
Sunday, November 13, 2016


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I by exploring the many interviews held with them. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books:  Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II, which are available at

Today's blog asks for and receives answers that any scientist would like to know upon first encountering beings from Zeta Reticuli: How do the Zetas maintain continuity and still stay open to change? How do Zetas see in the dark? What percentage of their bodies is water? What is the importance of silicon in their evolution? Most astounding, what do the Zetas see when they enter our human minds?   

Therapist:  Because your species has had a long history of continuity, is change a concern for your species?

Zetas:  What an excellent question! Continuity can be a backstop, which we can always retreat to from our explorations of what is new. Then, we can choose what we wish to continue in a new way, remembering the old. In our psyche, we are more liberal in exploring new ideas. Our telepathic thoughts give us access to many concepts and thoughts that are shared intellectually, though it is almost like a beehive of thoughts and new concepts that are constantly explored, much like your colleges and universities where new ideas are examined and experimented with in many, many fields,  Our society is like this. It is in cultivating that beautiful garden of thoughts that there is a strong desire to change, but this is only so because we have the security and continuity to retreat to. If the new way fails, we can still adopt the old patterns. I guess we have the security to explore the new ways, knowing that we still have the old ways to fall back on. They are not in conflict because our telepathic abilities understand and put each in its proper proportion.

We are not steadfast. We are open and adaptable to new ideas. The time-honored old ways, each has their merit, too. These ways have withstood the test of time, and they are reliable. Maybe the inability to use telepathic thought to fully express more comprehensively the notions that we enjoy that humans lack, creates this misunderstanding, and often creates strife between humans about old and new ways. Our exchange is freer and less fearful of change. Knowing that our concept of time is, as you say, malleable, we live more for the moment. Old ways are not as old and new ideas are not as new as you might think.  We see value in what has a practical function for our world. I am hoping that I am not rambling.

Therapist:  Do your eyes make a noticeable adjustment when you shift to accommodate different levels of light?

Zetas:  Our range of light gathering can be adjusted. It is partially done with the lens, adjusting the amount of light so it is not so glaring. The dark is never too dark. Our experiences and perceptions are very wide. Using our telepathic connections, we can see through human eyes to know and experience the human range of reality. It is not as wide as the perceptions we enjoy. There is something with our eyes being relatively larger that gives us the ability to gather more light.

Therapist:  That is a very nice ability to be able to see through the eyes of another species. It is something I had not thought about, but now I can see how that would work.

Zetas:  We can see through the perceptions of others. It also helps in knowing how to conceal ourselves, too. When considered, it helps us to understand how others view their reality. We can join with them in their view of the Universe. We look with respect on that. It is one of understanding.

Therapist:  My thoughts turned to water and its importance to life.  Han became aware of my thought and remarked, ‘I am dipping my hand into the water and pouring it out.’  I will always be grateful for water and that it is part of life, in its many states.

Zetas:  As it is with us, too. As I mentioned, we are partly silicon- based, but we appreciate the importance of water as the basis from which much life is created. It provides the medium for much life in the Universe, not all life, but it provides a ready base for life. This we have noticed in our many travels. I am speaking more philosophically. The setting creates this philosophical function (mood).

Therapist:  What percentage of your body makeup is water?

Zetas:  Our bodies are similar to yours, only less so in water.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Your questions are invited. 

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