I know the mind has great freedom for exploring and creating realities.
Our minds, for instance, can relate very much to that. In our telepathic community, we have access to other freedoms and avenues that humans have yet to discover of other realities, other dimensions, other lives, and afterlives, which we also do not fully grasp. When our species suffers a physical death, a consciousness will continue on and transition in another form. These transitions are felt and observed by us. It is perhaps why we do not fear death as an unknown, as many humans fear death. That is perhaps an example of perceptions that we are privileged to that someday humans will also have access to. There are many viewpoints of what reality actually is. It is perhaps an extrasensory view that we enjoy that you have yet to discover, and it will fill in many blanks about reality, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
As you know, human beings are currently exploring ‘virtual reality’ in such areas as ‘games.’ Is there any inherent danger in perfecting virtual reality programs? Perhaps it might cause an inappropriate desire to remain with these programs for too long.
It is good for one’s mental health to distinguish between fantasy and reality. If one can discern, one can oblige respect and move into the other temporarily, knowing they can always return. If it becomes an obsession where they prefer to be in an altered fantasy reality, they must still exist in a physical world in a practical way. They can become detached from reality and disassociate themselves from others in ways that would not be socially appropriate. This could be a potential problem. It is important to distinguish as best one can between the two. What is reality, in the ultimate sense? We can extend this discussion forever, but in the immediate moment, knowing the difference can be very conducive in interaction with others of your species.
Thank you. I just have one final question. Is there anything in particular that you would like to accomplish while you still remain in your physical form?
I wish to establish, in a real sense, our reality with your reality. I would like to make your species aware of ours. Yet it must be approached very carefully so that your species will not become dependent upon us due to your notions of what an advanced species would be like. It has to be done in a careful way that does not damage your species. As a result, we are injecting certain knowledge into particular individuals to raise and accelerate human evolution to a level where that eventual interfacing will be a positive one on a level where we can also coexist. This will take time. I would like to see that in my lifetime, but I feel it may take longer. Great strides have taken place recently to facilitate this, so I have great hope in that. Much of my work is toward that aim.
I am so pleased that your species is willing to work toward that aim.
Earth is one of a number of planets where this is occurring. It is an individual situation that takes its own time. It would be a time when Earth has minimized its tribal conflicts and has unified its energies and resources. That time will come, and with it will come an understanding and maturity. When that level is reached, it will happen. I have no doubt of this. It will be a full relationship, without necessitating our being discrete about who we contact. Discretion will no longer be necessary, and full contact will be accomplished.
Here and other places. I wish you well in that endeavor.
There is a Hollywood concept that, after contact, all is changed and different. This is not a true, accurate depiction. It is one of individual contacts across much time with many individuals before a consciousness is created that will, in the end, seize the day.
It is a raising of consciousness, slowly, carefully.
This is the area where there have been great strides that I commented on earlier.
I am so pleased.
You are part of this raising of consciousness. Do not diminish your part in this. You can take gratification in your role in contributing to this.
Thank you very much.

Does your body require
physical exercise?
Yes. It is part of
metabolizing our nutrients. We burn energy as an engine, much like a human
being would. Our bodies are, in some ways, more efficient and simplified in
their essential tasks of metabolism. We do not store fats as efficiently as you
do. The need for this passed long ago.
I know the mind has great freedom for exploring and creating realities.
Our minds, for instance, can relate very much to that. In our telepathic community, we have access to other freedoms and avenues that humans have yet to discover of other realities, other dimensions, other lives, and afterlives, which we also do not fully grasp. When our species suffers a physical death, a consciousness will continue on and transition in another form. These transitions are felt and observed by us. It is perhaps why we do not fear death as an unknown, as many humans fear death. That is perhaps an example of perceptions that we are privileged to that someday humans will also have access to. There are many viewpoints of what reality actually is. It is perhaps an extrasensory view that we enjoy that you have yet to discover, and it will fill in many blanks about reality, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
As you know, human beings are currently exploring ‘virtual reality’ in such areas as ‘games.’ Is there any inherent danger in perfecting virtual reality programs? Perhaps it might cause an inappropriate desire to remain with these programs for too long.
It is good for one’s mental health to distinguish between fantasy and reality. If one can discern, one can oblige respect and move into the other temporarily, knowing they can always return. If it becomes an obsession where they prefer to be in an altered fantasy reality, they must still exist in a physical world in a practical way. They can become detached from reality and disassociate themselves from others in ways that would not be socially appropriate. This could be a potential problem. It is important to distinguish as best one can between the two. What is reality, in the ultimate sense? We can extend this discussion forever, but in the immediate moment, knowing the difference can be very conducive in interaction with others of your species.
Thank you. I just have one final question. Is there anything in particular that you would like to accomplish while you still remain in your physical form?
I wish to establish, in a real sense, our reality with your reality. I would like to make your species aware of ours. Yet it must be approached very carefully so that your species will not become dependent upon us due to your notions of what an advanced species would be like. It has to be done in a careful way that does not damage your species. As a result, we are injecting certain knowledge into particular individuals to raise and accelerate human evolution to a level where that eventual interfacing will be a positive one on a level where we can also coexist. This will take time. I would like to see that in my lifetime, but I feel it may take longer. Great strides have taken place recently to facilitate this, so I have great hope in that. Much of my work is toward that aim.
I am so pleased that your species is willing to work toward that aim.
Earth is one of a number of planets where this is occurring. It is an individual situation that takes its own time. It would be a time when Earth has minimized its tribal conflicts and has unified its energies and resources. That time will come, and with it will come an understanding and maturity. When that level is reached, it will happen. I have no doubt of this. It will be a full relationship, without necessitating our being discrete about who we contact. Discretion will no longer be necessary, and full contact will be accomplished.
Here and other places. I wish you well in that endeavor.
There is a Hollywood concept that, after contact, all is changed and different. This is not a true, accurate depiction. It is one of individual contacts across much time with many individuals before a consciousness is created that will, in the end, seize the day.
It is a raising of consciousness, slowly, carefully.
This is the area where there have been great strides that I commented on earlier.
I am so pleased.
You are part of this raising of consciousness. Do not diminish your part in this. You can take gratification in your role in contributing to this.
Thank you very much.
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