WITH THE ZETAS. EXCERPTS FROM ALIEN GAME CHANGER AT: http://bit.lalien game changer.
May I ask
you about the Leed (pseudonym) family?
There is a Thomas Leed, a son
named Chance, and a brother named Matt (pseudonyms).
Yes. Matt or Matthew.
Apparently, this family has had
a long history of interaction. I am specifically asking about a number of
mysterious deaths associated with this family. A Dr. Michael Buckner, the
Father, a partner of Thomas, and a psychiatrist, all died suddenly. I think
most, if not all of them, died from some kind of viral condition or unknown
condition. There was a military presence involved. I am wondering if these
deaths really were natural.
They were designed to appear natural. The causes of these deaths could
be natural, or they could be influences from the entities that are visiting
them to suppress information and dispersal of general knowledge concerning the
abductions, which these energies are conducting. They wish to conceal
themselves. They do not wish the abduction phenomenon to be well known in human
society. It is best seen as something that possibly cannot happen. Such an
attitude held by humans is helpful to them.
Well, Tom or Thomas is planning
to talk on the radio, so their efforts to keep this information secret may not
be working for the entities.
There was a comfort level with the entities interacting with them. They
did not want the exposure of information. Plus, there was some harm done. The
psychologist was well meaning and a good person who was effective in treatment.
However, his full effect was not permitted. It was denied and, in time, he
would have offered more beneficial assistance, had he been permitted to
continue his life. His life was stopped short by these negative energies. They
killed him because he knew too much.
Was there interest in this
family because Tom and Chance have that unusual ability to affect electrical
things around them? That is one thing.
They are ‘super’ human who are developing early telepathic abilities.
It is a continuing process of creating a prototype of a blended species that
can exist on your planet and other planets.
Where did the prototype begin
with that particular family?
Many generations back in the great grandmother and the great
grandfather, grandparents, and then parents, then his sons and brothers. The
young son and twin daughters also show the fruit of this continued process. Something
has been introduced genetically with the son. There are many others on your
planet who are also enduring similar kinds of programming.
There is much more going on
than I had imagined.
The advanced abilities the humans have been given help the entities to
interface with them more readily. It makes the process easier. Also, when
contacts are made, it makes the contacts more comfortable and efficient. The
exchange of thoughts is more readily possible by downloading information and
impressions. It creates insights for these entities in understanding Earth social
patterns and experiences. They are very interested in the experiences that
humans have so they can gain understanding of the human species.