
Sunday, March 27, 2016


Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Books are available on

Today's blog investigates the world of autism in children. The Zetas see autistic children as gifted. This therapist also asked about the effects of the moon on plants and the tradition of planting during a full moon. The Zetas provided insights to studies they have done on the effects of planets with moons as opposed to planets without moons.  There are many effects including subtle gravitational energies. 

Therapist: We talked a little bit before about children with autism. I don’t know if you can answer this question or, perhaps, your spiritual leaders might have an answer: When children here are profoundly autistic and not really interacting with their environment, are they in contact with either spiritual beings or with other telepathic beings?

Zetas: Are you referring to abductees?

Therapist: No. Children with autism.

Zetas: I understand. Autistic children are distinctive. They have a different set of mental patterns. They are not the general balanced intellectual form. They have great advanced abilities and, at the same time, are diminished in other capacities. They have special abilities in terms of human intellectual development. They have certain gifts and certain handicaps.

Therapist: They are certainly living in their own world. I can see them interacting with someone or something.

Zetas: Some of these gifts provide them with a broader door that is more receptive to energies and influences, both spiritual and physical. In their minds, they are very receptive to the broader reality that is often beyond the comprehension of most humans. In that sense, we could call our own species autistic, in the sense that we are more receptive to those spiritual and telepathically directed thoughts. They have the ability to listen to these and be affected by them in ways that most human perception does not fully understand or appreciate. Yet, we understand, to a degree, because of our own telepathic form of communication and social structure.

Therapist: I thought they must be more receptive because they certainly appear to be engaged.

Zetas: They are very receptive, as you observed, in another world.

Therapist: I couldn’t imagine them having nothing to react to.

Zetas: It is another place, where they sometimes exist. Their eyes seem to be somewhere else, and this would be an accurate observation. Their minds are active, but their minds function in different ways.

Therapist: They often reject being touched. I don’t know if their skin is unusually sensitive, or they are simply startled.

Zetas: They are distracted and startled.

Therapist: You are probably familiar with the concept of planting gardens and tying that planting to certain phases of the moon. Both Steve and I would like to learn whether that is simply mythology or whether it has some benefit.

Zetas: The moon has other influences beyond mythological and spiritual. The gravity of the moon affects the tides, and in subtle ways, it affects the migrations of many species on your planet, particularly birds. It is not the sole source for such migrations in navigation, but it is just one of several. It does provide a repetitive pattern by which to navigate by creating a fixed source, in a sense, a position point. The moon can also influence plants in subtle ways. It is the way that plants and all living things are affected by gravitational influences and other things that affect planets. In some sense, what is considered mythology will one day, when it is more fully understood, have a basis in scientific fact.

A study of different cultures on different planets with moons is often a fascinating field of study. This is the study of the sociology of different off-world cultures. We compare cultures that have moons orbiting their worlds versus those worlds without moons. Many who have moons seem to have flourished and have an outward interest in the stars, more so than those without moons. It could be that the moon provides a small, achievable leap and allows the first baby steps to the stars. Many cultures without moons do not often develop this instinct so soon. Fortunately, most planets in the Universe possess moons around them.

Therapist: Perhaps the farmers have learned by experimentation that their plants may flourish or come up sooner and stronger when planted by the full moon. I am not sure about the gravitation effects during the full moon. Is it stronger at that time?

Zetas: It is part of a resonance in reality. It is not so much the moon itself, but the way the moon affects the whole planet and the resonating energies that emanate from the whole planet that affect its plant life. The moon does not have a direct effect, but an indirect effect. It is resonances that not only affect the plants when they begin to grow, but also when they are harvested. On our planet we have seen similar patterns.

Therapist: I believe that seeds have tremendous knowledge packed in small spaces, They have knowledge for survival. When the proper conditions exist to emerge, they are able to sense those conditions. I marvel at seeds and plants and their ability to survive. Perhaps we humans underestimate them.

Zetas: Their strength lies in diversification and adaptation. Their life cycles are very rapid, and this facilitates their adaptation. The cycle of life is much quicker for plants. At the same time, this is just a spectrum. You have, as on other planets, redwood trees whose lifespans are much more extended. There is a great, constantly changing energy that is exchanged in plant life to make them adaptable to grow in places not considered possible before. 

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Your questions are welcome.

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