Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I and explore the interviews. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetas by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II are available on
From the Zeta perspective, today's blog discusses the effects of the Russian Czar bomb that exploded in our atmosphere in the 1960s. It caused an electromagnetic pulse. Zeta technology was affected by this EMP. It also caused technical disruptions on Earth. The Zetas also discuss the US economy, Fort Knox gold, and the the benefit of deep indebtedness to another country. Enjoy these controversial insights.
Therapist: You
know about the Van Allen Radiation Belt around the Earth. In the early 1960s,
the Russians exploded an atomic bomb in the atmosphere, breaking a treaty.
Zetas: The Czar bomb.
Therapist: Yes. They exploded an H-bomb.
Zetas: The ‘Emperor’ bomb in the Russian
language. A 50-megaton device by your measurement.
Therapist: Yes.
When this happened, it created an electromagnetic pulse and disrupted some of
the Earth’s electronic technology.
Zetas: It disrupted our communications, too.
Therapist: I
imagine that must have been a very disturbing time for you, as well as for us.
Zetas: There was a degree of disruption to humans
on the surface. We did notice this. It was disruptive to us, to say the least,
but it was not to the same degree. Our technology is hardened against such due
to exposures to many things on many worlds and in space. Human technology was
not prepared for such pulses and the unprecedented size of this detonation. It
caused a greater effect around the world, which eventually faded away.
Therapist: Did
your species intervene, not with explosives, but with thought projection in
this folly?
Zetas: I was about to use that same word,
‘folly.’ I searched for ego, but folly is more accurate. It was a political and
technological demonstration. It was done
to frighten what the Soviet Union believed were its enemies who wished to
destroy it. In fact, it was other countries that wished not to be destroyed
themselves. This builds a fear that is prevalent today, but it was much more
acute in that dangerous time in human history. It created a fear, which was
intended to deter enemies, but it also created, in the human condition, a
pessimistic view about humans. Actually, this may have been a sobering
experience causing humans to face an honest reappraisal of themselves. Their wishes for destruction of much of the
human race could easily have been achieved. It came upon humans so quickly that
they did not fully appreciate the implications in a larger sense. Many forward
thinking people did, but it took time for many governments to understand. Eventually,
they came to understood the threat of nuclear war. It still exists, but the
precipice has been pushed back to some degree. Many countries are now
destroying their nuclear weapons. Such technology creates high demands for
safety and precision. The shelf life for these weapons is not unlimited. Due to
many factors, political and economic, it has been found that it is no longer
practical to continue the existence of these weapons. Many of these weapons are
being dismantled. We just wish that the moral motivations had taken precedence
earlier, but, in time, practical forces have made these weapons no longer
necessary or practical. A desire for other priorities is now taking precedence.
With the easing of tensions, other
domestic concerns that benefit populations can be pursued instead. The human
insecurity of that time exists today, but it has been redirected and focused.
It is one where certain flash points have been diminished. We have often
monitored your weapons in many areas where these weapons exist. We have
monitored and tested them without causing an accidental war. We have explored
the capacities and systems to prevent such actions. This is in the background,
if that should ever occur. We have that ability to render such weapons
harmless. It would be a day that could announce, in a very dramatic fashion,
our presence, in a very beneficial way. Many in the human population would
misinterpret it as divine intervention. In our earlier conversations, we have
expressed embarrassment by the notion that beings might see us as divine. We
are not divine. We are merely practical and realistic. We see inefficiency and
waste in war, along with the tragedy of the loss of lives. It is a needless
exercise and, with a tacit force, we would deprive and render such
political/military forces unarmed. We would not harm the humans. We would
merely deprive them of their weapons in the old classic science fiction cliché.
Therapist: Yes.
I do remember some of those clichés, but we are very glad that you will
intervene, if necessary, for your own reasons, of course.
Zetas: We do not wish to, but at some point, we
would have to do this, if it ever reached that stage. So far, we have only
tested our ability to do so, and we occasionally repeat our experiments to
ensure our ability has not been diminished by any change in human technology.
Therapist: I
look forward to so many things. We, I mean the United States, and other
countries, are looking at a financial Armageddon. We discussed, at one time,
when the situation might stabilize. I think we talked about 2015 or 2019. I
don’t remember. Will the US dollar survive this process, and when will other
countries stop loaning us money?
Zetas: The United States will improve when it has
a more realistic appraisal of its current situation. It is trying to be everything
to everybody. In its greatness, after the Second World War, the US experienced
an artificial bubble, flush with economic and technological growth, that
created an artificial expectation that this would go on forever. Other
countries have caught up in their recovery, respectively. The United States is
very dominating in many ways. We take interest in this. Many of our visits are
in this area of your planet, but it is a reflection of many things. The United
States, in some ways, needs to expend less in certain military and other areas
to create a budget, which can once again benefit its people. However, the
United States’ image and role may change in the future and may diminish, as
other powers increase and become a new dominating force on your planet. This is
most likely China, and behind it, India, and other economic forces. The role of the United States as the world
police may need to be reappraised, as it is exhausting itself. It may need to
reevaluate its position in the world. It will not change, nor should it change,
in its intention, but merely the capacity of its intentions may need to be
reduced to a more realistic level. It may no longer have the powers to control
its own destiny as it once had.
Therapist: Do
you see, in the next 10 or 15 years, a change in the currency that we are
Zetas: The proportion of rich and poor will
widen. It can create great political stresses between those who have much and
the many that have little. This will ultimately cause the forces of economics,
if left unbridled, to accelerate. This could ultimately change the concept of
what many in the United States conceive of as a free country. Political hope
may become dominated by economic hope, where the national distinction between
the United States and other countries will become blurred. When this occurs, it
could be that day for many. This will not happen in the next 15 years but in
the next 100 years.
Therapist: You
know about our Fort Knox?
Zetas: Yes. You store gold there.
Therapist: Is
that gold reserve sufficient to make payment to get us out of our tremendous
national debt?
Zetas: No. The amount and value of gold in your
current situation is not sufficient. The quantities of gold there will increase
in value. Gold has great psychological
value in your minds.
Therapist: I
am curious why countries who loan us money don’t ask for gold in repayment
right now.
Zetas: It would create a dangerous economic
crisis on your world. The American national debt is about 17 trillion of your
dollars. To pay that off with gold at $1,700 an ounce would require 14 billion
ounces of gold. The total amount of gold
in the world is only about 5 billion ounces. The amount in Fort Knox is only
about 140 million ounces, 2.5 per cent of the world total. If you sold all the
gold in your Fort Knox, it would be sufficient to pay off about 1.2 percent of
your country’s national debt. That large a sale would depress your gold values,
so it would pay off even less. It would
not change anything. You would have lower debt, but equally lower assets.
A big national debt can be a wonderful
thing, too. It means the people and countries
that have loaned money to your country have a very strong interest in helping
keep your dollar strong and healthy. These are powerful incentives against
starting a war against your country. Other countries, like China, would be one
example. Their welfare is now strongly tied to yours, which can be interpreted
as a very good thing. So paying off your national debt in gold would not
improve your economic situation at all. It would strongly destabilize the world
economic and political situation. To pay such a debt, you would have to triple
your accessible world supply of gold, but that would also collapse the value of
your gold in your mind and economic systems. It would be a hazardous trade, if
it were ever to happen. Ultimately things always change, but the United States
will never return to the economics of a half century ago. Hopefully, in that
distant future, change will be peaceful.
Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
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