
Sunday, December 13, 2015


Type in Aliens Answer or Aliens Answer II.  

Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit.

The critical issues of the effects of radiation from the Fukushima reactor failure still persist. The Zetans, and other species, are intervening to provide some protection for their own programs. Humans simply benefit from this as a side effect. Addiction is another form of biological contamination. The Zetans offer their viewpoint on human addictions. See full posting at     

Therapist:  Here on the West Coast, we know there has been some contamination from Japan, from their nuclear event. It seems like there is a potential for higher levels of nuclear contamination in children.

Zetans:  This is a sad consequence of your early nuclear power practices. Nuclear energy is actually a very efficient and beneficial source of energy that could, weighing other factors, be an excellent source for energy for your near-future needs. However, it requires more thorough precautions and safeguards. It holds the best promise as a future energy source, if you can ever learn to handle it properly. The reactors in Japan required electric power for their circulation pumps to maintain the cooling of their reactors. This was a fault in the fundamental design when the auxiliary power also failed. Wisely, some nuclear reactors are built near mountainsides where sources of cooling water can be provided simply by using gravity because water resources are stored at higher elevations than the power plant. They do not require electrical power for cooling in an emergency. This can be a very simple emergency method to maintain cooling and avoid the crisis that occurred in Japan and other places. Many nuclear power plants incorporate this feature. We have intensely scanned and studied many of your nuclear power plants. Humans have noticed that UFOs, as you call them, frequent such sites. It is your site designs and operations that we find of interest. This has implications for my earlier comments about toxic effects that could affect genomes that affect humans and hybrid programs. These are considerations that, in a comprehensive picture, we follow closely.

Therapist:  Yes. I now realize how intricately it is all connected. Thank you for that insight.

Zetans:  There are several, intricate, as you say, alien agendas being conducted. These are simultaneously layered agendas framed in such a fashion to conceal their alien origins from most humans. Humans also endeavor to resolve environmental contamination issues. There are also efforts by off-world beings to solve these issues. Humans are receiving hidden assistance by these beings. This is occurring whether the human parties involved acknowledge or are even aware of the existence of the ‘other parties.’ I am sure you can now appreciate why this is of interest.

Therapist:  Thank you. I had temporarily overlooked the differences in the life spans, but this clarifies it.

Zetans:  Hopefully, human life expectancy will continue to be extended. It is not wished to exclude humans from these same benefits, but these conditions have to be initially established for hybrids to exist on Earth. In time, maybe, such standards for humans will enable them to enjoy the same benefits.

Therapist:  The next question has to do with a medical/social issue that we have not been able to solve. It is the problem of addiction, specifically, drug addiction. We consider illicit drug sales to be crimes. The criminal elements (drug sales) are driven by profit. How can we, as a nation, effectively help those who are addicted, and stop the cycle of crime?

Zetans: Your population’s addiction is a very deeply rooted social problem. It is dangerous, particularly from our viewpoint, where the importance for clarity of mind and rational thought connected by our telepathic abilities, puts such quality of life issues at a high premium. In our society, the foolish individual indulgence of one can, to a large extent, affect the broader population. Someone, affected by toxic chemicals or mental illness, would have a farther-reaching effect on the community of mind we enjoy that characterizes our species. Coming from such a viewpoint, drug abuse would be a great concern. It is exploitation by those who create profits for themselves on the weaknesses of others. The problem of drug addiction needs to be treated in a medical context, not a legal one. Your legal efforts, for the most part, have failed. The illegalization of certain drugs is very expensive way to attempt to hold back a flood of problems. The solution is to make these illegal substances freely available. This would devalue them to nothing. By making them available to all, this will destroy any profit motive and make treatment for these social diseases more freely available for curing/eliminating the desire to use such substances in the future. This practice would eliminate the misconceptions of illicit drugs being a benefit. They will only be seen as a liability. This also connects with the previous question about toxins and human reproduction and its effects on life and food sources. This is another form of toxic damage. The solution is a medical one and a social one, not a legal one.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Your questions are welcome. 

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