Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I and explore the interviews. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetas by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Books are available on
Today's blog explores the effects of sound on the human body, the curious reference to a dream state in a nursery rhyme, and the much argued subject of whether the moon is an artificial construct. Most interesting for scientists is Han's comment that our moon was, in fact, two moons that merged together, creating a slight offset. Han also states that humans will learn that this is often the cause of a celestial body facing one way.
Therapist: What
can you tell us about the discoveries in sound as it affects our bodies and
brains at the molecular level?
Zetas: There are certain resonances that affect
the physiology. They can be both harmful and beneficial. Sound has properties
that can be directed and focused with great precision as well. This includes
within a body or even to a person in a crowd. Often they hear voices, and they
feel their mental health is in doubt. We often use this. It has been used by
other species to leave a hint of other future contact, like slipping a note
into someone’s pocket as they walk by. We can often be a pickpocket that leaves
something instead of taking something. It is done discretely and appropriately,
whatever the intent. I digress. Sound is part of a greater energy resonance.
Sound has energy and can be used for many things.
Therapist: Are
there certain megahertz that are healthier for the human body?
Zetas: Yes. They can be less harmful. If the
frequency harmonics are controlled, in such a manner, it can create a pleasant
harmonic that is sympathetic to the vibration of the individual experiencing
Therapist: The
individual molecules themselves, of course, have their own intelligence. When
they sense a frequency that resonates with them, what is their reaction to
Zetas: Molecules? The actual physical process?
Therapist: Yes.
Zetas: There is a vibration. For every action,
there is a reaction.
Therapist: Is
this a sympathetic vibration getting in synch?
Han, the Zetan: It is in synch. If out of synch, it can do
damage. If the harmonics can be brought into synch they can have a beneficial
and soothing effect. If amplified, the already preexisting soothing harmonic
actually increases that process in a way that it is enhancing the existing
biological process. The two interact. I think you understand the relationship.
I did not feel the need to state it further.
Therapist: I
do understand. When I needed healing, I joined a choir to sing because I knew
that singing would change the vibration in my body, and it did.
Han, the Zetan: It is a two-step process. It is the
harmonics of all the others in the group. At the same time, one does not
require a group to change one’s harmonics because singing by oneself can also create
the same harmonics. A shift changes the harmonics and focus of one that makes
music special to a human condition. Sharing those same harmonics only increases
the well-being of the group. They each share. An analogy would be that one can
bathe alone, or one can swim in a swimming pool with others. Perhaps that is the
best example. Each enjoys the experience and the sharing of this is also
enjoyed as a group. It is a lovely concept, and I can feel the pleasant
harmonics just from our exchanging thoughts. It gives me hope for my music,
which is not adequate for the purpose. Thank you for the gift of what it can
be. It is interesting.
Therapist: Now,
just for the fun of it, I would like to share the words of a nursery song that
has an interesting, not-so-obvious depth.
Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.
give that to you because ‘life being a dream’ is one of the possibilities of
our reality. It is humorous to me to hear it sung by children.
Han, the Zetan: It has been heard by me. Steve has sung
this song also as a child, with others. I now see new meaning in these words.
They are not childish words, but adult words as well. They apply to an experienced
being, as well as a new being. To me, it is the pleasure of the journey through
a reality that they experience and exist in, as they interpret it. It is the
happiness of the trip and the effort it takes to travel wherever they wish to
go. It is a good lesson for both young and old beings.
Therapist: I
heard on the radio the other day that the moon might be an artificial
construct. Scientists are finding evidence that it may an internal engine.
Han, the Zetan: Recently, two earth probes, to conduct
surveys of the moon’s gravitational fields, have stabilized in orbit around
this celestial body. They will learn that, very early in the your moon’s
creation, it was actually two moons that merged together. The masses are a
little off-set. This is not uncommon with similar moons in the Universe. When
this occasionally occurs, this is an explanation of why one side of your moon
always faces toward your planet. This is a clear indication of this, but one
that you are only beginning to discover why this is so. This is not unusual in
those circumstances. Once you understand this, in your further explorations of
the Universe, when you encounter similar moons, you will understand that is why
the orbital dynamics behave in such a way. The earth and the moon have a
relationship. The moon’s tidal forces are large, due to the size relationship
to your planet. It is a significant moon in size and mass, compared to others
of similar proportions with their home planets. The moon and the earth were
created about the same time from the same original materials. The engine you
refer to, many of the gravity and orbital systems can act as an engine of some
sort. Perhaps that can be considered. However, I feel your question is asking
about a singular engine and one that is unique to the moon itself. This is
Therapist: Has
it been artificially made?
Han, the Zetan: I will not give a qualitative answer only
because I do not know an answer. I respectfully wish to discuss this with
others and explore this possibility further before giving a qualitative answer.
Your question deserves such an answer.
Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
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