Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I by exploring the many interviews held with them. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books: Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II, which are available at
Today's post examines artistic expression in a universal application, the complexities of time-space travel, the loss of diversity, entire populations exiting existence en masse, the joy of death, and Han experiencing an emotional stretch, as he contemplates how new beings experience their initial interaction with life.
Therapist: Do you think the
artistic drive might be universal?
Zetas: Yes. It is not
just sentient beings that react in complex ways to their surroundings. They
wish to emulate and record the sophisticated impressions that are absorbed by
the senses. The art is the impressions that are expressed in a
physical/material sense. The impressions create thoughts. The thoughts are
processed and re-expressed back, a reflection of those expressions that have
meaning to the creator that he/she wishes to express. What they feel is
significant to them. The expression is necessary in the Universe. It is a
natural part of good health in a mental, physical, and spiritual sense. It is
the soul responding and reacting to its surroundings.
Without that
particular aspect, the soul would not be able to experiment fully with its
environment. The term ‘restructuring’ came to mind. It might also be a good
word in describing space, with time being described as malleable and space
having the capacity to be restructured. Would that be an accurate or reasonable
We travel by
leaping or hopping from one time to another. You are tied to linear time. We
can take many elevated paths that overlap and cross different times and space.
We have more options with time than perhaps you do. You have the same physical
time and space that we do, but we have recognized, by our technological abilities,
that we can leap across time and space in our journeys. We travel great
distances in a short time. The development of this technology is a side effect
of that desire or purpose. I am limited in this description. Steve is
struggling. It is not his fault.
Therapist: I am going to
think about it some more in light of what you just told me.
Zetas: In another area
of discussion, I am concerned with how your species, in its dominance, has
oppressed or made other species extinct. Part of this is the natural evolution
of species becoming extinct because they no longer seem to form the ability to
survive. Some of this is sometimes accelerated by other species, such as yours,
by displacing them to the point where they can no longer survive. Perhaps, to a
certain extent, this is just the natural path of evolution. At other times, we
are concerned, as you are, at the loss of diversity. Diversity creates more
opportunity for advancement.
Therapist: You are on a
subject matter that I wanted to ask you about.
Zetas: It is more a
rhetorical question.
Therapist: (Therapist
Zetas: We will answer as
best we can.
Therapist: I assume that,
from time-to-time, you have seen various species decide to vacate their
physical bodies en masse, doing it intentionally, to no longer exist in the
physical form.
Zetas: They transform
their energy of life. It becomes, in a way, more specialized, more pure energy.
Therapist: That is, of
course, different from a species annihilating part of itself because it needs
to reduce its population. We are aware of that. I am speaking of those species that intend to bring the juncture of their physical life to a complete close,
self-imposed. Have you seen that?
Zetas: We understand. Some
diseased planets have become over-populated. The inhabitants are no longer able
to acquire the basic, necessary elements of life to sustain themselves. Their
resources are exhausted. The population will decrease where the number of
deaths will surpass the number of births. The population will diminish,
sometimes dramatically. This is a concern we have for humans. It is commendable
how long you have survived in this manner. Due to your concepts of individuality, you do not have a broader,
social context regarding your whole population. You fail to see how individuality
can have cumulative effects.
Therapist: There is one way
that we (humans) are all connected. When people know they are near death, almost
all of them reach out to their spiritual side. In that moment, they have a
commonality with all of humanity, recognizing that we are connected by virtue
of being spiritual.
Zetas: The spiritual
beyond is important and is quite real. It does exist. In each, when approaching
that time when they relinquish their physical bodies, there is an anticipation
and an expectation of how their consciousness will continue in this new medium.
I can assure that it does. Perhaps it exists in a way that you may not
anticipate, but one that you can take comfort in. It is one that I think you
should not fear. It is a change. It is also one of release, of unexpected
freedom. I think this is the best description. I think you would enjoy this
freedom. You would not be confined by a physical body. Even time and space will
not confine you. You will find great happiness and astonishment in the traits
of intellect and emotion. These will be unbound. Take heart in this.
Therapist: I have no doubts
whatsoever about it. One soul described it as like ‘taking off a tight old
shoe.’ The wonderful release!
Zetas: There is an unfettered state of being, a
kind of freedom. It is like the happiness of a child when he runs free and
naked around the house. There is this sense of no inhibition or shame or
embarrassment. It is freedom and release from the confines of certain social
restraints. It is hard to explain, but it involves emotions again, so my
‘painter's palette’ does not have the words or colors to explain this. It is
Therapist: We do have a term. It is called ‘joyous
Zetas: (Han laughs.) I am now thinking of this.
Part of my pleasure in interacting
with you is learning these new
expressions. You stretch my emotional range. I feel like a
prisoner in myself. I have that community I keep referring to. It is the
security and freedom that I have, yet you inject thoughts that give happiness
that we are unaccustomed to. They are not heretical. They are just new, and you
make me feel, in my old age, quite young. It is a pleasure to explore this with
you. Perhaps in our evolution, we were once like this. We have lost this. We
need to be reminded of this. I am grateful for you.
Therapist: Thank you very much.
Han, the Zeta: In my emotional responses I am stretched
in these sessions that we enjoy together. I am what I am feeling, thinking, and
I have happiness.
Therapist: I hope that the happiness that I have is
infectious for you.
Han, the Zeta: I am learning to be happy. It is not that
I am unhappy, but the happiness is brought, as I understand, as an infant is
seeing a new world with wonderment. Our children also enjoy the newness of
Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Your questions are welcome.
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