
Sunday, June 10, 2018



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Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I in the Constellation Reticulum. Contact has been made. Many interviews have been held with themTHESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between Hypnotherapist  Mary Barr and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books:   Aliens Answer  and Aliens Answer II

Therapist:  May I ask you some questions about three different events? I will call them abductions.

Han, the Zeta:  Yes. I understand the term and its meaning.

Therapist:  Do you understand that when I use the term ‘abduction’ that is not necessarily with the same meaning that someone else might intend? You know, of course, the case of Betty and Barney Hill. The question is about an incident where she found her missing earrings in a pile of leaves on a table. She thinks those earrings disappeared during the first time she was taken. Do you have any information on the recovery of the earrings?

Zetas:  The entities involved were very interested in Betty and Barney. They would be considered, in a way, good aliens by your definition. They were attracted to Betty for several reasons: Her biology and her social attitudes. One reflection of this was her marriage to Barney and the curious racial situation in which she defied the conventional norm. We found this very interesting. Sometimes entities will take certain artifacts and examine them. Her earrings were one such item. Barney’s dentures were another. These earrings were returned to them while they were absent from their home, many days later. It was done in a fashion like a friend might leave behind certain calling cards that only they would recognize. This calling card was a pile of leaves and a peculiar setting which Betty and Barney would recognize  immediately and understand the significance. In consideration to them, her property was returned.  She was monitored throughout her life and the entities had affection for her. Their relationship was of a broader significance than she realized.  Many of   their   memories were   effectively blocked, but there was more than one visit to her and Barney. There was the suggestion in the Stanton Friedman and Kathleen Marden book, of which we are aware, that perhaps Barney was being punished for revealing their experience. This is not the case.  Unfortunately, Barney’s particular physiology was such that he suffered a stroke early in his life. This was more a consequence of his physiology and medical history than anything done by these entities.

There was great sadness when Barney passed away and there was a craft present, which Betty saw when she visited Barney’s grave. They stood in the background, the entities monitoring and paying their respects. Their contact was groundbreaking. Contact was then made with other humans, both in the past and in the future, after that initial contact. The Hills were one of the first. There have been earlier and later abductions by your linear timeline, but space travel, as we know it, is by its nature, also travel through time. From that first contact, all parties involved gained much experience and knowledge. Memories and suggestions implanted then were successful in beginning a carefully designed new public awareness. We wished for public awareness in the secret 1960 Holloman Air Force Base meeting, but it was denied.

Therapist:  The next question is about Leslie and her husband Spencer. We have been working on a case involving these people.

Zetas:  We are familiar with this, partially through Steve’s memories.

Therapist:  Yes. Leslie believes that she has been visited quite recently in her current home. Do you know whether that is true?

Zetas:  They are being visited. At this stage in their lives they are being cared for or watched over. They are considered legacies, due to their earlier contacts. These contacts are never forgotten. In this particular case, there was some difficulty with Leslie’s implants. The signals were not clear. There was also residual data coming in concerning her safety and the safety of Spencer. Spencer is quite ill.  We can intercede, but only within a policy of non-interference.  Knowing the normal span of human life, we must not interfere with this process. Spencer is of concern, as is Leslie. Their lives have been disrupted in a personal and emotional way. They have not always been at peace. Life has been difficult by their standards.

We feel, and the other entities feel, a sense of obligation. It was decided to not disrupt them at this late stage in their lives. There are other legacies, who are sometimes monitored, after serving the purpose for these entities. The entities involved were a taller form of grey, with shorter greys acting as artificial biological servants. Leslie and Spencer are being watched with concern for their safety. Humans can be careless sometimes, in their day-to-day lives. We are not guardian angels. If we see something, we might intercede. Intercession was done with their safety in mind. It also presented an opportunity for other discretely performed examinations. Leslie has learned, though some of her memories have been blocked, telltale patterns of previous visits. Her suspicions, now accepted, are correct.

Therapist:  I don’t intend to unlock those memories for her. Her attitude now is rather happy.

Zetas:  We agree. The memory blocks have been reinforced. In a way, much like your human surgeries, the anesthesia has been increased to compensate for any emotional pain. She has found some contentment in her later life. Her concern for Spencer is a big concern. It is part of the human cycle and we know that life is fragile. We appreciate their contribution.

Therapist:  I think that Leslie has somewhat come to terms with this.

Zetas:  We also feel that this is the case. Through your part in assisting greatly in their healing, a degree of acceptance has displaced their fear that some might interpret as irrational. If the full facts were known, the fear would be quite rational.

Therapist:  I think it was the original pain that was one of the larger factors in the experience.

Zetas:  She has an implant in her left nostril and, at times, it has been quite distressing with pain, along with her many physical ailments. This has caused her anxiety and has been a concern for her partner, Spencer. They have been a very close and small supportive unit for themselves. Alone in their experiences, they have dealt in their own ways with visits by entities who have come with good intentions and some with not good intentions.

Therapist:  Can’t there be some adjustment made to that implant for Leslie so it won’t hurt her anymore?

Zetas:  Its presence can be reduced and a block can be placed in her mind to help her ignore the pain. Soon, maybe, with another visit, this implant can be removed. At that time, she can be relieved of this burden. Memories of pleasantness can be placed in her mind to sedate her emotional being. This would alleviate more anxiety and stress. With that, at that time, she can have more peace. 

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT-RT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

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