
Sunday, May 22, 2016


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I and explore the interviews. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetas by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Books are available on

Today's blog explores some unique questions, such as how mathematics apply in the dream state, dreams as a form of communication, how the Zetas protect themselves from sorrow, and how humans are unprotected when a loved one disappears because humans have no community of mind. Enjoy these rare insights.

Therapist:  Since we are talking about the dimension of dreams, do you think that mathematics applies as part of the construction in the dream state?

Zetas:  I have never pondered that question. In my scientific thinking, I arbitrarily want to say that mathematics can apply anywhere. I must pause and reconsider whether that is still the case in dreams. It is an intriguing question. It can, in an indirect way, in that dreams often reflect reality and, in reality, there is mathematics. However, the equations in a dream do not always have to be a precise answer. It can be the wrong answer and be correct in a dream, and a correct answer can be wrong in dream. It has no reference to a physical application in reality. Because dreams often do not reflect reality, they have their own rules and their own path.

Therapist:  Perhaps, sometime, we can look at what kind of rules might apply in the dream state. That might be an interesting area of inquiry.

Zetas:  Dreams have many unexpected results, and it is what makes the dreams that come from us so interesting. Because dreams do not operate by the same rules, it creates a sense of freedom. However, it is a freedom that can be frightening because the basis for reality does not always apply in dreams. We have often used dreams in our communication with humans, placing thoughts in them, but it is not a precise form of communication. It is more one of leaving lasting impressions than specific messages. We have noticed this.

Therapist:  How do you protect yourself from the sorrow?

Zetas:  We try not to protect ourselves. However, this is not a completely truthful statement because we are also inter-connected telepathically, and the sorrow can be shared and dispersed. It is not fair to say we can face sorrow bluntly. Maybe our own species has a way in sharing that sorrow in that we can console one another. We experience both the feeling of happiness as well as sorrow from loss of a life. There are other causes for sorrow. Our instincts are similar to yours in what you react to emotionally.  We may only react to different degrees.

Therapist:  For us, a sorrow, perhaps greater than the death of a loved one, is the disappearance of a loved one, particularly a child. There is often no resolution. It is ongoing throughout the entire life of the family. It creates a terrible sense of foreboding in not knowing what has happened to the loved one, and one is never being able to put the task of trying to find that person to rest.

Zetas:  For the human there is no resolution. They are trapped. They feel the need for hope that they might find their lost loved one. It is a hope that may never be resolved. I often wish I could communicate about some who have disappeared. Some live separate lives, still within the midst of those who feel the loss. They have been taken, in some cases, against their will. Through their survival techniques, they have dealt with their kidnapping by adapting to the only reality they know.  They may be alive and not far away. A family can still be unaware of this and can feel the great loss. It is a curious situation because humans have no community of mind that, in our society, would prevent such a kidnapping because each would know of the other. One could not be physically kept away from another if they chose to be together. It is the isolation that we understand, but we  are confounded by this. I often wish I could intercede and enlighten by leaving clues so others can find each other in your absence of a telepathic community.

Therapist:  Yes. It would relieve so much suffering.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Your questions are welcome.

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