
Sunday, January 24, 2016


Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit.

Today's post is particularly fascinating because it discusses vastly different non-earth species. Some species have chosen to become artificial intelligence. Another species evolved in their planetary oceans to a level that surpasses land-based life forms. Yet another highly-evolved species lives in "bubbles" of consciousness and use dark matter to travel anywhere.  This species is much more evolved than the Zetans. Enjoy the journey.  

Therapist: Is there a planet that is run purely by mechanical beings with artificial intelligence? If so, are they devoid of emotions?

Zetans: Yes. In their reality, there are a number of planets where they have evolved and chosen a path to overcome certain physical constrains for exploring the Universe. They have assumed a mantel of artificial intelligence to gain something. At the same time, they had to sacrifice something. In this change, they have developed a form or system of a society that would probably be frightening or uncomfortable to the human species. We are in the spectrum between that paradigm and the human paradigm. We are in between, but in some ways, closer to the human. However, we can also appreciate the artificial intelligence in the machine form. They have advantages and disadvantages. It is the collective thought and mind, taken to the fullest extreme. It is one where, if the system fails, there would be little ability to recover from it, but its strength comes from its collective web, to use an example.

Therapist: Are they war like?

Zetans: It is dependent upon the needs of a technological society in its acquisition of the materials they need to sustain themselves in the machine form. This often requires mining many planets for raw materials to continue its sense of life and the propagation of such life. This creates a system of planets that is, in some ways, quite different from organic forms of life. It is important for organic life to find compatibility and mutual need and respect for trade and exchange of ideas. We can relate, in some ways, to mechanical societies with artificial intelligence, but at the same time, we do not wish our society to go down that path. We find a certain harmony with our planet, in an organic way, that is incompatible with their view of reality. For them, their planet is not regarded as a source of life, but rather as a platform, a location in space, empty and with little meaning.

The connection with their planet is an artificial connection, as machines would connect. This is a prejudiced view of them, and I am biased. They are also intelligent and not without some concept of emotion, which allows them to see life in other ways. These are not places that we frequently visit. It is part of what is out there. There are many forms of societies, all spread out. In a way, the distance between planets can both connect and, at the same time, provide needed distance. This can be a good concept.

Therapist: You have, of course, visited many places and many cultures. Could you describe one or two cultures that you have come across that pleased and surprised you by their ways of thinking or perhaps their ways of doing things?

Zetans: There are planets with oceans that often have intelligent life. Their social patterns also resemble more the patterns of land beings than ocean creatures, which often collect in schools of fish. These are pleasing to see, and it provides insights into how these patterns form, which are always interesting. There are also advanced forms of life, which are more energy than physical substance or pattern. These energies can be in the form of light and mass that moves freely throughout the Universe. They travel between the stars and the planets, both in clusters or individually. We have often encountered these, and there is often an exchange, a sense of respect, between one life form and another. They fascinate us. We wonder if these are forms of life that have evolved from a lower level or moved up to another dimension. Perhaps these are the spiritual beings upon which we often have commented. We marvel at their ability to freely travel anywhere they wish, using little expended energy. They seem to have an omnipresent connection on a scale that surpasses us within the society of our planet or our telepathic connection with other planets. They have an ability to move that distorts space and time.

Therapist: Like inside a bubble or perhaps a distortion?

Zetans: They are energies, and within these energies, there are bubbles, as you say, of consciousness, containing great wisdom and power. They can still use the material Universe to harness energies to interact with living and inanimate objects, collectively and with intelligence and purpose that is beyond the concept of most life forms. They exist on a level that is an inspiration to us. As advanced as we may seem to you, we are astonished by such beings. They do not exist on any particular planet. It is more diffuse throughout the dark matter that constitutes the Universe. They use the dark matter as some life forms use the seas to travel and to exist in a way appropriate for an advanced life.

Therapist: Do you acknowledge each other when you meet?

Zetans: Yes. Our contacts are possible, and they show a respect for our primitive means. They are not so advanced as to be detached from all existence. They appreciate our desire to connect with them and to be a part of them. In exchange with some of our more advanced leaders in our culture, these beings have given us insights that have created a spiritual structure to some elements of our society. These energies are difficult to define. There are many of them, and they abound in the Universe. We often wish to impress our consciousness with them so that we can experience their reality, and they can take us on their travels where they go to show us other realities, much like I am attempting to do here with you. They, in turn, reveal a door that we also endeavor to pass through and understand. They invite us. We invite them.

Therapist: Do they travel interdimensionally?

Zetans: Yes. Traveling in linear time fashion is incompatible with this life form. They use interdimensional travel in much the same way as we do, but with a more ethereal form of pure energy. They are an energy of consciousness, a form of light, without matter. It defies our concepts that energy and matter are interchangeable. This confounds us and is beyond us. Matter equals energy. Yet it seems to be a concept beyond that equation.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC

Your questions are welcome.

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