
Sunday, August 7, 2016


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I and explore the interviews. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetas by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Books are available on

Today's blog addresses three important questions:  1. How does language translate in telepathy, 2. Knowledge in the spiritual realm, and 3.  The policy of non-interference (which is not an absolute).

Therapist:  (I was wondering about spirits and native language. Han answered the question before I asked it.) You have answered a question for me that I have not yet asked through this discussion.

Zeta:  Perhaps I felt the question coming. I will be respectful.

Therapist:  My question has to do with spirits talking to people with different linguistic backgrounds. Do you need to speak to a spirit in their native language? The answer is that language is not an issue. They seem to understand any language. I would have to conclude that they are using the universal language of the mind.

Zetas:  The mechanism of language is replaced by thought. The voice, and the hearing of other voices, is one medium that sound waves and atmosphere facilitate. Communication, directly between minds, bypasses this. Using sound waves is a quaint old way.

The telepathic communication is mind-to-mind. This is difficult to explain. In our earlier talk about the Tower of Babel, the builders were circumvented and scattered throughout the world. In telepathy, communication has been recombined into one voice, with one understanding, one telepathic language. It can create bonds between species. It creates harmony of understanding, whatever value is placed on it morally. Humans will have the opportunity to look forward to this. It will change your world.

We have often talked about how a telepathic society functions with its relationships, differences, and similarities compared with non-telepathic species who have yet to achieve that plateau. It is always an interesting discussion. We have spent much time talking about this. It is a fundamental difference between humans and our species, but one that we understand. We see the glimmerings of its beginnings in humans. We look forward to the time when that will be part of a universal connection between humans and other life forms.

Therapist:  It is a very exciting prospect for us. Even beyond the spirit plane, we will enjoy seeing what unfolds.

Zetas:  This will happen. When that time comes for you, for Steve, and for me, too, to pass from the physical to the spiritual,  we will be part of a greater energy that has universal understanding. We will be released to a (state of) omnipresence. We will enjoy the pleasure of swimming in that ocean of consciousness that will be like a moonlight swim on your world, among the stars. Perhaps we will swim in full knowledge of everything.

Therapist:  I don’t need to know everything because I love the process of exploring mysteries. Eventually, I will know more.

Zetas:  Even in the spiritual world, there will be more questions. I should have qualified that. Know that there will be wisdom at that time that you will enjoy and know that happiness and pleasures will be experienced. This is what we imagine in our perceptions of what that would be like.

Therapist:  I understand the general concept of non-interference in allowing each species to evolve, as they should, pretty much on their own. It does seem that there is a small allowable margin for interaction that might create change. What overlying criteria would warrant minor interaction?

Zetas:  The concept of non-interference is one that you understand in your popular culture and science fiction. We are aware of these. It is not dissimilar. However, in the context of our experience and knowledge, we have interacted with many worlds and cultures. A total separation to observe is not always necessary. For example, at times, it is like adding yeast to bread to enable it to rise. Sometimes we can add, in an invisible way, our input that will help and encourage development of biological, intellectual, political, or social concepts that we feel is correct for them in our interpretation, at that moment. This may ultimately have an effect in the future that would be agreeable and of mutual benefit in any future contact. There are some planets that we do not interfere with. While there are others where we are very open and interact visibly, and both parties are well aware.

The earth is in a current situation where it is aware of contact but, at the same time, on an official level, it is denied to the public. The public is aware, on its own, at a grass roots level, due to the personal contacts. We prefer this, rather than contacting certain officials. Some officials are aware of our existence, but it is a careful, delicate process and one that takes some discussion and interaction at the proper place and time. Thoughts are placed with great precision, based on what we observe in humans.  When we feel it is appropriate, such disclosure will be made on a wider basis. Some of humanity, due to its non-telepathic status, is like one of your porridges, with lumps (of knowledge). The common knowledge and acceptance of off-planet life forms is not uniform. There are pockets of knowledge with acceptance and understanding, while the majority of humanity is not quite ready for full contact. This will occur. We wait patiently. These are examples of the discretion that we have to practice with great consideration for the species we choose to communicate with, as we are. We are a rich lump of porridge, the three of us, in our relationship.

(Therapist laughs.)

The other parts are mere milk, and are not quite ready. They will be folded in. Steve enjoys analogies, so I borrow his ability. It is useful in this conversation.

Therapist:  Useful and humorous to me.

Zeta (Han):  Yes. I sensed the same. It is a good tool and a tool also for expressing understanding.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC

Your questions are invited.

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