Type in Aliens Answer or Aliens Answer II.
Webpage link:http://www.aliensanswer.com to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit.

Today's session is a continuation from last week into how some hybrids live on planet Earth. These Berkeley hybrids are really studying humanity. Their home, social patterns, money, competition, dealing with new emotions, trying to establish relationships with humans, problems of living much longer, and duality are all discussed. Absolutely fascinating!
Therapist: Of the group that we are currently with, the three males and the one
female, I assume they are aware that to be part of the human culture they need
to have hobbies, interests. Will they tell us about any of the interests that
they display superficially, or perhaps they have some interests or hobbies that
they actually enjoy?
Zetans: The interest in cooking
does not exist. Visitors, who regularly replenish their supplies of nutrients
at home, supply their food to them. Because of this, they are rather tied to
this location. Their interests in school are in studying the anthropology of
the present human within the extent of their understanding of human science and
comparing it to their own. There are the other off-world teachers who regularly
instruct them as well. In a sense, they have two mothers and two sets of
friends, both at home and on Earth. They are like many exchange students in that academic
environment, but in a way, that other exchange students could
never comprehend. However, in social pattern, they are really quite similar,
just from a place considerably farther away. Science and human sociology are of
great interest. Hybrid social behavior, by comparison, would seem rather dry
and sterile. Their home is rather sparse and empty. Certain posters of rock
bands and others appear in the home, but this more to conceal themselves. The
posters are not really of interest. It is more to put up the appearance of
being human, creating camouflage.
Therapist: Part of this process of integration would
mean that, at least superficial, they would make friends with humans, maybe
have them to their house, or go over the humans’ houses. How do they deal with
Zetans: The female has certain
male human callers. She is considered attractive to humans, if in some ways
perhaps in a strange way. This elicits certain sexual curiosity from the male
humans as well. Perhaps her natural distancing from others is interpreted as
aloofness, which attracts further. The landlord is very happy with these
hybrids as tenants. They do not cause trouble and the house is always
immaculate. The landlord does not seem to be of much concern about them, as
long as he is paid regularly. How he is being paid seems to be a mystery. They
seem to have a certain account where they can draw money from regularly that
seems to be readily available to them so they can pay such necessary things in
human society and economy.
Therapist: An average human, especially at that young age, would have a sense of
competition that they express through sports or they might compete in earning
grades, or compete for attention from the opposite sex. I believe that
competition is not a part of your culture. How do they deal with that?
Zetans: They recognize the
instinctual reproductive behavior in their study of human society. They try to
mimic this and at the same time, they feel it unnecessary. Sometimes the human
response to this is curious. The more they may appear cold and distant, the more
attractive they might inadvertently appear to humans. This is a curious human
behavior that perplexes hybrids. Answers come so easily for them. Their main
focus is social integration. That is their challenge. There is an added stress
involved. How to integrate into human culture without becoming too human. The
challenge is in not denying the other part of their heritage, which is
off-world. This is part of the challenge of the whole hybrid program. It is
what I would call having dual identities.
Therapist: Yes. Dual identities exist for some humans, but not to the same
extent. For instance, if one was an American Indian, but also an American
citizen, that would be a dual identity. In terms of aloofness and the young
woman, when you combine aloofness with attractiveness, it spurs interest in
competition. Her perception is correct that her aloofness can intensify
interest from males.
Zetans: They have noticed this.
Also, the human part of them, biological and emotional, is not diminished. They
are dealing with new emotions and drives. The human part cannot be denied in
this duality. Their intelligence accepts this duality, but there is an
emotional price that cannot be repressed. This causes conflicts dealing with
the duality. They both know and enjoy their duty or purpose for integrating
into society. At the same time, they also miss being with a society of ones
like themselves and the comfort it brings. They also miss the home that they
believe is their origin. They sometimes miss home. They do not feel a part of
this Earth world.
Therapist: Is it part of their assignment to remain here for a long, long time?
Zetans: Their exposure is
remembered, downloaded, and integrated into the larger context of the human
contact picture.
Therapist: Wouldn’t they live longer than the normal human would?
Zetans: Because they do live much
longer, a point comes where they have to move often and leave one society and
begin again at a different location. This is because, in any long-term contact, or relationship, every human
will be aging around them, and they will still look young. It will begin to
betray their identity.
Therapist: Because of that, does that preclude their ever having or creating
families with humans?
Zetans: They are experimenting
with that as part of their human social studies. Some excel and some have
difficulty. At some point, the human mind adapts and, in a loving way, becomes
accepting of many relationships that form. Certain peculiarities are ignored
because, in the process of fulfilling their own human needs, they compromise to
accept the relationship. They know that one day they will grow older and the
hybrid will still be relatively young. The hybrid’s health and diet create a
certain detachment from other institutions, such as facilities for obtaining a
driver’s license or health care. The health care is provided off-world, which
means that there is a certain disconnect with keeping records of hybrids in
human society, including a separation from legal systems and government. It is
a very complex interrelationship.
Therapist: Yes. I am beginning to see that.
Zetans: It requires some time to
accomplish this and it is not without difficulty. However, because humans are
Earth-centered, humans do not consciously think in social relationships beyond
their own world anyway. This helps the hybrids to blend into human society,
too. Most human expectations of what an ‘alien’ may be are based on their own
limited human cultural understanding.
Check back next week for the continuation of this interview.
Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Feel free to submit questions.
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