
Sunday, May 29, 2016


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I and explore the interviews. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetas by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Books are available on

Today's blog touches on the planetary societies who refuse to believe in life outside of their planet(s). The next question addresses the essence of life itself by asking about nature, its definition, function, and intent.  Please take the time to read about these important, fundamental concepts.

Therapist:  Do many planetary societies live in the denial of life outside of their own planets?

Zetas:  We had known such things, and even in our scientific society, such worlds to ponder can be confounding. There are many of your scientists who refuse to believe that I exist. Moreover, there are other worlds that have scientists that probably believe that you do not exist, Mary. Yet we know different.

Therapist:  It flies in the face of logic to think there is no other life.

Zetas:  I agree. To us, life in the Universe is a simple fact, like respiration, exchanging gasses between our bodies with an atmosphere. Dogma is the fear of change from a comfortable reality to an unfamiliar one. There is nothing to fear in gaining knowledge. Religion is a closed, inward looking view of the Universe. It fulfills an emotional need, but it is inward focused, and it desires only to survive in its present state, without change.

Therapist:  It is conservation of energy.

Zetas:  Science thrives on change. It reevaluates and revises old ideas as new knowledge replaces it. It does not forget the knowledge of the past. Science merely adapts and incorporates new knowledge. It constantly evolves. Science, in your world and in our culture, has offered many blessings. It is not by science alone that we live, but it is a significant part. Its significance cannot be denied in our culture and in the Universe.

Therapist:  How would you define ‘nature?’

Zetas:  There is a physical existence for nature. Existence is nature. There is also a life force of all living things and many nonliving things that form a beautiful wave of harmony. It is an invisible force that we can take comfort in. It is also a very violent force as nature goes its own course. It is what it is, and we must respect and abide in the force behind it. But many living things, cumulatively or collectively, contribute to this, which the Universe calls nature. It is not just a spiritual concept, but also a resonating vibration that exists beyond most human senses. It almost has a consciousness of its own in dealing with forces of the Universe. Some are very beautiful. Some are forces of great violence. Also, from the backwaters of this violence comes great, new life and wonder.

Therapist:  I pick up a ‘purpose’ with this concept. There seems to be a purpose behind it.

Zetas:  It does have a purpose and intent. Primarily, it exalts life and pursues its own path to see that life flourishes in the Universe.

Therapist:  That is quite a subject that we could ponder forever.

Zetas:  It is a profound and very deep pathway for thought and contemplation. Many things that you imagine about nature we can probably also relate to at a very fundamental level.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CLC, CBT
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Feel free to submit questions.

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