities are, to a certain extent, a natural part of our personalities. When they become acute, it can be interpreted as a form of illness. At the same time, we also can, in our interaction and through what you call hypnosis, induce different personalities or characters. This is not uncommon with us. Our minds, compared to humans, have a brain structure on an evolutionary scale, which, at present, possesses greater capacity. A human brain, compared to our brain at your present level of development, is as if a chimpanzee was trying to understand the concept of an automobile. At present, our intellectual capacity is capable of exploring higher concepts. Such complexity in our brain structures enables us to access other concepts. It also makes our minds more vulnerable to conditions that may not be healthy in our telepathically connected larger community. Such unusual behavior will become very apparent in a telepathic society. This is sometimes of greater concern to us because it is more apparent and infectious, the thoughts that are transmitted. It is not the thoughts themselves that are of concern. A personality may sometimes emit erratic energies. The effect of these erratic energies on others around them is more noticeable. The multiple personality is, in our brain structures, due to a chemical imbalance. In our world, mental illness is a genetic fault that has been, for the most part, greatly diminished, due to genetic engineering to prevent such conditions. However, no such endeavor is perfect and mental illness can occur even in our society.

Therapist:  How do you distinguish between that and perhaps having an intermittent spiritual possession, creating a secondary personality?

Zetas:  We interpret certain spiritual visits as temporary and part of the normal condition. However, it is probably more frequent and pervasive in all the thoughts and energies that pass through our minds. We are more acquainted with this. It is not a concern. It is part of a broader spectrum of experiences that we enjoy. It would be of concern only when this aspect becomes a dominant one and begins changing the original condition to the extent that it begins to conflict with the whole bodies of many other minds that are interconnected. However, we would not judge this hastily. Perhaps it is a new concept.

Many humans often encounter new realities, particular in their contacts with us. In a mind, new experiences can challenge to an extent as to question their sanity. It could also be a newly discovered reality. We are open to such a possibility. We do not wish to discourage change. Perhaps something new and revolutionary has been introduced, if I understand your question correctly.

Therapist:  When you pass to spirit, of course you no longer have the use of your organic brain. When I pass to spirit, the same condition will apply. As different species pass to the spiritual state, does their ability to learn or their intelligence vary a great deal from when they had an organic brain or are they simply a much larger, freer being in the spiritual realm?

Zetas:  Their thoughts, experiences, memories, and patience are preserved. When transitioning to a spiritual plane, the soul is released from its body, and those imprinted thoughts and energies continue and are expanded greatly by the new scope of dimensions they enjoy. The unfettered soul is an energy form with its moral capacity, which is continued and expanded. It merges with other energies, linking up. It is like a telepathic society, but on a new order of magnitude, exponential in concept. This release of the soul is not just one of intellectual expansion. It includes everything that we interpret as a soul. It includes all that makes a unique individual and intellectual. All of this is expanded. The energies of that plane carry those life experiences and begin to integrate those experiences with many others on a level that is more intimate in sharing thoughts and impressions of others. It is a marvelous concept, and it is ultimately the concept of a soul that makes us who we are. It is moving from one organic vessel to another.

Therapist:  I look forward to the time when I am unshackled. I also deeply respect the opportunity to be in the physical form.

Zetas:  When physical life ends, all that has accumulated in its physical life carries with it to the beyond. It is not lost. All the thoughts and impressions of its reality, its feelings, its emotions, carry on. Many earth religions imagine this. I am happy to relate that this is true. Each belief system has its own concept of how this will take place, but it is essentially the same here, as it is on many worlds. It (the soul) joins into a force or energy on another dimension or plane where one finds familiar existences and where new existences form. It is not confined to certain physical characteristics that make one being different from another. Souls have a universal connection. 
Therapist:  Thank you for that. How exciting for all of us.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC

Your questions are invited.

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