
Sunday, February 21, 2016


Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit.

Today, we continue to explore the differences and similarities in the dream states between humans and beings from Zeta Reticuli. This includes color, shared dreams (even with different species) directed dreaming, safety firewalls, and dreams as a tool for exploration. Enjoy.

Therapist: I understand that human males dream mostly in black in white and the females dream mostly in color. Does your entire species dream in color?

Zetans: We often dream in color. Our telepathic discipline relaxes. Our dreams can even spill over where multiple beings telepathically share in the same dream. Often our telepathic dreams become group dreams where a number of entities will share the same dreams. Each contributes an aspect to it, like a shared human meal. Each can experience the same dream. We are often participants in our own dreams. At other times, a virtual shared dream will occur where we see each other in these same dreams.

Therapist: Have you ever had someone show up in your dreams who were not part of your species?

Zetans: Yes. The memories of other species are often impressed on our minds, and these memories can be reflected in our dreams. Sometimes our dreams are shared with other species in proximity, who are also in a sleep state.

Therapist: I guess I could understand that because other life forms have come into my dreams, too.

Zetans: Much like our society, where there is little privacy, we are comfortable with this because this is the existence that we understand. To us, you seem to have a great capacity for privacy, and this we accept. Our dreams also reflect the same lack of privacy, because our dreams often reflect that same conscious reality. Many can see another being’s dreams and experience them, often joining in, sometimes as participants.

Therapist: Can you direct your dreams?

Zetans: We can focus and direct our thoughts. Many can also direct dreams. Our brains’ biology creates natural firewalls - safety barriers to protect our sanity, like your internet firewalls. This is so those conscious minds nearby are not flooded with many often irrational thoughts that can be randomly broadcast by others while in their dream sleep states.  However, many of our species learn to focus and train themselves to overcome those natural telepathic ‘firewalls’ when asleep, thus enabling dreams to be directed to specific others, too. These mature ones among our species can discipline their minds to direct their dreams in that lucid, free state. Unconstrained, free, scientific, and philosophical thoughts, poetic dreams, even lovers, share focused, directed dreams. These ‘dream gifts’ can be directed to others perhaps light years away by your measurement, yet in our minds, we are never apart. We can understand aloneness, yet we are never alone. This may begin to perhaps explain our philosophical outlook of the Universe, too. Sometimes, others of our species can, in shared experiences that border on fantasy and irrational reality, frame these journeys in such a way that others can join in. This can often be prearranged when they sleep to meet in the unconscious world that we share. Yes, we can share our dreams, as we share our thoughts when we are conscious.

Therapist: Would it surprise you that some human beings share dreams, quite probably a husband and wife, sometimes brothers and sisters? Also, some people know how to do lucid dreaming, starting and stopping their dreams at will.

Zetans: Many of the more astute in your species recognize the potential for this. It becomes an avenue for exploration and for enjoyment. Many of your species who have emotionally bonded as life partners often share a bond that we can appreciate. In a sense, this human bond is not dissimilar to a telepathic bond that can exist among a much larger community in our species. It is not a human romantic or sexual bond, but it is just the shared intimacy that emerges from the closeness of shared minds. This is just a natural, normal thing for us. We can often share things on a conscious level that that they would share in the same way in their dreams, just as they would share many other things about themselves. 

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC

Feel free to submit questions.

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