Webpage link: http://www.aliensanswer.com to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Books are available on www.amazon.com.
Today's blog shares information about the 18 minutes of missing data on Richard Nixon's tape, the danger of asteroid Apophis and its trajectory toward earth, and how the Zetans view our questions and our relationship with them. Surprisingly, they tell me that they receive our questions with joy and sometimes with wonder.
Therapist: You
are familiar with a human named Richard Nixon? He has already passed.
Zetans: Yes. He is in your history and was a
political figure, a very complex individual.
Therapist: Why
did he have 18 minutes of a tape deleted? We call it the Watergate incident. Do
you know what it was that he needed to keep from the public?
Zetans: He had originally recorded his
conversations for historical purposes, as other Presidents had also done.
Lyndon Johnson recorded his conversations, but not to the same extent. He had a
suspicious nature, a part of this human’s personality. He felt very comfortable
with recording conversations of everything. There were some 18 minutes, which
could have been very incriminating, which he withheld regarding the re-election
campaign. Ironically, as a result, this also contributed to his political
downfall and the instability in the United States government at the time. There
were many political forces at work. Some were threatening. Some were comforting
to the United States people in that the political system they trusted in
worked. We observed that even a supreme leader, including a President, has to
be accountable. This was an interesting situation to observe. The 18 minutes
were not related to any off-world secrets, though they do exist and are
sequestered with great secrecy in a far place.
The day-to-day antics of politics in
Washington are separate from these secrets and the 18 minutes contained
material that reflected Nixon’s obsession to be re-elected. He determined that
it was very critical and necessary to the history of the United States to be
re-elected. He ruthlessly pursued, in an illegal way, some things that were
ethically incorrect where the end justified the means, a phrase you often use.
This is what we have observed anyway.
Therapist: It
primarily had to do with getting himself re-elected, I assume.
Zetans: This is what we interpret.
Therapist: I
believe there is an asteroid called Apophis, which is nearing the earth. They
expect it to come near the earth in 2029. The astronomers believe that if it
passes through a certain area in space called a ‘keyhole’ that it will send it
into the earth in 2036. Will Jupiter pull it away from an earth trajectory?
Zetans: The asteroid you mentioned is a
significant one. Apophis, as you named it, is not a very large asteroid in
relative size, but significant enough that if an impact with earth was to
occur, it might do serious damage. Other earth-impact events have occurred that
have caused near extinctions. At times, these impacts have combined with
periods of ice ages.
Your species has survived in ways that
perhaps you presently cannot imagine. These events have been recorded in your
geologic records. The orbital dynamics in approaching a field, a keyhole, does
not necessarily mean a change in orbital trajectory to create a collision.
Jupiter and other bodies can also affect it. The primary mitigation effect on
its orbit will be due to your sun’s solar wind and how it affects the
non-uniform tumbling shape of Apophis. Altering the objects reflectivity by a mere
percent can change its orbital path by one earth diameter over several of
Apophis’ orbits. We do not see it as a cause for alarm. If it should be, we can
make this object, in effect, disappear. We have too much invested in your world
to see it come into harm’s way. I am sure our motives, if seeming selfish,
would be for our mutual benefit.
Therapist: We
appreciate your telling us.
Zetans: Rest assured.
Therapist: That
answered my next question, which was, ‘How does your species deal with
asteroids about to endanger your own planet?’ It seems you are quite capable of
handling them.
Zetans: Asteroids are a fact of space. They are
the leftover debris of planet and solar system formation. The ‘scraps,’ you
might say. There are thousands of objects orbiting in your solar system in
various orbits. In our situation around our stars and many other stars, such
asteroids also exist. Your solar system is not unique in this. Our science has
the ability to dispose of these by altering their orbits, either rendering them
harmless or directing their orbits to eventually cause them to collide with the
star they orbit, with no consequence to that star.
Therapist: A
permanent solution.
Zetans: It is a permanent solution, as you say.
This takes care of the problem quite nicely.
Therapist: Thank
you for sharing that.
Zetans: You and Steve have both tasted the knowledge of the Universe, and it pleases you. You are hungry for more, as it should be. We celebrate this in you and the Hubble, which has provided that.
Therapist: Thank you. It is getting time for me to bring Steve back (from his deeply induced state of hypnosis). I apologize for having so many questions, but I don’t seem to have an end in sight. Thank you for your patience.
Zetans: It is not patience that is needed. It is joy in receiving the questions. I cannot tire of them. It is your time, and you will see it and apportion it to your needs. I am here to answer what I can. Know that some of the questions are considered by our species, too. We take home with us, you might say, some questions to ponder further. You have challenged our thoughts, too. It is not a need for patience, but one of anticipation in looking forward to further questions.
Therapist: Sometimes I feel like the child who never stops asking, ‘Why?’
Zetans: This is why children grow so rapidly and why humanity is growing so rapidly. We understand this. We are not the parents. We are an ally in sharing with you. We embrace and hold your hand, as we show you wonders around the Universe. We show you these things as a teacher, but also as a student. It is with this that we take you by the hand through a doorway, not as a parent or teacher, but as a fellow being in sharing in all that we also endeavor to comprehend.
The stars are coming out at your location, and it is with that harkening that I return to my star. We will meet again.
Therapist: (The Zetans often have a poetic and philosophical way of expression their thoughts.)
Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Your questions are invited.
Therapist: (The Zetans often have a poetic and philosophical way of expression their thoughts.)
Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Your questions are invited.
I was very interested in this. I read several posts. they know most of what "we know" , meaning, they seem to have the exact same information that our own scientists, government, reporters, etc have. They put their own words to it, but there is nothing new or revolutionary about their information. If you want to know the answers to your questions, read Jane Robert's Series of Books with Seth. Now that will blow your mind.
ReplyDeleteI am just wondering about the stuff that's been kept under wraps for many years now. The JFK plot, UFO's and our's and other Governments working with them, making deals, etc.They have been around much longer that us and they don't lie or deceive each other, so conspiricies are impossible. We are way behind them in development, which includes overall knowledge.