Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I in the Constellation Reticulum. Contact has been made. Many interviews have been held with them. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between Hypnotherapist Mary Barr and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books: Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II.
This blog is for people who are already well-versed in the alien contact genre. The books, Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II, are non-fiction chronicles of telepathic contact between my client and co-author Steve Reichmuth and sentient beings from Zeta Reticuli. These are very serious and educating communications that present many questions and answers beyond current human knowledge. As the therapist and co-author, I offer weekly excerpts from these science-oriented chronicles for public education. Webpage: Some aliens are willing to communicate telepathically, and the human mind can be enhanced under hypnosis. Deep meditative states are also conducive to this kind of communication.
Today's blog covers alien monitoring, human denial problem, amplifiers and symbol downloads.
Therapist: When humans are abducted, are they monitored afterwards?
Zetas: Yes, they are monitored by the entities that
conduct these illegal actions. They want to know where they are so they can be
located quickly for later contacts to monitor their progress and to be able to
return for additional genetic material or whatever function these entities
wish. They often implant these humans in discrete places with psychotronic
devices not recognized by humans as such. This is part of their covert process.
Humans are intelligent enough to recognize these devices.
The implants do not send
out a signal. They merely enhance the brainwave frequencies that already
organically exist in the abductee. An implant acts as an amplifier for these
entities to pick up the radiating brainwave frequencies, each with their own unique identity. These provide
a quick and clear identification from a reasonable distance away.
The detection of signals
of the human mind is not across distant space, but across hundreds of miles.
Human minds, amplified by these implants,
betray their presence to these
criminals who perform these acts for
selfish reasons. They do not respect humans. In a sense, we, too, have made
contact with humans, much in the way we are now, but also in a setting that
might be interpreted as an abduction. However, it is often to impart knowledge
and to educate certain individuals whom we feel have potential for high
clairvoyance and a sense of purpose and destiny. We give them help to steer
humanity in a direction that would eventually bring inter-connectedness between life forms.
Therapist: We may know one of these individuals.
Therapist: Are you familiar with a
being known as George LoBuono, a telepath who
communicates with various alien species? (George is the author of the book, Alien Mind.)
Zetas: Yes, old friend.
He is one of several people in that geographic area who often exchange ideas
and communication. He is a very interesting and sophisticated communicator. He
has learned well how to exchange ideas with us. He understands and participates
in multiple levels of exchange simultaneously, much like our means of communicating.
The communication I give to your client is on a higher, but still a relatively
unsophisticated level at a speed that he can accept and pass on. George has had
more training and experience to make multiple levels of communication possible.
It’s like Steve is a two-lane, and George is a four-lane on your road structures
on your planet in which more traffic can be exchanged at the same rate of
speed. George is a good fellow. Often, some entities are not comfortable with
what he shares in his writings, and others are very happy with that. Let him
know that. The entities that he comes in contact with, they mean well, and they
know that his intentions are good for opening an avenue for exchange. Others (humans) could also become involved if they were not so
self-conscious. They could become aware of the higher possibilities around
them. They could easily communicate with us in the same way, if they were so
inclined. George is able to do this, and
he is ahead in that respect.
Therapist: Many years ago, when
I was in a state of meditation or prayer, I had the distinct feeling, a kind of
visual feeling, that I was being downloaded with a stream of symbols that came
very fast. I suspect their source was off-world. Is that one of the ways that information
is passed very quickly, in symbolic streams?
Zetas: Yes. The importance is to retain what is sent
to that person, at some level. Humans respond easily to symbols and visual
forms. In meditation, there is a sense of well-being and beauty that comes over
Mary that is quite remarkable. It is a sense that she is being open and
receptive to much that is beyond in many dimensions in this Universe. She feels and understands there is much beyond her and this
physical world and is in contact with it. This is beyond most of her fellow
people. They do not comprehend. Many often underestimate what exists, but Mary
has a gift. She uses the gifts bestowed upon her. This allows her, at some
level, to retain the many forms of symbols sent to her. Often these can be
mathematical or symbols of life experiences. These can be imprinted on more
people, if they are receptive.
Therapist: Would these contacts
have come from a specific star system?
Zetas: We keep seeing the Pleiades. I just see a
group of stars in a magical swarm like bees, and I recognize them as the
Pleiades. I am not surprised that the entities
from there would do this. They have
abilities to do this. Some are higher advanced forms that even our species.
Know that their intentions are wise and good, and there is nothing to fear from
them. They have wisdom and insights similar to ours, but in some ways, they are
more advanced and, as such, we respect that. The Pleiades seem to be one of
several places that these entities exist, but their main home comes from what
humans call the Pleiades.
Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Feel free to submit questions.
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