
Sunday, February 7, 2016


Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit.

Today's blog covers the 19-mile jump of Joseph Kettinger, an early space pioneer, the Zetan ability to displace gravity, the anticipated military uses of SETI equipment to examine the anticipated Super Earth, the attempts of Earth governments and militaries to put blinders on knowledge,  the self perpetuation of governments by creating perceived needs (fear mongering.) 

Therapist: Steve was inducted. Therapist gave him a suggestion that he was in a hammock near the seashore on Western Samoa as the evening sun was setting. Steve was rather tired and went a little too deep into his induction. The therapist pulled him up to a little higher level of consciousness so he could communicate. The therapist asked him to say her name and he did so. At this point, the therapist asks:

Therapist: Han, are you with us?

Han (the Zetan): Yes, Mary, I am here. Nice to be with you again. The place you have chosen, Western Samoa, it is an honest place to visit. It is just itself and, in its simple beauty, that is all it requires.

Therapist: Yes. Western Samoa is supposed to be still rural. It is a place I have wanted to visit. Perhaps there are not so many tourists.

Han: There are fewer tourists, even though I am probably considered one.

Therapist: I can imagine the moon must appear quite large and brilliant in that setting.

Therapist: A man named Joseph Kettinger, wearing a space suit, ascended in a gondola balloon (Excelsior) to about 19 miles up in earth’s atmosphere. He then jumped out of that balloon gondola into space. He  dropped about 19 miles. Was your species aware of this event?

Han: Yes. We were with him. Our bird spirit was with him at least, in the purest sense, though he fell like a stone, and not with the grace of a bird. He was challenging the unknown. His love for humanity was his motive for making this jump. He wished to give humanity new knowledge to enable them to learn how to protect themselves from the hostile environment that we know as space.
He  seemed incredibly brave to me to step off that balloon platform into space.

We have the ability to displace gravity. Often our species is seen to float across the ground, as many have described when they encountered us. There are a number of reasons for this. Though our past has not changed, this gravity has made us like a feather. We have observed many exploits by other species on other planets, daring the unknown. His bravery is secure in the eyes of your species and in the admiration from ours.

Therapist: You are probably aware that our military is now interested in using the SETI array in northern California through the guise of needing to survey space junk. I don’t understand why they would need to use that kind of equipment.

Han: It is because, as you and Steve both know, the use of those instruments would be inappropriate for surveillance of space junk. It is your military’s way of having the SETI equipment loaned out to them, then later increasing its funding in anticipation of your newly discovered Super Earth, which we talked about. To our frustration, they again wish to conceal from your planet’s population any knowledge of extraterrestrial existence. It is not that they do not desire to make contact or to deprive your planet of contact. They are merely wishing to control the circumstances of such contact. Fear is their natural instinct because of the role the military mind assumes is one of protection. This would be a natural instinct to do this in anticipation of any physical or psychological damage. They fear such knowledge might cause damage in your population. It is ironic that this method continues since 1947, while, at the same time, we are quite pleasantly conversing here. This is rather ironic, in your terminology.

Therapist: (Therapist chuckles.) ‘Ironic’ is a good term for this.

Han: We chat enjoyably. Me in my silly cotton shirt costume to amuse you, and to enjoy myself at the same time. Yet they guard their treasure of ignorance with great zealousness. They think they are doing what is best for humanity with their own idea of what humanity is. Knowing that the military mind is one that, though it wishes peace (we understand that no one wishes for peace more than a soldier does) at the same time, military thinking can cause such destruction, too. It is strange for them to think they can control or be in a position to deprive the knowledge of other life that exists everywhere around them. Humanity is gaining its eyesight, in a sense, for the first time, and there are many wonderful things yet to behold. Humanity is like a blind person gaining sight, about to see so many wondrous things that have never been seen before.

Who has given any earth government and their militaries the right to put blinders on that knowledge - to control what may be seen or not seen? Who has chosen them to decide what is best for you? It is a difficult concept, and it is one we understand that comes from your deep instinctual fears. It reaches into the very center of my mission and role with you today. This is what we wish to push back and create a greater understanding, one that can be shared in peace and in the assurance we wish well for each other.

Therapist: There is a way around this process. I gave a little lecture to a group who kept complaining about the government hiding information. My response to them was, ‘Why do you keep turning to the government?' We do not need government to learn about alien existence and contact. There are many others, including scientists, who are quite willing to research and talk about alien life and contact. I asked them to let go of the idea that the government should be the leader in this area. I think it surprised them a little.

Han: The mentality of a government is often to create a need in the mind of the public where there may be no need, like your advertising when it creates perceived need in the mind of the consumer that they must have a certain product. The product may or may not satisfy that perceived need. Many create perceived needs. Many governments like yours and, I confess, governments on other planets, often create in the minds of their citizens the belief that the government must automatically answer and solve all problems.

Any government wishing to serve its citizens must try to work for the good of the community and enhance their capacity to share. It is in the community of a species that the resources, skills, and capacity to share may be found, not the government. We have learned this well from our telepathic ability to see into the insights of whole populations. It is again, ironic.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC

Feel free to submit questions. 

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