
Sunday, April 10, 2016


Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Books are available on

The spiritual perceptions of the Zetas continue: The concept of spirits finishing their life's work in the bodies of others, the ramifications of the "unfinished symphony," the startling frequency of "walk-ins," and a wounded soldier's spirit briefly stepping into this therapist's body. This are truly expansive concepts.

Therapist: We have found that some musicians from the past, who had not quite finished their musical works, have stepped into the bodies of others to continue on with their work.

Zetas: Yes. I was thinking of artists, but musicians, too. Musicians would be excellent an example, so we were thinking the same thing.

Therapist: It seems that the "Unfinished Symphony" may, in fact, get finished through this kind of process.

Zetas: The "Unfinished Symphony" is an unfinished allegory for many things. Life is often too short for the full expression of ambitions and gifts that may have longer gestation periods than life. Life can often interrupt this process. I wonder where humanity, without war, would be. There were many young people, the geniuses and the artists, who never had the opportunity to express their abilities. It would be understandable for these souls to wish to correct the misfortune of their early deaths that resulted in cutting off their flowering thoughts and creativity. It is not surprising they would wish to borrow others to express life through them. This is not a selfish act. It is correcting an injustice.

Therapist: In that same vein, there are people who sense that they are going to pass away, and they are relatively young. Sometimes there is an agreement between souls that, when one soul passes out of its body, another soul steps into that already adult body and takes over that life from that point on. It does create some really large changes in personality and often the end of a marriage, if there is one.

Zetas: These are concepts that are true and not well understood, yet. The body is merely a vessel that contains the soul and energies. Some religious books have touched on this. Humans do not fully comprehend the potential for this kind of occurrence, and it occurs often.

Therapist: Perhaps this happens a great deal during wartime. We do not know.

Zetas: Your perception is true.

Therapist: Once, I did have the energy of a soldier step into my physical body for a moment. I knew immediately that he was wandering and lost, and I sensed that half of his brain was gone from some war incident. I just acknowledged him, but I did not invite him to stay. I know they wander about.

Zetas: In a sense, I am probably influencing Steve in a similar way. It is not dissimilar, though I am a physical being in a distant place. My soul may form a different path in this connection, but the concept is the same. I am not surprised if Steve has seen things in a different light. Steve is seeing himself in a different light now since our communication began, and I would imagine that the same would be true with you and me. We have all been touched to one degree or another. It is a natural thing with communication that all who are involved are changed. A soul can, and often does, occupy a new fully adult vessel. This is a reality that exists. I am trying to make the distinction between each and having difficulty doing this. I am sorry. I think you understand what I mean.

Therapist: It is all right. I understand the comparison. 

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC

Your questions are welcome.

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