Type in Aliens Answer or Aliens Answer II.
Webpage link:http://www.aliensanswer.com to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit.
Zetans discuss dealing with reality without toxins (drugs). Most importantly, they speak of wisdom only coming when one faces disappointments in life, rather than trying to avoid their effects. Humans feel their emotions in their hearts, whereas Zetans feel emotions in their minds. Of particular note in this session, Han expressed emotion, a rare event, and expressed his gratitude in gaining new understanding of humans through our exchanges. I was very surprised. See full posting at www.aliensanswer.blogspot.com.
Therapist: In some of our more tribal societies, there is ceremonial drug use. People seem to honor that, rather than letting the drug be part of general population use.
Zetans: Around the world, the social integration of certain toxic effects of the mind is often celebrated. It is used as an illusion, an artificial form of tricking the person into having greater insights about reality when, in reality, they are blinding themselves from reality and all the wonder and beauty of that reality. They create a screen from reality. It deprives one from a connection with others and with other life beyond this world and the wonders that ensue in the knowledge from that connection. It does not release. It confines. It deprives life of its full potential for growth, wisdom, and the pleasure of life, along with its many disappointments. Many use these drugs as an escape from disappointment. Maturity teaches us that disappointments are a part of life, as are the joys and the pleasures. Disconnecting the natural disappointments in life also disconnects one from wisdom. Therapist: I had a brother who missed out on most of his life because of his addictions. However, on the spirit side, he seems to have gained some wisdom.
Zetans: There is an untapped part of every person, a spiritual or ethereal part of the mind. We know, from our conversations here, through information and quantum mechanics, there is more to the spiritual side than is first perceived. Its growth should not be underestimated in what makes a sentient being worthy of comprehending the Universe. Our heart is in our minds (unlike humans) but the feeling is the same. I understand, from sensing you and Steve, and I have empathy for your brother and the difficulty he must have had. I feel this with others around your planet. The potential of the mind in humans has not yet been fully cultivated. These artificial toxins inhibit such potential.
Therapist: Yes, but to me, this physical life is not the only one. For me, all is not lost.
Zetans: This is true. Nothing goes to waste. We live in a society where it may appear the individual is diminished. In fact, our connectiveness only magnifies the importance of the individual because we are so connected. The loss of life or the rejoicing and celebration of life is increased tenfold. This is what we feel for our fellow entities. I am sure it is the same with you in your society, too.
Therapist: It is true. I learned an interesting lesson about empathy. We need to have empathy and compassion. However, to be useful, rather than dwelling on that emotion, we need to transmute it into a sense of loving concern that promotes well-being so that the sorrow is not perpetuated.
Zetans: The motivation for taking such toxins is the same desire for those qualities of well-being that you illustrate. It is the method and route taken that is a false one (referring to drug addiction). There is well-being that can be found by other means. If it is a condition where one has also experienced similar conditions and can relate on that level, we value the presence of our minds. Our minds take on added importance as not only vehicles of thought, but also provide sensory perception that is shared collectively in our species. We put a high value on this. It creates our intellect and our connectiveness with our own species in a form of collective knowledge and consciousness. To have certain toxins intrude on this, what would be lost would be greater than even what humans would experience. It would be isolating oneself from the consciousness of the community. It would be a loneliness that would be a form of death and would be too much to bear. It takes on greater consequences. We would fear such a disconnect. Perhaps this is the empathy I feel in trying to connect your species with mine.
Therapist: Yes. I see the difference because you are impacted differently and in a greater manner. This is profound.
Zetans: Yes.
Therapist: My thought was in a one-to-one connection.
Zetans: Thank you, too, for helping me understand more about you. This, I have not considered before, and, I see the effects of such toxins, not only in a physical sense, but also its social damage that could incur from it in a way that I never considered before. Thank you.
In these sessions, know that as much as you learn from me, I, too, am learning from you. It is with a sense of gratitude and warmth that I enjoy this interaction. It is very helpful in understanding you better. It also helps us to understand your social conditions. There is goodness in this that is difficult to express. I am feeling a bit moved by this. These are levels of emotion we do not often experience. We do not permit. this, but I am indulging this emotion because, in every contact, everyone is changed. I am feeling changed now. Excuse my sharing.
Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Your questions are invited.
Zetans: There is an untapped part of every person, a spiritual or ethereal part of the mind. We know, from our conversations here, through information and quantum mechanics, there is more to the spiritual side than is first perceived. Its growth should not be underestimated in what makes a sentient being worthy of comprehending the Universe. Our heart is in our minds (unlike humans) but the feeling is the same. I understand, from sensing you and Steve, and I have empathy for your brother and the difficulty he must have had. I feel this with others around your planet. The potential of the mind in humans has not yet been fully cultivated. These artificial toxins inhibit such potential.
Therapist: Yes, but to me, this physical life is not the only one. For me, all is not lost.
Zetans: This is true. Nothing goes to waste. We live in a society where it may appear the individual is diminished. In fact, our connectiveness only magnifies the importance of the individual because we are so connected. The loss of life or the rejoicing and celebration of life is increased tenfold. This is what we feel for our fellow entities. I am sure it is the same with you in your society, too.
Therapist: It is true. I learned an interesting lesson about empathy. We need to have empathy and compassion. However, to be useful, rather than dwelling on that emotion, we need to transmute it into a sense of loving concern that promotes well-being so that the sorrow is not perpetuated.
Zetans: The motivation for taking such toxins is the same desire for those qualities of well-being that you illustrate. It is the method and route taken that is a false one (referring to drug addiction). There is well-being that can be found by other means. If it is a condition where one has also experienced similar conditions and can relate on that level, we value the presence of our minds. Our minds take on added importance as not only vehicles of thought, but also provide sensory perception that is shared collectively in our species. We put a high value on this. It creates our intellect and our connectiveness with our own species in a form of collective knowledge and consciousness. To have certain toxins intrude on this, what would be lost would be greater than even what humans would experience. It would be isolating oneself from the consciousness of the community. It would be a loneliness that would be a form of death and would be too much to bear. It takes on greater consequences. We would fear such a disconnect. Perhaps this is the empathy I feel in trying to connect your species with mine.
Therapist: Yes. I see the difference because you are impacted differently and in a greater manner. This is profound.
Zetans: Yes.
Therapist: My thought was in a one-to-one connection.
Zetans: Thank you, too, for helping me understand more about you. This, I have not considered before, and, I see the effects of such toxins, not only in a physical sense, but also its social damage that could incur from it in a way that I never considered before. Thank you.
In these sessions, know that as much as you learn from me, I, too, am learning from you. It is with a sense of gratitude and warmth that I enjoy this interaction. It is very helpful in understanding you better. It also helps us to understand your social conditions. There is goodness in this that is difficult to express. I am feeling a bit moved by this. These are levels of emotion we do not often experience. We do not permit. this, but I am indulging this emotion because, in every contact, everyone is changed. I am feeling changed now. Excuse my sharing.
Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Your questions are invited.
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