
Sunday, March 13, 2016


Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit.

Today's blog explores the experiences of Dr. David Jacobs and the threat of hybrids. You will find both sides of the hybrid reality discussed. Also considered is how various species migrant to other occupied planets. There is a common, non-violent immigration that some will find exciting and others will find disturbing.  Additionally, the Zetans discuss the ghost rockets that were seen in Denmark and Sweden since 1947.  Aliens conducted a systematic survey of our Earth at that time.

Therapist: May I speak to you about someone named David M. Jacobs?

Zetan: I know this gentleman.

Therapist: I am a little concerned about his conclusions in a book that he wrote called The Threat. Due to the various people that he has worked with and their stories, he is now fearful when he speaks of the aliens. He talks about aliens having an agenda of taking humans, breeding them, and creating and maintaining a hybrid program. He speaks about an integration program to ultimately assume control over the human species. Some or all of this may be true, but my concern is that he is probably referring to one particular species, and, secondly, that he may be forgetting that there have been interventions.

Zetan: Dr. Jacobs’ perspective is both an astute one and a limited one. He has penetrated, making small holes of light in a wall of understanding. He wishes to penetrate through to have a greater picture. In the many people he treats, he begins to understand the nature of the contacts that have been made. There are some benign contacts by our species with no intent of harm. There are other species who are less benign and have more selfish aims. They use humans as a harvesting species for their needs and do so in an arrogant fashion, which, even by our species’ standards, we consider wrong and arrogant. They show no respect for lesser species who are not yet at a level where, if interacted with, they can achieve a level similar to us. They forget that at one time they were once in a similar position.

To a large degree, Dr. Jacobs is right about the hybrid program. He is seeing brief glimpses through his clients. These clients provide him with only a limited perspective and, to a degree, a slightly distorted view. He sees the exploitation and the fear that naturally would occur as they come to him for help and solace. He sees mostly a darker side, much like a doctor, seeing only the injury done in an emergency room in your hospitals. This would naturally develop an outlook about your species that is a very pessimistic one. Dr. Jacobs would be in a similar position, providing psychological and emotional support for these people while, at the same time, gathering intelligence.

There is a species, along with many of their larger species, which we know. You know them as ‘greys.’ They are familiar to us, but they are in a different camp. There is a program to create integration and to infiltrate human activities. If they attempt to conquer, this will not be permitted by our species. We feel that the ultimate aim that Doctor Jacobs fears is not correct. Even if the motives of these darker species are that, they will be prevented by us from accomplishing that aim. However, they can be permitted to live and integrate into human society, but they will never conquer it.

Therapist: I wish he knew that.

Zetan: His fears are natural and correct, based on the limited information he has. However, the greys will not be allowed to do this and fulfill their ultimate aims. We have means at work that you do not see so that they are confined to only a limited degree of activity. Beyond that, an ultimate invasion or conquering will not be permitted to happen. Rest assured in this. There are powers at work, which keep everything in check. The human species deserves its right to stand under the stars with others around the Universe. Humanity is to be given that chance to develop and evolve as unfettered and as undisturbed as possible. We do interact and influence human society. I have mentioned this in the past. This will continue. This mutual relationship will be of benefit for both humanity and our species. Humanity will have its chance, as we have had.

Therapist: That is very reassuring. I thank you for permitting me to learn that.

Zetan: We are not angels, by any means. We are not perfect, and we have many bad beings in our species, too. Please do not misunderstand. We have reached a level of civilization and consciousness as sentient beings. Because of this, we wish for other species to inherit the same kind of richness that we have acquired.

Therapist: Can you tell us something about the ‘ghost rockets’ that were seen falling into the lakes in Denmark and Sweden?

Zetan: This was a vanguard of new exploration and was heralded with the development of atomic energy on your planet. These were the visits of 1947 on. It was important to understand as soon as possible this new degree of technological development, both for your species and for other species who were concerned with the development of both rockets and atomic energy. The concern was that the tribal instincts of your world could be expanded beyond your world. At that time, the logistical ability of our species was limited. We only had so many craft to perform these assessments.

Logically, the United States was  surveyed first, and then other areas needed to be examined. Some of these areas were the Scandinavian countries. To do an intensive survey it was decided to divide the planet into zones for examination, which constantly revolved or changed as new developments occurred. I am basically stating that we could not be everywhere at once due to our limited logistics in exploring the new developments. Scandinavia was one area, after the United States. Other areas were Europe and Asia. It was part of a systematic survey of your planet, heralding a new era.

Therapist: Would you call them light probes?

Zetans: We had technology that included physical craft. Some were of a more advanced nature in the form of light energy where consciousness controlled remote drones. They were small enough to not be noticed. They had the ability to enter into confined areas of physical space to explore and satisfy our curiosity. Some ships were of a sufficiently physical size to allow the physical transport of beings, both for interaction and contact. We had smaller ones for remote reconnaissance and surveillance. Reconnaissance is an offensive word. Surveillance is a defensive word. Reconnaissance is to penetrate and probe, while surveillance is to passively observe.

Therapist: Thank you. I had no reaction to either word, but thank you for defining them.

Zetans: The Scandinavian countries have advanced technological development. This was one area of interest to us. There are many areas of your world with advanced technology.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Your questions are invited. 

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