
Sunday, December 10, 2017


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I in the Constellation Reticulum. Contact has been made. Many interviews have been held with themTHESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between Hypnotherapist Mary Barr and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books: Aliens Answer  and Aliens Answer II.

This blog is for people who are already well-versed in the alien contact genre. The books, Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II, are non-fiction chronicles of telepathic contact between my client and co-author Steve Reichmuth and sentient beings from Zeta Reticuli. These are very serious and educating communications that present many questions and answers beyond current human knowledge. As the therapist and co-author, I offer weekly excerpts from these science-oriented chronicles for public education. Visit our webpage at Some aliens are willing to communicate telepathically, and the human mind can be enhanced under hypnosis. Deep meditative states are also conducive to this kind of communication. 


Therapist:  When your species began building and creating societies, did you go through times of electing people for social order or was that even necessary? 

Zetas:  There was a social ‘pecking’ order. We understand this, even though we are not, except by our evolutionary heritage, bird-like anymore. We have leaders in our telepathic community. This principle originated in our ancient times and has long been a norm. Our leaders are more accessible than your leaders. The thoughts and projects of our leaders are commonly known through our community through our telepathic connection. We know what our leaders wish and our leaders understand the society they serve. There is much understanding. Your present human biological nature has yet to achieve this. This is all part of the network within the community of mind upon which I have often commented. Many of our early structures were on the surface of the planet. This was an era of transition in which our population grew and reached a point where our environment was becoming threatened.  

Therapist:  Perhaps your lives were much shorter then? 

Zetas:  Our lives were much shorter. We reached a crisis point where we needed to make great fundamental changes. This was facilitated in part by the evolution of our newfound telepathic abilities. In this era of our planet, we changed fundamentally in many ways. One change was relinquishing our normal sexual reproduction as a means of population control. Our species, at that time, had achieved space travel. However, we were still not advanced enough to move whole populations. This change in our means of reproduction was revolutionary. It was not completely accepted at first, as it is now. Only through our emerging telepathy was this great change managed. Telepathy made us see the species for the first time as a whole, not within the context of the individual. Telepathy made us share equally in the burden of these sacrifices for the good of the whole planet, if our species was to survive. It was a very difficult period in our ancient history.  

In our society now, when one life passes beyond, only then is another one created. This controls population. Our surface structures retreated from the surface to provide an enjoyable and natural setting on the surface. Our cities moved underground, still connected with the surface, but just underneath. It is a crisis your species, on a planetary scale, has yet to face. If you continue at your present rate, you may not have long to wait. The solution on our planet was successful, in time, and it avoided a planetary catastrophe where natural forces would have reduced population through disease and starvation, putting at risk even the planet itself. 

Therapist:  This left the surface to return to its more natural state. Is that what I am hearing? 

Zetas:  Yes, one result of this period of great change was the collective realization that we needed to terraform our home planet. We learned, as with our other changes, it took a great sense of unity of purpose to accomplish this. We removed virtually all of our planet’s artificial surface structures. We rejected the old ways and returned the surface of the planet back to its original state as we had imagined it in the beginning. Yet, there are great populations under the surface where each has easy access to the surface. They can enjoy the parks and the natural settings on the roofs of our cities.  

Therapist:  That is a really interesting idea, and I can see that it is quite viable. 

Zetas:  There is less stress now on our planet due to the natural restoration of the surface. There  are more plants and forests to sustain our atmosphere now. Our plants and forests no longer have to compete with our population. Food is manufactured on the surface and under the surface as well. As a result, we live in harmony with our home world. Our planet raised our species, now we return that gift back. It also provides an example to our neighbors across space, of what our species values.  
Therapist:  May I suggest that you try, if you have not already tried it, something called an Asian pear?  

Zetas:  We are fond of apples, as I have mentioned. Asian pears are unique and special in nature. It is a delicacy, like oranges in the Japanese culture, among your Earth cultures. The orange is considered a patriotic symbol to the Japanese. As a dessert with their meals, it is often seen in their diet. We consider Asian pears very special. We often give them as gifts, expressing special regard for another. We have transplanted these trees to other planets. Your Asian pears are often shared at special occasions.  

Therapist:  Then I am quite happy you have discovered them. We certainly enjoy them here, too.  

Zetas:  It surprises you that we enjoy fruits, like you. Asian pears, particularly, have a unique flavor and texture. 

Therapist:  Yes. The texture is like nothing else I have known. 

Zetas:  Texture is one quality. It is also appealing and compatible with our ability to masticate this food. It is very comfortable.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC RT

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