
Sunday, December 27, 2015


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Today's post covers a request to experience Zetan music, the requirements of the hybrid diet, and the effects of a craft that created "tule nests" in the water in Queensland. 

Therapist:  Would it possible for you transmit about a minute of music that my recorder might be able to pick up? I know my recorder is picking up the sound of your voice, but is there a way to transmit music?

Zetan:  You wish me to transmit music to you?

Therapist:  Yes, so that I could record about a minute of it, if that is possible, the kind of music that you enjoy.

Zetan:  Our music is mainly tones, resonances of vibration. Then along comes a mood, and this is what I am feeling and now sharing. It is more thought than tones. The mind will associate a hum with different feelings of contentment and peace. It is a very simple tone set. It is a song of life that is the energy of all living forms. It is a celebration of our existence to comprehend all around us and to reflect upon it. It is what a young one would sing. It unites us. It reminds us of our unity to each other and the Universe. It hums with tones of hope for the future, a kind of optimism. It …hmmm (d) hmmmm (b, d) (d, c) (b, d) (b, d), (b, c) (b, c, d) (d, c, b). I can sing no more.

Therapist:  Thank you. I am getting a sense of it, and I can understand how vibration raises hope and affects all of the aspects of our life.

Zetan:  It is a song we sometimes sing about life.

Therapist:  Is it usually a single tone or is it sometimes a harmony?

Zetan:  There is harmony, but I am not musically inclined, though, music exists in all of us. It is a song repeated in many layers, which can be very beautiful in its resonance. I wish I could express it better. It is hard to translate. I am more expressive with thought projection to try to give a sense of richness of the tone. That is as it is.

Therapist:  It is sufficient for my question. Thank you very much. (Although this therapist attempted to translate the melody onto the piano, it fell far short of the multilayered harmonies that Han was attempting to express.)

 Of the hybrids that are here, do they filter their water and eat organic foods or are foods supplied by their own species?

Zetan:  They use a combination of sources. They use their own nutrients provided to them, which exist outside, separate from the biosphere of the Earth. These nutrients come from alien sources provided to them on a regular basis. Also, they can incorporate in their diet many earth-based foods, some of which have been carefully grown. Many food sources on earth are quite safe and of great benefit. I have spoken earlier how much fruit and other food sources have been transplanted to other planets. I do not wish to give the impression that organic or non-organic foods on earth are potentially harmful. It is only in their use by hybrids where the criteria or standards of quality are higher, based on the longevity of many hybrid beings.

The accumulation of certain toxins is a natural condition in life. Due to a hybrid’s longer life expectancy, the accumulation of toxins at the same rate as humans would cause premature death in hybrids. Therefore, the level of toxins and the need to avoid them in many earth foods is of a higher concern. I hope I am explaining this clearly. It is due to the long life expectancy that toxins, in a hybrid diet, require a higher degree of filtering in order to live longer.

Therapist:  There was something that occurred in Queensland, Australia at Horse Shoe Lagoon. Two large, I will call them UFOs, came out of this lagoon. These craft left evidence in their wake. Those events occurred, I believe, in 1961 and 1966. These craft left effects that stayed for several days that looked like circular wakes. They were named ‘tule nests.’ It lasted for days. Humans also called them ‘water nests.’ Some of the water tested positive for beta radiation. Could you describe anything you might know about that kind of effect?

Zetan:  We often see, and sometimes humans also see, ‘ice circles.’ This is a similar effect to when the liquid is frozen into solid forms. Some forms of energy leave trace effects as possible clues of their presence, in spite of visitor attempts to be discrete during any exploration. As interactions occur, off-world technology adapts to human knowledge. In general, we do not like to leave behind evidence. Certain beta and other radiation can leave residual traces. These traces are of very short duration. They are emitted from the craft’s propulsion, which uses a form of quantum field repulsive propulsion -- an anti-gravity from an anti-matter source. These whirlpools were probably one effect of this. Over time, the entities observed this and noted humans could also detect them. They will adapt their power plants for counter detection.

This is an on-going technical evolution. Off-world technology can very quickly adapt to whatever is efficient vs. what can be detected. The Queensland water effects provided a wake from these craft. What lingered from these craft was an interdimensional effect. The whirlpools created a temporary shadow of a portal, which the craft used to exit this reality to another reality. It lingered for a few days, much the way one of your ships creates a wake as it passes through the fluid of your oceans. The dynamic in this case is an interdimensional one related to these craft in Queensland. This is perhaps the best  simple explanation I can offer to describe these effects. I hope it is not too abstract.  

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Your questions are welcome.

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