
Sunday, October 23, 2016


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I by exploring the many interviews held with them. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books:  Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II, which are available at

Today's blog covers surprising life forms discovered by the Zetas, how and why time travel affects spacefaring species, how multiple dimensions have distinct purposes and support each other, and how families of galaxies share invisible tree-like structures. If you like to explore the larger cosmos, you will be fascinated by the perspectives shared by the Zetas.

Therapist:  The Universe will always be more than I can grasp, but I am glad it is that way. Would you care to tell us about another species that you have come across that was particularly interesting to you?

Zetas:  We have spoken about a consciousness that has become energy and is unencumbered with a physical body. They are waves and can travel by mere thought, in a quantum way, where they can instantaneously be in different places at the same time. It is not omnipresence. These life forms were once misidentified by us in our initial contact. We felt that they were a mere physical phenomenon that was undiscovered. Then we began to realize, when our minds made contact, that there was consciousness, wisdom, and intelligence. It was life and consciousness existing on this dimensional plane.

Therapist:  Do they emit light or did you find them through other means?

Zetas:  Our science discovered their energy and, only soon after, we began to realize that they were living forms. This represented to us a higher level of evolutionary development. Perhaps it is what we will all ultimately achieve one day. It gave us a glimpse of our future, perhaps the way you look to us as a glimpse of one possible future. In turn, we look at this species as a possible higher level of evolutionary development.

Therapist:  From what you are describing to me, it seems to be a kind of spiritual gestalt.

Zetas:  Yes.

Therapist:  I think we will all be there, sooner or later.

Zetas:  It could be a misinterpretation. What is to some spiritual might be, just given enough time, a mere expression of a higher-level physical manifestation that we do not yet understand in our physics. The term ‘mere’ is inappropriate. There is nothing insignificant about these beings. They are benign and are fully engaged in the processes of the Universe.

Therapist:  Our sense of what is ‘physical,’ may have to modified. There may be other types of physicality.

Zetas:  The context of what constitutes life is constantly revised and modified. As life is explored, new realities are discovered. The range of the spectrum of what life is will broaden.

Therapist:  Since we are talking about ranges of life, what are some of the larger systems that you have come across in this Universe? I am not talking about a galaxy but a form with a consciousness.

Zetas:  There are families or groups of galaxies that often move together. Our galaxy is one such. We exist in the same galaxy. Surrounding the galaxy that we share, there are a number of others. As we move together, expanding outward, there are larger concepts that Steve is trying to take in. It is a dark void that has energies that exist in other dimensions that coincide with our dimension. They contribute a structure to the Universe that is beyond galaxies. It is as if one feels a body and is unable to see the invisible, skeletal structure. This skeletal structure of the Universe, to use that analogy, exists in a multi-dimensional form. These are larger structures. They seem less defined by your science, but also exist. Imagine the galaxies like individual leaves on a large tree, but the trees of the individual galaxies are invisible. These ‘trees’ provide structure in relation to everything else. It is thus defined. I am trying to provide the best interpretation. The alternate dimension provides a function in our dimension. Dimensions are not separate from each other. They each coexist and provide strength and structure, each leaning on the other, each co-dependent. Multiple dimensions are not random, existing on their own. Each has a purpose, supporting the other, that makes the Universe that we understand possible.

Therapist:  Would the same collection of dimensions exist across the Universe or do they tend to be unique to a galaxy?

Zetas:  These are very abstract concepts. They are best expressed in describing them as I have done here.

Therapist:  Time travelers, those who travel extensively, do you think it may have an effect on them?

Zetas:  Is it debilitating?

Therapist:  Well, could it be debilitating? That is my question.

Zetas:  There are effects. Debilitating is one interpretation. I am plucking a thought from Steve. He is thinking, ‘Do time travelers have jet lag?'

(Therapist laughs.)

Zetas:  I am pushing the thought back, affectionately. Yes. Once time travel is possible, there are many new possibilities and paradoxes that need to be confronted with time, once the time travelers have grown accustomed to this. It is debilitating to the mind, and it requires wisdom and respect of time and its effects on reality. It is confounding. It can be daunting to an advanced mind, even ours. It could seem very confusing and full of paradoxes. Time affects all things, from the largest elements, down to the smallest elements in the Universe in their interactions. Across linear time, there is a logical progression. No. It is not logical, just understood. We can see into the future, to a limited extent. we do not have the ability to see far into the future, but only to a limited extent. It can be quite profound, even for us. In interaction with the larger elements, this is just the normal evolution of space in the Universe. When time travel affects individuals, it can become very complex, if one chooses to focus on such details.

Therapist:  Do you think it shortens the life expectancy of the physical form?

Zetas:  It can cause a strain to the mental capacity, which affects other capacities. Time travel can be like a sponge. We can draw away from the effects of time travel, but one could become quite preoccupied with it. Time travel is one means we use to travel. In a sense, it is also the way you travel around your globe among the different time zones. You are traveling in time, yet each is sharing the same linear time but from a different point of view along the same thought that passes at the same rate as for everyone else. There are certain nuances that can be uncomfortable. I guess ‘jet lag’ is not an inaccurate term, after all, although it is not literal jet lag. It is a preoccupation of thought that may be an issue. Many ignore it. There are no direct physiological effects from it.

Therapist:  Do you think that jet lag comes from our minds and causes a physical response? I am curious about why we even have it.

Zetas:  Your species, and our species, too, have certain rhythms that have developed in our evolution. These are cycles that have been programmed into us because of the environment in which we live. The passage of seasons, the passage of stars across our sky, these become connected in an unconscious way. The cycle of life, its rhythms, we are predisposed for this. When time travel is introduced, shortcuts or side roads can be explored. The natural biorhythms can seem confused and disrupted. One can detach oneself, but it depends upon the degree and the effects of interactions on other life forms where it can be confusing, even for our species. There is a side effect of our time travel, but one should not dwell on it too much. I guess this is the best way to express it. Time appears to revolve around the traveler from their perceptions, like viewing the Universe through a concave lens.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Your questions are welcome.

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