Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I in the Constellation Reticulum. Contact has been made. Many interviews have been held with them. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between Hypnotherapist Mary Barr and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books: Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II.
Welcome experiencers. This blog is for people who are already well-versed in the alien contact genre. The books, Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II, are non-fiction chronicles of telepathic contact between my client and co-author Steve Reichmuth and sentient beings from Zeta Reticuli. These are very serious and educating communications that present many questions and answers beyond current human knowledge. As the therapist and co-author, I offer weekly excerpts from these science oriented chronicles for public education. Visit our webpage at Some aliens are willing to communicate telepathically, and the human mindset can be enhanced under hypnosis. Deep meditative states are also conducive to this kind of communication.
Today's session introduces a second being whom Han calls Gen, a student and participant, who sits in on various communications with many species. Also discussed are the particles of dark matter that pervade the Universe. Gamma ray bursts, alternate dimensions, and expansion of the Universe are also covered.
August 20, 2011
Client was in placed in a deep trance. The being known as ‘Han’ was
requested to step forward. An invitation was extended to Han to bring someone
else with him.
Steve perceived two beings coming forward with one holding to the
Steve: There are two! I recognize Han’s shape. There is another one, in the
background, standing to the side and behind him. He is similar looking.
Therapist: I will address the questions to the being known as Han. When you are
ready, please let us know. Take your time.
(Double beeping sound.)
Han, the Zeta: I’m ready.
Therapist: Thank you. Thank you for bringing someone else with you.
Steve: The other one, he is the same, but also different. He is like Han in
appearance, but different. I am told to 'stand by.' They have soft features,
both of them. There is a kind of dark silhouette against an amber background.
Han is sitting there, waiting patiently, waiting for his time to talk. He is
ready for the questions.
Therapist: Han, does a burst of gamma rays indicate photons coming from a fourth
Han: Repeat the question.
Therapist: Yes. Does a burst of gamma rays indicate photons coming from a fourth
Han: The gamma rays come from
a pulsar and travel through space. There will be gamma ray bursts. A gamma ray
burst does travel across time, if that is what you mean by a fourth dimension.
It radiates out in a burst, randomly. The gamma ray bursts are dangerous. They
need to be avoided. They do indicate a distortion in time and create a bend in
space that occurs naturally. These are effects of a gamma ray burst on a sun
that is in a different time in life (different life stage) than the natural
span of this star, which Earth people call Sol.
Therapist: Thank you. Are there an infinite number of dimensions?
Han: There are more than we
possibly realize, but infinite is an ambiguous term. It might be true, but
there are more than humans realize, and there may be more than even we realize.
Therapist: With how many dimensions does your species interact?
Steve: My mind from Han says ‘26 dimensions at present.’ It is astonishing!
Therapist: The next question has to do with the beginning of our Universe. Did
some particles move into the fourth dimension during the beginning of our
Han: These particles are dark
matter that permeated the membrane between Universes. These are the particles
to which you refer. Yes. The particles can permeate universes and provide us
with the means to travel across the vast distances. We can step across one
universe for a shortcut that provides us a brief distance in which to travel
wherever we wish to go. When we step back into the former universe, the dark matter
helps provide the river in which we flow between universes to make this
possible, to use a simple analogy.
Therapist: Thank you. How might we human beings detect the fourth dimension?
Han: The fourth dimension is
around us. My mind sees a parallax view where a simple observation could make
this possible, but it is difficult to discern how this is possible. However,
scientists can learn by using two vantage points in parallax view to see a
simple shift in matter across space where, for example, a pulsar might find a
type of shift that could allow the fourth dimension to be evident in its
Therapist: Thank you. Concerning dark energy, two questions:
1) What is its chemical composition?
2) Does it push the material world apart?
Han: It co-exists in the
existing material world. It actually makes up the majority of the material
world, the material universe. It is not evident unless one looks across the
vastness of space where most of it can be seen in quantity. It provides the
balance of what composes the Universe. The existence of dark energy requires
more advanced concepts regarding energy, mass, and gravity and how they are
brought into harmony. This ‘bringing together’ creates the complete perspective
of the composition of the Universe. It is what Earth scientists wish to find in
a unified theory that will make everything understandable. However, this
understanding will only be the beginning of further understanding. Once this
unified theory is understood, it will provide a doorway for many things, as it
did for us, millions of years ago, to facilitate uses of energy on a planetary
scale and to provide the means of transportation between stars.
Therapist: There is a current theory that dark energy is what is causing the
Universe to kind of spread out. Is that an accurate view?
Han: The Universe is expanding
from its beginning source. It accelerates the expansion of all that exists in
this Universe. The existence of dark matter is what makes this expansion and
acceleration possible. It is what puzzles scientists on Earth, the condition where
there is no entropy, but just acceleration of matter as it expands outward.
Therapist: If I understand, are you saying the characteristic of expansion is
such that, over time and space, it increases its velocity?
Han: Yes, it does.
(Look for the continuation of this session next week.)
Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Your questions are welcome.
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