Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I in the Constellation Reticulum. Contact has been made. Many interviews have been held with them. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between Hypnotherapist Mary Barr and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books: Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II.
This blog is for people who are already well-versed in the alien contact genre. The books, Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II, are non-fiction chronicles of telepathic contact between my client and co-author Steve Reichmuth and sentient beings from Zeta Reticuli. These are very serious and educating communications that present many questions and answers beyond current human knowledge. As the therapist and co-author, I offer weekly excerpts from these science-oriented chronicles for public education. Visit our webpage at Some aliens are willing to communicate telepathically, and the human mind can be enhanced under hypnosis. Deep meditative states are also conducive to this kind of communication.
Question from ‘Doc,’ a medical doctor:
Doc: What are we doing as
humans (eating, other activities) that is detrimental to having much longer
Han, the Zeta: Population is the major
problem. Overpopulation causes food scarcity. Disease becomes more prevalent in
dense populations. Resources, food, medicine, fresh air and clean water become strained, promoting hunger and disease. Major stress prolongs itself
when resources are strained. Particularly in the context of overpopulation,
food is often manufactured to greatly extend the supply of food beyond what a
planet can normally grow and sustain. With these extended growing practices and
the creation of certain processed foods, foods are created that are not as good
as organic. However, certain organic foods
can also have detrimental effects. With certain processed foods, they are
manipulated in certain ways (genetic manipulation). It is difficult to understand because they
are manipulated to make certain foods more appealing than their original state.
As a result, those embellishing characteristics to sell the product make the
product not as healthy in the long term.
Therapist: Yes. There is a great concern here about genetically modified food and
particularly seeds.
Zetas: Yes. We have noted this.
We understand genetic manipulation. Your species has learned this, too, at a
very preliminary level. In addressing the needs of your planet, you will often manipulate seeds and other organic sources to increase yields to magnify their
use as food sources. Sometimes this may have certain unknown negative effects
in your early manipulation of genetic materials.
Doc: How much does stress play in the starting of diseases or mental
problems and early death?
Zetas: Stress, in the short
term, for brief periods, even moderate stress, is beneficial in extending life.
This is part of a survival instinct. However, when there is no external
stimulus, and lingering stress persists, it is no longer a survival instinct,
but a debilitating, long-term condition, which can affect the longevity of
humans. There is a human propensity for stress to linger, grow, and magnify. At
that point, this lingering stress creates a vibration or resonance in the human
body that has a negative effect. Lingering stress creates a real physical
condition for the human body’s natural immunity systems to cope with disease.
When this is out of balance, the diseases will begin to gain advantage over the
human bodies’ immune systems. The reduction of stress will create an
environment where the natural immunity systems of humans will restore its
ability to hold back diseases.
Doc: I think that when human beings incur too much stress or prolonged
stress, they feel their bodies not being as responsive as they should or they
may easily come down with colds and influenzas.
Zetas: The
human mind becomes aware of itself as not being as responsive, which, in turn,
increases further stress, compounding the issue. The mind is an organ of the
body and is connected to the other organs. Each is necessary for a healthy long
life. The mind, how it perceives itself and its environment, is very important.
It is necessary to have a positive outlook. Optimism is a term you use. This is
not just a state of mind, but it is also part of the instinctual normal desire
to survive.
Therapist: Does your species have faculties or aspects that would, if they were
introduced into the genetics of man, eventually change the outcome of human
progression? What might they be?
Zetas: Organically?
Therapist: Yes. Organically.
Han, the Zeta: I feel that telepathic abilities in humans would greatly change the human species in its social
behavior. It would produce a great change. It would change many of the
institutions, social structures, and methods in which the humans conduct
themselves on this planet. There would be certain losses of individuality, but
at the same time, there would be a number of positive things. Certain
institutions might diminish or go away. It would entail a new understanding
about humans themselves and the way they look at each other. Whether their
morals or values would change as a result is difficult to predict. When
telepathy becomes possible in humans, it is hoped that a new personal threshold
of understanding will emerge. The need for police and prisons would diminish or
disappear. Communication would be on a level that would create interdependence
and understanding to make these institutions less needed.
Therapist: It would enable early detection of problems, too.
Han: Yes. It would create
communication that would touch everyone on a deeply personal level. Concepts of
privacy would be radically altered.
Initially, each human would experience a fear of loss of individuality.
This would be only an illusion in a physical sense. All of what makes humans who
you are would remain the same. In a way, your minds would be more
interconnected. Humans would feel more naked and exposed. It is hard for us to
explain because we are accustomed to this. Our values and our relationships
within our species may seem different to humans. Many of the Serpo guests were
astonished by this and grew accustomed to it. It would take time for humans,
but eventually, they would also become accustomed. That would be one major
Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT RT, CBT, CLC
Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT RT, CBT, CLC
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