Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I in the Constellation Reticulum. Contact has been made. Many interviews have been held with them. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between Hypnotherapist Mary Barr and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books: Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II.
Welcome experiencers. This blog is for people who are already well-versed in the alien contact genre. The books, Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II, are non-fiction chronicles of telepathic contact between my client and co-author Steve Reichmuth and sentient beings from Zeta Reticuli. These are very serious and educating communications that present many questions and answers beyond current human knowledge. As the therapist and co-author, I offer weekly excerpts from these science oriented chronicles for public education. Visit our webpage at Some aliens are willing to communicate telepathically, and the human mindset can be enhanced under hypnosis. Deep meditative states are also conducive to this kind of communication.
Today's blog gives the Zeta perspective of mankind's evolution, including his missing link. The Zetas provided knowledge about the whales and dolphins having an intellectual capacity close to humans, the function of the Nasca lines, and the technological gifts shared with humans that enabled an advanced Atlantean culture to thrive for a while. Their downfall was the inability to preserve knowledge in a permanent way. (It is likely that there have been a number of Atlantean-like cultures.)
Therapist: What
is the missing link for humans? One theory is that we descended from a
combination of the Neanderthal man and Homo sapiens. Have we had more than one
branch of humanity, and, if not, do you know what species is the missing link?
Zetas: The evolution of man is a
varied one. However, it is not as complex as man makes it to be. There are many
idiosyncrasies in the evolution of Homo sapiens. We have often nurtured,
guided, and influenced to mold a species that is more receptive to eventually
make contact with us and with others in the Universe. This takes time. Many
links exist. It is just that all the links in the chain have not yet been
discovered by you, but in time, perhaps they will.
Therapist: How
many branches gave rise to the human species?
Zetas: The best we can tell is
that there were six branches. Some were not successful. Others endured longer
and two or three have merged into one main species forming the current Homo
sapiens that we know today.
Therapist: How
would you compare the intelligence of dolphins, whales, and rats to human
beings, with intelligence defined as the capacity to learn?
Zetas: Whales and dolphins have
larger brains and therefore the capacity for growth. They have an intellectual
capacity near that of human beings. They lack the ability to create technology
because they have not adapted to move upon the land where they can create fire
and change the minerals of the natural world into alloys to create technology.
Technology is not important to intellect, but it is a useful tool for
expressing intellect as man has done. The rat has very instinctual primitive
impulses in how it survives. Whales and dolphins are beyond that in
being creative and in adapting to their environment. They are
more at one with their environment. Our species, the way we react, and our
quick thinking, are more similar to your species of birds. We are sharp-witted
and react quickly, but our intellect has a much greater capacity than your
birds. However, the reactions of birds are very similar to our species in the
thought processes that exist. Whales and dolphins are similar to man in
potential for thought capacity, but they lack the ability to leave the ocean to
move into an environment where there is air and oxygen in which to create fire.
From fire they could create further conditions of benefit to them.
Therapist: Are
you familiar with the Nazca lines? If so, what is their source and purpose?
Zetas: Yes. It is an expression
of connection with the sky and those beings who have come from the sky to
visit. It is like a welcome mat for home. It is an expression by your species
of gratitude and appreciation and welcome in the hope that further contact will
be made. It is a physical expression of
a desire within man’s heart to make contact with all that is above him in the
Therapist: Did
humans make these after becoming aware of beings in the sky? Was it expressing
a desire to have them return?
Zetas: Yes. It is an expression
of welcome in the hope they will return. We do return, but sometimes in other
forms. Each return is appropriate to the era of man’s development. The form and
means of contact has now changed to a more sophisticated and perhaps on a more
individual level with your species.
Therapist: Was
the story of Atlantis real? If so, where is it?
What caused its demise?
Zetas: There is an area off of
what was once near Ireland in the ocean. That island has since sunk below the
ocean. It was isolated from the nearby cultures where we could educate humans with more advanced
ideas and abilities than the other areas of your planet. This culture enjoyed
many of the benefits of our knowledge and technologies. This was a test to see
what you could do with this new technology, if used for good purposes, which it
was. It gave us encouragement to use this as a basis for sharing other
technology in the future. The demise of this large island was due to the
geology of your planet. Eventually the humans migrated off that island into
Europe and the Mediterranean. They had to do this in order to survive. This
knowledge was dispersed among the cultures in the area. Over time, much of this
knowledge was lost due to the poor means available to preserve such knowledge.
Much of what was to be
passed on from generation to generation was eventually lost because of the
subjectivity of the human mind. It was not passed on efficiently. Also, many
cultures on Earth destroyed this knowledge. Some of it was lost due to
mishandling or carelessness in preserving this knowledge. It is just part of
the human condition. This is so. We needed to create a way for them to preserve
this knowledge in an intact way. However, it would have been inappropriate to
give them the technology to do this. It would be like giving a computer to
primitive form of your society in order to hold this knowledge. Many ancient
libraries were lost due to fire, such as in Alexandria. In other cultures, a more dogmatic culture
prevailed. All this needs to be restored.
Therapist: Did
any of this knowledge wind up in what we call the Mystery Schools?
Zetas: Certain isolated pockets
in Europe held onto knowledge, but it was quickly distorted by outsiders and
misinterpreted as something evil or not beneficial. It was due to certain
biases in belief that this knowledge waned and was lost over time. In purges of
new political and social mores, it was – the knowledge, in a sense, was
scattered to the wind. Man did not possess the ability to preserve this
knowledge, particularly in an unbiased way. However, the test was successful for a brief time. It was a temporary
condition on Atlantis, so an island country did exist.
Therapist: How
many times has mankind risen and fallen in terms of advanced technology?
Zetas: Man, in isolated pockets
around the world, has advanced greatly, and like water, this advancement ebbs
and flows with the times. In the Middle East there was great advancement in
mathematics and societies. Then, in time, this was lost due to selfishness and
wars as other societies dominated them with less knowledge. Usually, they
incorporated the knowledge of the conquering societies. This has been an
ongoing condition within the limited viewpoints and the geographical inability
to travel over great distances. Isolated pockets of knowledge come and go. This
is less so now. You now have the ability to communicate across greater
distances within your species. You have also learned to preserve it. Due to
this, no one particular idea will dominate.
Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Your questions are welcome.
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