
Sunday, January 10, 2016


Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit.

This session discusses early predatory instincts in Zetans, music, early telepathy, human prayers heard by Zetans, and how Zetans express and use emotions.

Therapist: At what point in your evolution were you able to subdue the predatory instinct?

Zetans: That was prior to our evolution into telepathic beings. Telepathy provided a connection that created a community that could cooperate and develop uniformity in the distribution of food sources. This nullified the urgency in the individual for certain sources of food. It is hard to explain. It helped us organize a food system centered on forms of plants and fruit. We have created grains and other carbohydrates and certain domestic animals that are not too dissimilar to your domestic animals, but to a lesser degree. Perhaps because of our bird origins, we now have less of the raptor instinct than we used to have. This ability changed long ago, and it is difficult to conceive of us once living in that manner.

Therapist: Were you once tribal, with different languages?

Zetans: Yes, until telepathy began to emerge. A new language of the mind began to displace the old methods.

Therapist: That explains why the translation of music was difficult. I understand.

Zetans: Yes. Our form of music could be different. I hope not too much different. Our muted emotions are such that it may limit our ability to express music with the same richness as human music. I do not wish to hurt my fellow species. I will just leave it at that.

Therapist: Sometimes we human beings, due to certain events, will send prayers by the thousands or maybe even millions. Does your species feel the effects of all those thought forms?

Zetans: Yes. We do!

Therapist: And probably also heard by others on other planets?

Zetans: They are messages devoted to personal communication with a divine being in your belief system. This is a concept that is not foreign to us either. It, unbeknownst to you, also provides further insights into what makes you who you are. It also expresses your hopes. It gives us a perspective that you would not realize because we are able to hear the thousands of prayers that are often asked. We sense all energy. What is asked for is beautiful and sometimes astonishing. It also reflects the attitudes of the individuals as they make their wishes known in their prayers. You have a ‘Santa Claus,’ and it is this ‘Father Christmas’ that children write letters to that would be collected. Prayers, in contrast, though similar, express a much more personal relationship that borders on meditation. It expresses the fuller spectrum of the human condition. Please know that your prayers are heard and not by just us. In that, I do not wish to diminish your hope and desire for its good purpose. Know that your prayers are listened to inadvertently by many on the same party line. We understand to whom they are addressed, and it does reveal much about you.

Therapist:  I think that for us, as emotional beings, we look at them perhaps a little differently. We express the value of life in the intensity of certain emotions. It seems like, for your species, the value of life is not so much centered on emotion, but rather on thoughts of cohesiveness, being helpful to your fellow beings, and living with good purpose. Those do not seem to be so different.

Zetans:  They are not dissimilar. The means and focus may be different, but the intent can be the same. We feel a greater connection within our species with each other. It gives us strength, confidence, and comfort. We have this unity, yet there is also the freedom to explore different possibilities. We explore in a form that expresses all that we are. We ponder reality intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. We are aware of the great emotions that humans express. You have a greater emotional capacity for many things in many forms. This manifests itself both rationally and irrationally-- love, hate, jealousy, and encouragement. Some humans focus their emotions on individuals, while we focus more on a broader community. Our emotions, though not as intense, are expressed with the same purpose.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Your questions are welcome.

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