
Sunday, May 29, 2016


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I and explore the interviews. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetas by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Books are available on

Today's blog touches on the planetary societies who refuse to believe in life outside of their planet(s). The next question addresses the essence of life itself by asking about nature, its definition, function, and intent.  Please take the time to read about these important, fundamental concepts.

Therapist:  Do many planetary societies live in the denial of life outside of their own planets?

Zetas:  We had known such things, and even in our scientific society, such worlds to ponder can be confounding. There are many of your scientists who refuse to believe that I exist. Moreover, there are other worlds that have scientists that probably believe that you do not exist, Mary. Yet we know different.

Therapist:  It flies in the face of logic to think there is no other life.

Zetas:  I agree. To us, life in the Universe is a simple fact, like respiration, exchanging gasses between our bodies with an atmosphere. Dogma is the fear of change from a comfortable reality to an unfamiliar one. There is nothing to fear in gaining knowledge. Religion is a closed, inward looking view of the Universe. It fulfills an emotional need, but it is inward focused, and it desires only to survive in its present state, without change.

Therapist:  It is conservation of energy.

Zetas:  Science thrives on change. It reevaluates and revises old ideas as new knowledge replaces it. It does not forget the knowledge of the past. Science merely adapts and incorporates new knowledge. It constantly evolves. Science, in your world and in our culture, has offered many blessings. It is not by science alone that we live, but it is a significant part. Its significance cannot be denied in our culture and in the Universe.

Therapist:  How would you define ‘nature?’

Zetas:  There is a physical existence for nature. Existence is nature. There is also a life force of all living things and many nonliving things that form a beautiful wave of harmony. It is an invisible force that we can take comfort in. It is also a very violent force as nature goes its own course. It is what it is, and we must respect and abide in the force behind it. But many living things, cumulatively or collectively, contribute to this, which the Universe calls nature. It is not just a spiritual concept, but also a resonating vibration that exists beyond most human senses. It almost has a consciousness of its own in dealing with forces of the Universe. Some are very beautiful. Some are forces of great violence. Also, from the backwaters of this violence comes great, new life and wonder.

Therapist:  I pick up a ‘purpose’ with this concept. There seems to be a purpose behind it.

Zetas:  It does have a purpose and intent. Primarily, it exalts life and pursues its own path to see that life flourishes in the Universe.

Therapist:  That is quite a subject that we could ponder forever.

Zetas:  It is a profound and very deep pathway for thought and contemplation. Many things that you imagine about nature we can probably also relate to at a very fundamental level.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CLC, CBT
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Feel free to submit questions.

Sunday, May 22, 2016


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I and explore the interviews. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetas by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Books are available on

Today's blog explores some unique questions, such as how mathematics apply in the dream state, dreams as a form of communication, how the Zetas protect themselves from sorrow, and how humans are unprotected when a loved one disappears because humans have no community of mind. Enjoy these rare insights.

Therapist:  Since we are talking about the dimension of dreams, do you think that mathematics applies as part of the construction in the dream state?

Zetas:  I have never pondered that question. In my scientific thinking, I arbitrarily want to say that mathematics can apply anywhere. I must pause and reconsider whether that is still the case in dreams. It is an intriguing question. It can, in an indirect way, in that dreams often reflect reality and, in reality, there is mathematics. However, the equations in a dream do not always have to be a precise answer. It can be the wrong answer and be correct in a dream, and a correct answer can be wrong in dream. It has no reference to a physical application in reality. Because dreams often do not reflect reality, they have their own rules and their own path.

Therapist:  Perhaps, sometime, we can look at what kind of rules might apply in the dream state. That might be an interesting area of inquiry.

Zetas:  Dreams have many unexpected results, and it is what makes the dreams that come from us so interesting. Because dreams do not operate by the same rules, it creates a sense of freedom. However, it is a freedom that can be frightening because the basis for reality does not always apply in dreams. We have often used dreams in our communication with humans, placing thoughts in them, but it is not a precise form of communication. It is more one of leaving lasting impressions than specific messages. We have noticed this.

Therapist:  How do you protect yourself from the sorrow?

Zetas:  We try not to protect ourselves. However, this is not a completely truthful statement because we are also inter-connected telepathically, and the sorrow can be shared and dispersed. It is not fair to say we can face sorrow bluntly. Maybe our own species has a way in sharing that sorrow in that we can console one another. We experience both the feeling of happiness as well as sorrow from loss of a life. There are other causes for sorrow. Our instincts are similar to yours in what you react to emotionally.  We may only react to different degrees.

Therapist:  For us, a sorrow, perhaps greater than the death of a loved one, is the disappearance of a loved one, particularly a child. There is often no resolution. It is ongoing throughout the entire life of the family. It creates a terrible sense of foreboding in not knowing what has happened to the loved one, and one is never being able to put the task of trying to find that person to rest.

Zetas:  For the human there is no resolution. They are trapped. They feel the need for hope that they might find their lost loved one. It is a hope that may never be resolved. I often wish I could communicate about some who have disappeared. Some live separate lives, still within the midst of those who feel the loss. They have been taken, in some cases, against their will. Through their survival techniques, they have dealt with their kidnapping by adapting to the only reality they know.  They may be alive and not far away. A family can still be unaware of this and can feel the great loss. It is a curious situation because humans have no community of mind that, in our society, would prevent such a kidnapping because each would know of the other. One could not be physically kept away from another if they chose to be together. It is the isolation that we understand, but we  are confounded by this. I often wish I could intercede and enlighten by leaving clues so others can find each other in your absence of a telepathic community.

Therapist:  Yes. It would relieve so much suffering.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Your questions are welcome.

Sunday, May 15, 2016


Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetas by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Books are available on

Enjoy this fascinating inquiry into the dream state of the Zetas.  These are never-before-asked questions and answers. From the Zeta perspective, shared dreams, living inside the dream state, energy beings, negative hosts (psychic vampires) are examined in today's post.

Therapist:  We have talked a little bit about dreams. Have you ever encountered a species whose entire existence lives only inside of the dream state?

Zetas:  I have spoken in the past about shared dreams. Some of our species have developed a method of concentration and discipline to direct dreams to be shared. This is due to the natural biology of our brains, which enables us to concentrate and, at the same time, ignore what could be considered a din of information. The thoughts coming in every second from millions of beings would be maddening, if this was not controlled. Just as many of your species have focused in mediation, we have used techniques to guide and direct our thoughts to specific beings or addresses.

Some of our species occasionally wish to escape our reality and just exist in a dream state. They do not create the consciousness (of the dream state) but do this to enjoy the unconscious thoughts of others, which we also enjoy consciously. In an unconscious state, the same dreams can be shared. Using that discipline, they can create very unusual worlds and realities. Some would prefer to remain in their dreams permanently. I have often wondered about humans when their brains rest to the point where the brain is at risk of damaging itself. I wonder about the dreams that may occur in that state. While some of our species will escape (to the dream state) inevitably, they must return if they are to exist and interact in a physical way. In our culture, with correct instruction and discipline, some of our species create other worlds or realities in their minds and interact with others. In our open-mindedness in exploring new ideas, we often will challenge which is the real reality.

Therapist:  That is sometimes hard to tell.

Zetas:  It can be a separate reality.

Therapist:  There are, of course, different kinds of dreams, some of which are so intense that waking up from them is a shock to the system. I do understand. Do you think that dreams can stand alone without a physical species creating them?

Zetas:  As pure energy, separate unto itself?

Therapist:  Perhaps they could be created by pure energy beings.

Zetas:  There are energy beings. Most are good by your and our moral standards. Some, however, exist on the energies of others. Some will create fear and harvest that negative energy to draw upon it. For many species, including humans, fear is a strong and dynamic force. Also, there are many who are more benign and try to create very beneficial atmospheres of energy. But there are many energy beings that exist solely as energy. Some of the selfish ones will exploit the emotional energies that they create in their hosts for their own purpose.

Therapist:  We have a name for them. We call them psychic vampires when they come and steal energy.

Zetas:  This is true. We have other names but, in effect, they are the same. Negative hosts, is what we call them. Those in our species who experience other realities within their vivid dreams contend with such negative hosts. These are not what you refer to as nightmares, but separate conscious entities of energy. There are both predators and benevolent energy beings. Some of our dreaming entities may occasionally interact with them, regardless of which reality they choose. 

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC

Feel free to submit questions.

Sunday, May 8, 2016


Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetas by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Books are available on

In today's blog, the Zetas discuss why their craft sometimes appear nearby when a human loses a child due to sudden death syndrome. The most common cause of the syndrome is explained. The dynamic effects of mineral related, magnetic fields, human prayer, and telepathy are discussed. The Zetas explain the flight dynamics involved in large, moving bird flocks and schools off fish..

Therapist:  What is the cause of sudden death syndrome in infants?

Zetas:  It is caused by blocked respiration due to the infant’s sleeping position. This can cause deprivation of oxygen to its lungs and to its brain. It is, in some ways, due to the sleeping positions of the infants.

Therapist:  If pre-birth oxygen was insufficient, I could see how some infants might not be developed sufficiently to automatically shift their bodies as needed.

Zetas:  Most children have the involuntary instinct to adjust their body positions during their sleep patterns. Some brains are still developing and have not yet evolved that instinct to correct their positions. It is a very narrow window of that growth timeline. Some will tragically die just as their new developing minds form that instinct. It is part of human infant development. We feel the great sorrow of human parents for the loss of their offspring. We have often made appearances in our craft near such occasions when humans are under great emotional distress. There is an energy that radiates out that we can sense in our travels in your world. In our curiosity, we have often quietly approached to see the reason for such emotional distress. Some UFO witnesses will see our craft at such times when they are going through many difficult times in their lives. The loss of a loved one, or even, rarely, but not with the same intensity, an emotion of great happiness creates emotional peaks that will appear as pinpoints of energy. This will attract our attention, due to our telepathic abilities and our sensing of this energy. Also, out of natural curiosity in observing humans, we will have noticed this.

Therapist:  Our planet has a large magnetic field. I am wondering if that magnetic field ties into our consciousness from the standpoint of allowing human thoughts to move between persons, especially when involving a large number of people, for instance in prayer. Is the electromagnetic field involved in that process in any way?

Zetas:  Transporting thoughts?

Therapist:  Yes.

Zetas:  There are great mineral deposits in your planet. Iron and heavier minerals have formed in your world in abundance, compared to other planets. This creates more significant magnetic fields. These magnetic fields have a number of benefits. Some you are aware of them, others perhaps not. These magnetic fields assist in navigation of your species, the migration of birds and other creatures. These earth species have a perception that the 'advanced' human species tends to not detect. The magnetic fields have great nuances in creating a number of dynamic effects, such as in prayer or thoughts. They can create effects that you do not quite understand, yet. The last question was an interesting strain on Steve. He is okay, now. Excuse me.

Therapist:  When the birds fly together in flocks and fish swim so beautifully together in schools, how do they keep their distance so perfectly and not run into each other.

Zetas:  It is the function of the group, a group dynamic. One leader leads. The others follow the leader and trust where they are going. They also contribute collectively to navigation as a whole. They keep a certain practice in distance. 

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Feel free to submit questions.

Sunday, May 1, 2016


Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetas by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Books are available on

Today's blog looks at a couple of unifying theories about the beginning of the Universe. The Zetas comment on the work and outlook of Dr. Stephen Hawking and his desire to find a unifying theory in his lifetime. Hawking's belief that life ceases at death is discussed by the Zetas.

Therapist: You know of the scientist named Stephen Hawking and, of course, about his theories. 

Zetas: Yes.

Therapist: He has worked very hard to find a way of explaining the beginning of the Universe. He looks for a unifying theory. A number of theories abound. Two of these theories are:

1.  There is no beginning of the Universe. 

2.  The Universe was created by an alien species so advanced that it is indistinguishable 
     from nature. 

Zetas:  The latter is an appealing theory, and is in harmony with our earlier discussion.

Therapist:  There is another theory:  

3.  If the Universe is expanding then there must be a beginning and a boundary to pass time.

What relevant facts has Hawking overlooked in developing his theory that there is no beginning?

Zetas:  There are parallel Universes, which means, in analyzing that concept, that there were Universes prior to our Universe. The membrane between universes is permeable. Sometimes there are conditions where, amazingly, a new universe can be created. This means that time already existed at the initial creation of the Universe that you and I share. There are other universes, as well. The ultimate simple question is, ‘Where did the first universe come from?’ In a way, we go full circle and ask the same questions. We just have more doorways or layers to pass through to what, dimensionally, is the same ultimate question, again.

Therapist: The singularity.

Zetas:   Yes. The singularity. That is correct.

Therapist:  I don’t know why Dr. Hawking struggles so hard with this issue. Perhaps he doesn’t accept the idea of other universes. I don’t know.

Zetas:  He is an objective scientist. He would, if evidence showed it. He may not have that evidence to ponder at this time. He is also concerned with his life span, and he would like to give humanity the understanding that eluded Einstein’s queries. Hawking is running the same race with time to find the answer that eluded Albert Einstein. He feels tantalizingly close, and he would find great personal contentment if he could conclude his search, before his life ends, by solving the mystery of how the Universe operates.

Therapist:  I don’t think he believes in life after death. Perhaps that is part of the pressure.

Zetas:  Perhaps. We respect his beliefs. He may be pleasantly surprised that it may not be as he imagines. It may not be as anyone imagines it in your culture, but there is, as we both believe and understand, an energy that continues and recombines again after death. He is still racing against time. He would love to finally have that knowledge and understanding, even if he were able to come back in another form. It would be a cold feeling to end life and ‘know’ that it is a final ending, and life goes on without you. Life does go on in other forms. That is still a mystery to us. We can, through our telepathic abilities, get clues that this is true from the lingering links, as we call them, of past life energies that are left behind and move beyond. There is some circumstantial evidence that that is the case. I digress from the afterlife to the question you originally asked. He is racing against time for the unified theory.

Therapist:  I really think that if he knew how to do it, he could communicate with Albert Einstein.

Zetas:  Perhaps so.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Your questions are welcome.