Remember my question from last time? It was whether or not, to your knowledge, a society has ever chosen to transition en masse into a spiritual existence. We talked a bit about how some societies have purposefully made a partial transition, but we never really addressed whether an entire culture or planet chose to do this.
We have spoken about species or life forms that have elevated to a more advanced state that are intriguing to us. You once asked about what we find interesting. The concept of an entire population can be viewed from several perspectives. Are we released from our physical limitations? In a sense, each life form passes to that state. In a sense, the energy is passed on. Then at the same time, there could be a natural evolutionary path to another plane of existence. It seems that we all inevitably wish to follow to that eventual goal. I would imagine a vast population of energy that has coalesced together to form some greater purpose, individually or collectively. I envision all focused with one purpose in mind: to exist in that plane, together, in peace.
Thank you. Are you familiar with a galaxy known as M83?
M83 is the human reference. It is a galaxy dissimilar from our galaxy in which humans and our species exist. It is a galaxy many light years away by your measurement. What is it that you wish to know?
There is an indication that there may be a species there that we call the Verdants. Where is their source galaxy?
The Verdants are a lesser evolutionary form. Sometimes they have been known as the ‘greys.’ They are a species that is very arrogant in some ways. They are a pervasive species in that galaxy and wish to be pervasive in this galaxy, if they can.
Do they overpopulate themselves intentionally?
They do. I understand the species you are referencing.
Do you know about our friend whom we call Doc? His name is Dr. Gene Lipson.
He submitted questions for discussion today. May I present them?
Yes, I will answer them as best I can.
Gene: Will our economic climate improve or deteriorate after the next Presidential election?
It will continue to improve, regardless of whoever is elected.
Gene: Is there such a concept that past lives influence present lives in obvious ways, for instance, the carryover of fears/phobias or life choices?
Past fates (lives) are influences that can have unconscious effects on one’s present life. Much is shed, released. I am happy to say that there is a sense of good as we improve. Many of the old pathways are replaced with good and improved ways. There is a mix of wishing to improve one’s life and memories of bad things that tend to be forgotten. The good, beneficial memories that have a practical use are prioritized. Life wishes to become more efficient and less hindered, if possible. Lingering energies can restrain and hold us back. These need to be released and forgotten. As we take on new lives, new ways are found to focus on what is good and practical.
Gene: That is very good news.
Yes. We share the same. Life has a way of creating new challenges. Whenever possible, old, bad energies need to be left behind.
Gene: Yes. Thank you.
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