
Sunday, May 28, 2017


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I in the Constellation Reticulum. Contact has been made. Many interviews have been held with themTHESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between Hypnotherapist Mary Barr and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books: Aliens Answer  and Aliens Answer II.

As the therapist and co-author, I offer weekly excerpts from these science-oriented chronicles for public education. Visit our webpage at Some aliens are willing to communicate telepathically, and the human mind can be more receptive under hypnosis. Deep meditative states are also conducive to this kind of communication.  

Today's blog brings new information about Stonehenge as a beacon for off-world beings, Earth field energies, Easter Island and radioactive statues, and the natural climate cycle of the Earth.

Therapist:  Can you tell us something about the origin and purpose of the place we call Stonehenge?

Zetas:  Stonehenge is well known to us. Many crop circles are created near this situation. It is a source of energy and  magnetic fields based on the mineral content in the soil. It acts as a kind of lighthouse or navigation beacon for us in navigating to this planet or navigating within this planet. When you mention Stonehenge, a smile comes to me because of my familiar acquaintance with it. It is an ancient calendar sitting on top of an energy engine that comes from within the Earth itself that is a source of such magnetic fields. It is interesting that humans had been fortuitous enough to place Stonehenge in that location underneath such a beacon that we use.

Therapist:  Some humans are sensitive to the Earth field energies.

Zetas:  That is correct, the Earth field energies.

Therapist:  Have you ever heard of a place called Hyperborea, a land with 24 hour-a-day sunshine?

Zetas:  No.

Therapist:  Are you familiar with a being known as Enoch? He was apparently contacted by some higher order being who took him on a tour of the heavens and other realities. The book concerning his travels was written by an order called The White Brotherhood.

Zetas:  No.

Therapist:  Do you know of the statues on a place called Easter Island?

Zetas:  Yes.

Therapist:  Can you tell us anything about those statues?

Zetas:  They are one more of a kind of homage by man to the sky and those who came from the sky. Many of the edifices on Easter Island are radioactive. Others are not. They come from a place on the island where, surprisingly, certain areas have many uranium deposits. All building materials came from a small proximity to the original basin. This is the area of the ground where the  stones  were originally  extracted  and  transported.
They have been radioactive for many years. These are from the natural deposits. Some form invisible markers for us as natural wave points. They emanate energies that are not well known to humans, but they help us to navigate.

At an earlier time to the monument building, other cultures migrated to this place you call Easter Island. Like the Atlantis that we discussed earlier, so there was another advanced culture on that island, too, independent of the earlier discussion about Atlantis. In several places around the Earth, in Europe, the Mediterranean and South America, there were many advanced cultures that independently developed on islands apart from the main continents. These cultures, when the right conditions existed for life and intellectual development, were able to create a great abundance of knowledge, information, and abilities to accomplish certain astonishing tasks by human standards.

Therapist:  Thank you. The radioactivity was a surprise. Is the Earth in a state of global warming, or is it simply getting ready to move into a small ice age?

Zetas:  The Earth moves through climate cycles. We have noticed this on other planets as well. Part of this is due to the star and part is due to the local climatic conditions on any planet. Earth is at a warming and then cooling cycle. It is anticipated that the Earth will go through a warming cycle. This in turn will reduce the polar caps and create more water surface area. This in turn will cool the planet, resulting in the initiation and acceleration of a not-too-extensive minor ice age.

Therapist:  Are we talking hundreds of years here or thousands of years?

Zetas:  In thousands of years. It is the normal cycle. The cycle, however, has been accelerated by man’s influence on the planet. Man's technology accelerates the heating and cooling process, making this warming period more acute  than  others  and creating more rapid change. This is due to the technology developed by man in the last 150 years.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC

Your questions are invited.

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