
Saturday, November 23, 2019





(Excerpts from Alien Game Changer at Amazon:

Continuation of interview with Zetas by Dr. Gene Lipson:

Gene: In the next 20 years, what can we hypothesize the average human life expectancy to be?

Life expectancy will continue to improve as knowledge increases in health and technology. The limiting factors will be economic, not due to any current condition. The limiting factor is in the economic systems not having the ability to create social patterns where the benefits can be distributed equally among its population. It is what you call socialism. Humans have natural instincts to create a moral equality where there will be equality of access to health and good nutrition. This should not be suppressed. There will be elite who think that they know best, but they will only create divisions, which will only stifle the eventual good that will reach everyone. Those who ‘know best’ will actually be in the way. Eventually, this will come to a head, which will need to be reconciled. Ultimately, this will be good news for everyone.

Gene: We already know about the human papilloma virus and the type of cancer it causes. Is cancer caused by a virus?

There are many causes of cancer. Some can be triggered by viruses. There are preexisting conditions that make this possible.

Gene: Do we not already have that capacity to have cancer?

Yes. It is an anomaly where triggers can be activated, and then the cells tend to expand rapidly. This is caused by environmental concerns and certain preexisting genetic conditions. It is one that is complex and has many forms and many triggers. It is like juggling many balls in the air. It is one that can be addressed. It can be conquered in time.

Gene: Does that including one of the triggers being bacteria?

Not directly. They can create conditions that affect the immune system, and the immune system will weaken and make itself more vulnerable to those conditions that foster cancer growth. I hope I have explained this in a meaningful way.

Gene: I certainly understand it.


Gene: Are dreams representative of events of the past or of things to come in the future?

Dreams often represent the past. They also represent fantasies, ‘what if’ scenarios of what might have occurred. The future can be plans of what can be. They can also be reflections of past thoughts forming dreams of what could happen. They represent what could have been and what could be at the same time.

Gene: Is it possible that we keep meeting the same souls over and over again (in physical form)? Does the same soul exist in many forms in different lives?

Rephrased: Is reincarnation true and, if so, do we kind of stay in a group so that when we return, we are really meeting the same old souls, but in new bodies and new lifetimes?

Often this is the case across the same time span and span of life. Life transforms. Souls continue, sometimes in ‘flocks’ gauged in natural physical life cycles. There can be the same life mates who will naturally associate with other souls based on whom we are repelled from or attracted to. This will continue to facilitate resolving unfinished business that most souls are unaware of consciously. In the human mind, I can see an analogy. The actor, Orson Wells, and his same actors on the radio who often would appear together  with other actors. This association at the Mercury Theatre continued from radio to film with the same actors in other artistic media. This is an analogy for the soul encountering groups to which it is naturally attracted. For various reasons, energies and compatibilities of attractiveness seem to coalesce as the beings that they are, souls in purpose, intellect, and in emotion. You may refer to it by adapting your word phrase as ‘spiritual chemistry.’

Gene: Do we contaminate our bodies with preservatives and manufactured medicines?

I am smiling. ‘Doc’ is the ice cream of life. His flavor is yet to be determined. This is said with humor and affection. I can see what concerns him. Sometimes these concerns are rather amusing in their confined perspectives. I wish I could help him let go of the things that close him off and release him to fly like the Peter Pan in your fables that he wishes to be. I think that the things that concern him should be released. In time, this will happen. He is a good soul and one that has done much human good. With his skill, love, and humanity, he has enabled others who have suffered to ease their troubles. He has brought so much life into the world in his role as a pediatrician. Not only is his intelligence bright, but his energy will glow brightly in many humans in the future. It is a bright star that he inhabits. He need have no worries concerning his worldly issues. Still, he holds onto them. It is his confounding affectionate Jewish questions that make me laugh with love that he does not need to worry about. It is hard to explain. He will happily be released from this. I hope I have expressed this appropriately. My comments are meant with the utmost respect and affection for him. He is less aware of us than we are of him.

Thank you. He is bright enough. He will get it. He has been a good contributor.

He will get it, and he will catch up with us. He is not far behind. At times, he is also, in a reflective awesome way, ahead of even me (Han).

Thursday, November 14, 2019




(Excerpts from Alien Game Changer at Amazon:

Remember my question from last time? It was whether or not, to your knowledge, a society has ever chosen to transition en masse into a spiritual existence. We talked a bit about how some societies have purposefully made a partial transition, but we never really addressed whether an entire culture or planet chose to do this.

We have spoken about species or life forms that have elevated to a more advanced state that are intriguing to us. You once asked about what we find interesting. The concept of an entire population can be viewed from several perspectives. Are we released from our physical limitations? In a sense, each life form passes to that state. In a sense, the energy is passed on. Then at the same time, there could be a natural evolutionary path to another plane of existence. It seems that we all inevitably wish to follow to that eventual goal. I would imagine a vast population of energy that has coalesced together to form some greater purpose, individually or collectively. I envision all focused with one purpose in mind: to exist in that plane, together, in peace.

Thank you. Are you familiar with a galaxy known as M83?

M83 is the human reference. It is a galaxy dissimilar from our galaxy in which humans and our species exist. It is a galaxy many light years away by your measurement. What is it that you wish to know?

There is an indication that there may be a species there that we call the Verdants. Where is their source galaxy?
The Verdants are a lesser evolutionary form. Sometimes they have been known as the ‘greys.’ They are a species that is very arrogant in some ways. They are a pervasive species in that galaxy and wish to be pervasive in this galaxy, if they can.

Do they overpopulate themselves intentionally?

They do. I understand the species you are referencing.

Do you know about our friend whom we call Doc? His name is Dr. Gene Lipson.


He submitted questions for discussion today. May I present them?

Yes, I will answer them as best I can.

Gene: Will our economic climate improve or deteriorate after the next Presidential election?

It will continue to improve, regardless of whoever is elected.

Gene: Is there such a concept that past lives influence present lives in obvious ways, for instance, the carryover of fears/phobias or life choices?

Past fates (lives) are influences that can have unconscious effects on one’s present life. Much is shed, released. I am happy to say that there is a sense of good as we improve. Many of the old pathways are replaced with good and improved ways. There is a mix of wishing to improve one’s life and memories of bad things that tend to be forgotten. The good, beneficial memories that have a practical use are prioritized. Life wishes to become more efficient and less hindered, if possible. Lingering energies can restrain and hold us back. These need to be released and forgotten. As we take on new lives, new ways are found to focus on what is good and practical.

Gene: That is very good news.

Yes. We share the same. Life has a way of creating new challenges. Whenever possible, old, bad energies need to be left behind.

Gene: Yes. Thank you.