Does your body require physical
Yes. It is part of metabolizing our nutrients. We burn energy as an
engine, much like a human being would. Our bodies are, in some ways, more
efficient and simplified in their essential tasks of metabolism. We do not
store fats as efficiently as you do. The need for this passed long ago. We are
very efficient in burning energy. If we were to use the analogy of flight and
carrying excess cargo, our bodies would need to be leaner to facilitate that.
Do you use something like
isometrics to exercise or some other means?
We attempt to do that. Yes. We do physical work. We often have
instrumentalities to help with this. There is the ease of technology, which can
make exercise necessary in a conscious way to maintain oneself. Technology can
make physical exertion easier. Exercise is physical exertion for its own sake,
rather than what is necessary to perform a task. Also, our mental abilities can
be so developed that our physical bodies can potentially be ignored. A proper
balance of knowledge and physical exercise is important for overall health for
the individual and for the culture. Our diets are low in many fats or
carbohydrates, which I have mentioned. We use fruits and vegetables that make
this more likely.
Can you assimilate avocados?
There is much vegetable fat in these. It is one species of plant that we
can enjoy, but are less likely to for that reason.
I thought it might be a little on
the rich side.
It is, but the term ‘rich’ is in our diet. It is one that we have
sampled, and it is in our diet, but to a very small degree. It is something
that would probably be, if appealing to the senses, would probably not be
appealing for our overall physical health. I hope you are not offended by this.
I do not wish to diminish the value you may place on such nutrition.
(Therapist laughs.) I am not at
all offended. I don’t have those expectations of others.
I am just the diplomat.
(Therapist laughs.) I know, and I
am not easily offended.
I know this, and it is appreciated.
Dr. Joseph Penzien, Steve’s
Father-In-Law, has passed over recently.
This is so.
Do you have any sense of his
presence, or is he not yet available?
Yes. I feel, at times, a consciousness that moves fleetingly. It is
sometimes checking on Charlene, Steve and others. I feel that there is a
consciousness that is preoccupied with many things. I feel it is learning about
its new capacity to explore and travel. It does not dwell in any one space for
very long. It is his nature to travel often. It does come and surround parts of
Joseph’s family from time-to-time. It is learning a new way, a new reality. He
is in another place now that he is content with and at peace. His inquisitive
mind is exploring. This is the impression I have. It is like him having a new
set of clothes that he is growing accustomed to and enjoying. He remembers the
past, but there is much to see in the future. He cares for those whom he loves
and is loved by, but time permits only a brief visit as there are many other
places to experience as well. This is the impression I have.
Thank you for your perceptions. I
know they will appreciate it.
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