
Sunday, November 27, 2016


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I by exploring the many interviews held with them. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books:  Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II, which are available at

Today's blog examines surprising information about Antarctica, the attempts of scientists to be good stewards, how Zetas take along their friends on long journeys, traces of Zeta craft in the sky over Antarctica, the use of dimensional shifts for space travel, an intensified Doppler Effect, the malleability of time and space, and stark, new changes of experiencers. 

Therapist:  Would you be willing to take us on a little tour, wherever you wish? An option might be Antarctica. I found that there is activity there.

Zetas:  The image of the pond fades away. We are present there, not physically, but our thoughts and minds are there. We see the cold, white landscape, very dry, like a desert, an ice desert. We note the irony of the humidity vs. the temperature. Yet there is life here.

Your Antarctic Treaty prohibits military activities and mineral mining. It also prohibits nuclear explosions and nuclear waste disposal, and it supports scientific research. The fifth largest of your planet’s continents is inhabited by no indigenous humans. Antarctica is responsible for capturing and preserving many meteorites. They are held here, until, eventually; a few of them are discovered. Many of these are bits of asteroids, parts of nearby planets that have, through impacts, thrown debris into space. Quite randomly, a few bits will be gathered here. There are many mountains and curious animals. There are whales and penguins with their own social structure and community. We can observe this discretely, without our presence being revealed. We observe your scientific activities as you study their world. You often apply knowledge to be good stewards here. A new beginning. The scientists report many atmospheric and oceanographic phenomena conducive to knowledge. With knowledge comes the desire to preserve. This is in harmony with our desires also.

It is with satisfaction that we see the activity and how these humans conduct themselves. We can also relate to the isolation they often feel. They often feel connected, yet far away. We, too, feel this in our travels and explorations. This is particularly true for us because we have a close telepathic community. It could be that if our emotions were similar to humans, there would never be any desire to leave the nest. However, our curiosity is strong, and we have learned that we can take our community with us because quantum patterns [laws] of physics are subtly non-local. We take the consciousness of our friends with us wherever we explore. We are not far from each other in our community of mind, even across galaxies. We can also relate to the isolation, yet our thoughts can create realities where we are not far from home.

Therapist:  The scientists in Antarctica are making observations and are seeing unusual light activity in the sky. I am sure some of them are seeing this as ‘other worldly.’ Are they seeing your species?

Zetas:  Otherworldly? You mean us. Sometimes we are indiscrete, and other species are, too. It is amusing for us when your scientists work very hard to ignore us and deny our existence. We ask ourselves, ‘Are these scientists?’ There are several species that explore this area, as well as other areas. Antarctica is just one more location where we freely travel. It is in stark contrast to other areas of your planet. Sometimes our craft appear as lights. These are not so much a literal depiction of our craft. They are only the traces, the remnants of energy plasmas, trace effects of our presence. It is not a literal representation of what our craft look like. They are more physical in nature, but the sensory perceptions of humans often see only traces or glimpses of something anomalous to them. They do not have the full range of sight to see a literal depiction. Part of this is deliberate to conceal our presence so that we do not disrupt or distract, but some elements of our presence are more difficult to conceal than other elements.

For example, you built an early, crude, stealth aircraft to conceal itself from the radio spectrum that you call radar to make it ‘invisible’ in that wavelength. However, you sometimes have more difficulty in concealing the heat emanating from your propulsion systems. Sometimes an infrared trace is more visible than a radar trace. At the same time, your craft are still visible to the human eye. Though it is not complete invisibility, our craft are more comprehensive in their ability to conceal themselves. However, the principles and the problems are not dissimilar. Some elements detectable by your human senses can be concealed more than others.

Therapist:  The craft that you are using in that region, what would be the average size?

Zetas:  They average only about 60 to 100 feet across. They are moderate-size vehicles. We have some that are much larger. It depends upon the distance. We also have many smaller ones. These are unoccupied in a physical sense, but our consciousness occupies them. The size of the vehicle used is based on the task, like a range of instruments. The craft size is chosen by the ability the craft to carry out certain functions or missions and the internal volume required for the simple physical stature of certain species, including humans.

Therapist:  Do humans get rendered weightless at times?

Zetas:  We have certain built-in mechanisms to counteract tremendous inertias of acceleration forces. Part of this is a dimensional shift, as well as a physical shift. These often absorb much of the forces that neither you nor our species could survive.

Therapist:  Is that built into your physical being or to an additional structure?

Zetas:  Part of it is, to a degree, internal to us. We do not have the physiological handicaps of your species. Your species has not been exposed to such forces to enable you to adapt. Primarily, however, it is technological, built into the craft to counteract the forces. When viewed from the outside, the tremendous acceleration of speed of receding and approaching would probably alarm you at first, particularly when approaching a planet or object, as if we were going to collide. Receding from a planet can be very beautiful and astonishing. We are accustomed to this. For a human, it would be very thrilling at first. Yet you would feel no acceleration or gravitation forces. Our technology adjusts for this.

Therapist:  I imagine seeing just long, thin streaks of light.

Zetas:  As the speed of light is approached and exceeded, the form or streaks eventually disappear. They also shift in frequency, as you call the Doppler Effect. This is understood. At the speeds that we operate, the Doppler Effect becomes much more pronounced and can be quite astonishing.

Therapist:  I am sure there are other effects that we are not fully aware of, yet.

Zetas:  There are time effects. The speed can create time displacement. In the same presence, it remains the same, but surrounding us, linear time does slow down. Time becomes meaningless. Aging, as you understand it, becomes meaningless.

Therapist: We have talked about the effects on the mind, the shifts in time.

Zetas:  Time cannot be separated from space. Each is an integral factor with the other and its effects or shifts.

Therapist:  We would run the two words together --’ timespace.’

Zetas:  That is a realistic fact of existence. The two are interchangeable. Speed becomes meaningless. As space bends, it no longer represents a given rate between two points. Often, time is not linear. From our perspective, it meanders, as its speed is increased or decreased. It is more fluid, yet it follows an inevitable path. It is very plastic, adaptable. It can be shaped, formed.

Therapist:  Yes. It is malleable.

Zetas:  Malleable. That is a perfect word. Time is malleable, as well a space.

Therapist:  I didn’t know about space being malleable.

Zetas:  Time and space are very malleable. Malleable is quite appropriate. This is part of the dynamics of our travels, just as aerodynamics are part of your flying machines. Our craft do not use aerodynamics, but use the physics of gravity, time, and space. They work just as effectively, much like words and music. These are two totally different forms, yet each sharing the commonality of sound to communicate. Yet they are totally different from one another, at the same time. We could not use aerodynamics for flight because it would be much too confining and limiting. Aerodynamics are very beautiful, but only appropriate within the confines of a planetary atmosphere. It would not function in interstellar space. We need something more universal and comprehensive.

Therapist:  It is almost time to close and, perhaps, next session, we can think about Socrates and his way of teaching and learning, which involved making provocative statements or stating a "so called"’ truth and just putting it out there for discussion.

Zetas:  We would welcome this.

Therapist:  I think we would all enjoy this. There are lots of things that we could ‘put out there.’

Zetas:  It also challenges us to ask more questions. The ‘question’ will be the new language. Socrates and his way of thought, we are not unfamiliar with this. Our interaction, which has reached a mature level of frankness in our friendship, would allow greater depth of discussion. This would be a new slant in trying to more fully explore our different realities, which are not so different. We exchange in thought only because we cannot be physically present. Physical presence is just another form of reality, as is the exchange of our thoughts that we engage in here.

Therapist:  Perhaps you will be able to come here physically before Steve and I need to depart this Earth.

Zetas:  Yes. We have considered this.

Therapist:  Steve is as happy with this process as am I. We stretch, we laugh, learn, and we share.

Zetas:  As humans on your earth ponder what life would be like on other worlds, I think if they knew what we enjoy here, it would not be as they anticipated. It is just different. I think they would be pleasantly surprised. Your movies express  a  phobia about life forms that are not the same as your life form, different appearances. They are merely a reflection of you. Most humans have no concept of an alien since they have not met one. I think, in time, this process will work toward that understanding in its own way.

Therapist:  Thank you so much for coming to visit and sharing with us.

Zetas:  We appreciate the importance that the three of us place on this. It is a continuing process, each with new revelations for all involved.

Therapist:  It helps me to help others, too.

Zetas:  We know that you are working with others who are confronted with stark, new changes. You help them become comfortable with those changes.  Those humans who seek your help find some measure of peace. Take satisfaction in knowing that you are doing a good service. Your work is effective in their lives. I can say this, knowing telepathically and seeing the effects, perhaps beyond what you are able to see. I feel your ability to see into their minds is far beyond normal human abilities, and I think you also find comfort in being able to take satisfaction that your work is meaningful and is effective. At this time, I will let go and close.

Therapist:  Thank you, Han. Namaste.


Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist 

Your questions are welcome.

Sunday, November 20, 2016


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I by exploring the many interviews held with them. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books:  Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II, which are available at

Today's post examines artistic expression in a universal application, the complexities of time-space travel, the loss of diversity, entire populations exiting existence en masse, the joy of death, and Han experiencing an emotional stretch, as he contemplates how new beings experience their initial interaction with life.

Therapist:  Do you think the artistic drive might be universal?

Zetas:  Yes. It is not just sentient beings that react in complex ways to their surroundings. They wish to emulate and record the sophisticated impressions that are absorbed by the senses. The art is the impressions that are expressed in a physical/material sense. The impressions create thoughts. The thoughts are processed and re-expressed back, a reflection of those expressions that have meaning to the creator that he/she wishes to express. What they feel is significant to them. The expression is necessary in the Universe. It is a natural part of good health in a mental, physical, and spiritual sense. It is the soul responding and reacting to its surroundings.

Without that particular aspect, the soul would not be able to experiment fully with its environment. The term ‘restructuring’ came to mind. It might also be a good word in describing space, with time being described as malleable and space having the capacity to be restructured. Would that be an accurate or reasonable description?

We travel by leaping or hopping from one time to another. You are tied to linear time. We can take many elevated paths that overlap and cross different times and space. We have more options with time than perhaps you do. You have the same physical time and space that we do, but we have recognized, by our technological abilities, that we can leap across time and space in our journeys. We travel great distances in a short time. The development of this technology is a side effect of that desire or purpose. I am limited in this description. Steve is struggling. It is not his fault.

Therapist:  I am going to think about it some more in light of what you just told me.

Zetas:  In another area of discussion, I am concerned with how your species, in its dominance, has oppressed or made other species extinct. Part of this is the natural evolution of species becoming extinct because they no longer seem to form the ability to survive. Some of this is sometimes accelerated by other species, such as yours, by displacing them to the point where they can no longer survive. Perhaps, to a certain extent, this is just the natural path of evolution. At other times, we are concerned, as you are, at the loss of diversity. Diversity creates more opportunity for advancement.

Therapist:  You are on a subject matter that I wanted to ask you about.

Zetas:  It is more a rhetorical question.

Therapist:  (Therapist laughs.)

Zetas:  We will answer as best we can.

Therapist:  I assume that, from time-to-time, you have seen various species decide to vacate their physical bodies en masse, doing it intentionally, to no longer exist in the physical form.

Zetas:  They transform their energy of life. It becomes, in a way, more specialized, more pure energy.

Therapist:  That is, of course, different from a species annihilating part of itself because it needs to reduce its population. We are aware of that. I am speaking of those species that intend to bring the juncture of their physical life to a complete close, self-imposed. Have you seen that?

Zetas:  We understand. Some diseased planets have become over-populated. The inhabitants are no longer able to acquire the basic, necessary elements of life to sustain themselves. Their resources are exhausted. The population will decrease where the number of deaths will surpass the number of births. The population will diminish, sometimes dramatically. This is a concern we have for humans. It is commendable how long you have survived in this manner. Due to your concepts of individuality, you do not have a broader, social context regarding your whole population. You fail to see how individuality can have cumulative effects.

Therapist:  There is one way that we (humans) are all connected. When people know they are near death, almost all of them reach out to their spiritual side. In that moment, they have a commonality with all of humanity, recognizing that we are connected by virtue of being spiritual.

Zetas:  The spiritual beyond is important and is quite real. It does exist. In each, when approaching that time when they relinquish their physical bodies, there is an anticipation and an expectation of how their consciousness will continue in this new medium. I can assure that it does. Perhaps it exists in a way that you may not anticipate, but one that you can take comfort in. It is one that I think you should not fear. It is a change. It is also one of release, of unexpected freedom. I think this is the best description. I think you would enjoy this freedom. You would not be confined by a physical body. Even time and space will not confine you. You will find great happiness and astonishment in the traits of intellect and emotion. These will be unbound. Take heart in this.

Therapist:  I have no doubts whatsoever about it. One soul described it as like ‘taking off a tight old shoe.’ The wonderful release!

Zetas:  There is an unfettered state of being, a kind of freedom. It is like the happiness of a child when he runs free and naked around the house. There is this sense of no inhibition or shame or embarrassment. It is freedom and release from the confines of certain social restraints. It is hard to explain, but it involves emotions again, so my ‘painter's palette’ does not have the words or colors to explain this. It is unfettered.

Therapist:  We do have a term. It is called ‘joyous abandonment.’

Zetas:  (Han laughs.) I am now thinking of this. Part of my pleasure in interacting  with  you is learning these  new  expressions. You stretch my emotional range. I feel like a prisoner in myself. I have that community I keep referring to. It is the security and freedom that I have, yet you inject thoughts that give happiness that we are unaccustomed to. They are not heretical. They are just new, and you make me feel, in my old age, quite young. It is a pleasure to explore this with you. Perhaps in our evolution, we were once like this. We have lost this. We need to be reminded of this. I am grateful for you.

Therapist:  Thank you very much. 

Han, the Zeta:  In my emotional responses I am stretched in these sessions that we enjoy together. I am what I am feeling, thinking, and I have happiness.

Therapist:  I hope that the happiness that I have is infectious for you.

Han, the Zeta:  I am learning to be happy. It is not that I am unhappy, but the happiness is brought, as I understand, as an infant is seeing a new world with wonderment. Our children also enjoy the newness of reality.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Your questions are welcome.

Sunday, November 13, 2016


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I by exploring the many interviews held with them. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books:  Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II, which are available at

Today's blog asks for and receives answers that any scientist would like to know upon first encountering beings from Zeta Reticuli: How do the Zetas maintain continuity and still stay open to change? How do Zetas see in the dark? What percentage of their bodies is water? What is the importance of silicon in their evolution? Most astounding, what do the Zetas see when they enter our human minds?   

Therapist:  Because your species has had a long history of continuity, is change a concern for your species?

Zetas:  What an excellent question! Continuity can be a backstop, which we can always retreat to from our explorations of what is new. Then, we can choose what we wish to continue in a new way, remembering the old. In our psyche, we are more liberal in exploring new ideas. Our telepathic thoughts give us access to many concepts and thoughts that are shared intellectually, though it is almost like a beehive of thoughts and new concepts that are constantly explored, much like your colleges and universities where new ideas are examined and experimented with in many, many fields,  Our society is like this. It is in cultivating that beautiful garden of thoughts that there is a strong desire to change, but this is only so because we have the security and continuity to retreat to. If the new way fails, we can still adopt the old patterns. I guess we have the security to explore the new ways, knowing that we still have the old ways to fall back on. They are not in conflict because our telepathic abilities understand and put each in its proper proportion.

We are not steadfast. We are open and adaptable to new ideas. The time-honored old ways, each has their merit, too. These ways have withstood the test of time, and they are reliable. Maybe the inability to use telepathic thought to fully express more comprehensively the notions that we enjoy that humans lack, creates this misunderstanding, and often creates strife between humans about old and new ways. Our exchange is freer and less fearful of change. Knowing that our concept of time is, as you say, malleable, we live more for the moment. Old ways are not as old and new ideas are not as new as you might think.  We see value in what has a practical function for our world. I am hoping that I am not rambling.

Therapist:  Do your eyes make a noticeable adjustment when you shift to accommodate different levels of light?

Zetas:  Our range of light gathering can be adjusted. It is partially done with the lens, adjusting the amount of light so it is not so glaring. The dark is never too dark. Our experiences and perceptions are very wide. Using our telepathic connections, we can see through human eyes to know and experience the human range of reality. It is not as wide as the perceptions we enjoy. There is something with our eyes being relatively larger that gives us the ability to gather more light.

Therapist:  That is a very nice ability to be able to see through the eyes of another species. It is something I had not thought about, but now I can see how that would work.

Zetas:  We can see through the perceptions of others. It also helps in knowing how to conceal ourselves, too. When considered, it helps us to understand how others view their reality. We can join with them in their view of the Universe. We look with respect on that. It is one of understanding.

Therapist:  My thoughts turned to water and its importance to life.  Han became aware of my thought and remarked, ‘I am dipping my hand into the water and pouring it out.’  I will always be grateful for water and that it is part of life, in its many states.

Zetas:  As it is with us, too. As I mentioned, we are partly silicon- based, but we appreciate the importance of water as the basis from which much life is created. It provides the medium for much life in the Universe, not all life, but it provides a ready base for life. This we have noticed in our many travels. I am speaking more philosophically. The setting creates this philosophical function (mood).

Therapist:  What percentage of your body makeup is water?

Zetas:  Our bodies are similar to yours, only less so in water.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Your questions are invited. 

Sunday, November 6, 2016


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I by exploring the many interviews held with them. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books:  Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II, which are available at

Today's blog provides deeper insights into why the Zetas find us puzzling. They find it worthwhile to study our emotional makeup, our souls, our prayers, and our general desire for peace. This therapist requested that Han, the Zeta, ask me a question rather than having me ask all the questions. (One can deduce something about people be analyzing the questions they ask.) 

Han, the Zeta: I am searching for a question to submit to you. I am sensing that I have been inadequate in this.

(Therapist laughs.) I wouldn’t use the word ‘inadequate.’ 

Zetas:  In monitoring the human condition, I see such a great range of emotion that we lack. I see great happiness and great despair. The range is much broader. It can be a little frightening to us. It is a painter’s palette. You have many more colors with which to express yourselves that we lack. How do you cope with managing such a large range of emotions?

Therapist:  With a great deal of work. Not everyone is able to manage it.

Zetas:  In some of our interactions, we have encountered this. We are astonished and amazed. Sometimes, I am trying to find the word, it is what makes you human.

Therapist:  Is it our unpredictable nature that is unnerving for you?

Zetas:  Partly. The unexpected is because the emotions can change quickly, and you react in unexpected ways. I am sure that, for humans, this is compounded because of your inability to use telepathic communication, yet. I can see how misunderstandings form between individuals or whole nations and can become a problem. It requires skills of communication that we have taken for granted. Our telepathic ability enables us to see through others with clarity and honesty. The thoughts, motives, and intentions of others are much more explicit to us. It must be difficult, at times, to create understanding among yourselves.

Therapist:  It can be and that is why a conversation can be called a kind of ‘dance.’

Zetas:  We see relationships. Some are emotional/sexual. Others are intellectual. We have noticed that there are many contexts for your communication. At times, it can be in harmony. Other times, it can be in great disharmony. It is easier for us to communicate and understand than it is for humans. However, if this is the only reality you know, it is what is comfortable for you. For us, at times, it seems very uncomfortable and requires patience, since we know of another way. We see in you, the importance of individuality. This is all you have, all you know. The concept of an individual is less defined for us than it is for humans. It is quite different for us, and it creates social dynamics that are similar, yet quite different. I see your understanding of this. Your explanation is helpful. One thing that baffles me is how you are able to get along as well as you do. It is something intangible within the human soul that gives us hope, that in spite of your limitations, you wish to live in peace among each other.

Therapist:  Very much.

Zetas:  It is gives us great comfort and demonstrates why we wish to remain in contact with you. Though we are different, we are the same. There is a universal beauty in the desire, with other forms of life, for respect and consideration that we see in you, despite your limitations, that is quite heartening to us. Heartening is a foreign word to us, but it is the closest I can find in this situation.

Therapist:  For human beings to survive, we are genetically programmed to cooperate.

Zetas:  You need each other. We need each other in our species, too.

Therapist:  Yes. That overrides the desire for dominance, not by much, but it does override it.

Zetas:  Dominance comes from the fear of being deprived of what is necessary to live. Once trust is formed, interaction can develop, then understanding that there is mutual desire to survive. Through cooperation, this can be fulfilled. It is a universal thing that we understand, too. It is simply what must happen, if all are to survive. Cooperation is of mutual benefit. Our species will learn to interact with your species on this very rudimentary level, but one that is quite complex to intermesh. Parts of our learning about you, as you are learning about us, is to find those connections and mutual similarities. We can adapt these similarities for closer understanding, knowing there are differences and similarities. One can be mutually stimulating and of benefit to the other. We can learn so much from your emotional makeup. That is not the right word. These are words that I try to comprehend.

Therapist:  It is all right. I understand.

Zetas:  We see beauty in it, yet we see how it has been a great motivator (emotion) of your species for many things.

Therapist:  It intensifies life.

Zetas:  It intensifies your reality. It gives both pleasure and despair. It is a ’richness’ of life. Our life is one of contentment, unity in numbers. You have this, but less so. You have more the strength of the individual. Each has a range of emotions at his disposal to express himself. There is more dramatic, vivid contrast. Our emotional life, compared to yours, is more like shades of gray. You have a wider range of ‘color’ frequencies, to use that analogy, that are quite vivid. Our life is continuity, over a long period. Your lives, being short, are quite traumatic.

Therapist:  They need to be for us to evolve.

Zetas:  You are adapting quickly. Part of your emotional makeup is an essential part of this process to stimulate and to develop ‘growing pains’ to move you forward.

(Therapist laughs.) That is a good expression.

Zetas:  There are also ‘growing pleasures,’ as well as ‘growing pains.’ This is what astonishes us and frightens us sometimes, when it is connected to your technological development. It is your connection of emotion with technology that is of concern. Nuclear weapons and passion need to be separated. We know that you are intelligent enough to distinguish the difference as well. This is a stark example I give you. I was trying to answer your question about what frightens us.

Therapist:  It frightens us all.

Zetas:  It frightens everyone. Misunderstanding is a rare experience in our culture. Your culture is often fraught with misunderstanding. This must be sad, to be misunderstood.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC

Your questions are invited.