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Webpage link:http://www.aliensanswer.com to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit.

This is a continuation of contact with Berkeley hybrids on
Earth. Also discussed are terraforming, a cube device that opens doorways into
other timelines and dimensions, deceptive species, genetic sampling, and the
Holloman AFB contact.
Therapist: Would you please
thank them for allowing us to get a little glimpse of their world and a deeper
appreciation for their difficulties?
Zetans: They are in
different locations. The female is with a human male. Two others are studying
in their home and the other is in a market place, observing. Yet, they are
aware of our conversation. They are very touched by being contacted by an
entity similar to themselves that understands and appreciates their presence
and understands the kinship. They are moving on and continuing with their
Therapist: Has your species
ever terraformed anything on this Earth?
Zetans: Not directly. You
could consider, in a very rudimentary, superficial way, the consciousness
planted in human society as a kind of ‘terraforming.' They refer to it as the
environmental movement done mainly for conservation, rather than
transformation. In a very superficial form, it might be considered as such in
that context. In a direct way, however, no, but in an indirect way, yes.
Therapist: I had a question about a cube device at S-4. You discussed the
uses of some devices at S-4 (near Area 51) and the cube device was one of them.
Zetans: We talked about
the cube device and the tilting device that we had concerns about. The cube
device was our concern. It facilitates a doorway to other dimensions and other
timelines. It has been used as a bargaining tool by other species in exchange
for permission by certain governmental authorities to permit their species to
clandestinely abduct certain humans for their specie’s own needs or curiosity. This
was a deception by this species because the cube can be taken back at any time.
It is like giving a child a toy to preoccupy their attention while the thief
ransacks the house. I feel this species is deceptive about its own agendas,
which we watch very carefully. We often stand in between to see that certain
boundaries are not abused.
Therapist: That might be the answer to the question I was about to
ask, Why haven't non-Earth interests destroyed the human species already? It
sounds like your sentinel stance prevents this.
Zetans: We are here to
protect. Also, in the context of other worlds, this is part of our political
posture in relation to these other entities. The Earth has reason to stand up
and exist on its own accord, but, at the same time, there are entities that see
the Earth as very valuable for harvesting. There is no apparent wish to take
over the Earth or control it. If they did, we would stop them before the Earth
would even be aware of it.
Therapist: I find it ironic that humans are so upset about being
genetically sampled and harvested when, in fact, we do the same thing to other
human beings and animals for research.
Zetans: This is true.
Like in many human relations we have known, it is all a question of context in
how humans see themselves. In a larger context, they are one of many. Within
their context, they see themselves as isolated. It is their human, Earth-based
view, perhaps combined with a sense of pride that determines how they relate to
other life forms. This is understandable in the context of their very limited
perspective. Others species do not see that, but that is because they enjoy a
much broader perspective that their evolution and technology makes possible.
Humans do not yet have this broader perspective.
Therapist: Was there ever a landing at the Holloman Air Force Base
where a large number of personnel were aware of the landing?
In the 1960s there was a contact made at Holloman Air Force Base. It was very
secret. It was the initial step that created many of the activities between
humans and aliens now at S-4. It provided the pathway for these activities.
Some political arrangements were made. Humans really had very little to nothing
with which to bargain. The aliens were very much restrained by outside
pressures. We were observing and were very aware of their advanced
capabilities. The initial contacts were made to establish an understanding. The
initial contacts to prepare for this meeting were done through a number of
government contacts through hybrids and through telepathic contact. These
initial contacts were not readily accepted or understood. Eventually, they were
gathered together to form a convention between humans and some species. This
involved meeting face-to-face at Holloman, in great secrecy.
Therapist: We are aware that it was quickly covered up. Did you ever
receive any information from scientific advisers to our presidents? Some are
very much interested in the possibility of life on other planets.
Zetans: There are a
number of scientists who are retained as advisers to the presidents. Some
presidents are fully aware of Holloman and Roswell. Some are not. It depends on
the compartmentalization and the secrecy that humans often use in controlling
their secrets. Judd was one who was an adviser to the President, among others
retained in case certain encounters were made where further government
interests may require answers. Some presidents have been aware of alien
contact. A few have deliberately not been informed. However, the information
was there, if later the need were to arise where it was more efficient for the
President to be informed. Some knew from the beginning before they even entered
presidential office due to their access to very secret information. This has
been kept from the public in the day-to-day activities of the President. This
is not a major concern. It is usually knowledge that is held in the background.
Many of the contacts exist in such a way that any government or military
influence would be inconsequential. There is little they can do to stop the
action or to prevent something. Still, the President often wishes to be aware
of certain events and these advisers facilitate this.
Mary Barr, B.A, CCHT, CBT, CLC
Your questions are welcome.
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