
Sunday, July 24, 2016


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I and explore the interviews. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetas by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Books are available on

Today's blog talks about the time and influences of species before Genesis. the silence of monks, the HAR-1 molecule that increased human intelligence, Jane Goodall's pioneering work in gorilla intelligence, and the Anunnaki need for gold for their planetary atmosphere. (This need for gold for their atmosphere may be a misinterpretation of the Sumerian texts according to the Zetas.)

Therapist:  Does the book of Genesis actually take its material from Sumerian texts?

Zetas:  Some of what Genesis describes is based on many of the influences of the cultures that preceded it. The story of Genesis is actually, if you ignore the time reference, not an inaccurate description of the creation of the Universe from a singular event. That includes the formation of time, stars, planets, and life. The progression is not inconsistent with the biblical legend. Only the time, in human conception, is inappropriate, but the progression does follow a loosely accurate representation of the processes of the Universe.

Therapist:  The reference in Genesis to the firmament, is it an analogy that includes the planets?

Zetas:  Yes. It is a lovely and safe description.

Therapist:  I was watching a documentary on some monks living in the French Alps who have taken vows of silence. It was called ‘Into the Silence.’ How would your species react to that kind of lifestyle, which seems so foreign to your own, and why would a person choose that path?

Zetas:  It is a curious behavior. Many monks have a desire to be modest in their relationship to a higher being. In many cultures, aside from any religious edict, there exists a desire for a relationship with an advanced spiritual being to believe in. In considering the use of silence, I immediately had an impression of archaic lack of communication, but then I paused, and wondered if, by lack of verbal communication, they will, in an indirect way, develop other forms of communication. Perhaps in their mediations they are more connected than first impressions suggest. Perhaps they will form a kind of telepathic ability with each other. It could be pursuing a more advanced path that first might be misunderstood. It is one where a new curiosity should not be judged too hastily. We respect their belief as long as it fulfills their desire to achieve their goals.

Their goals do not seem inconsistent with other religious groups, but their approach is unusual. Perhaps it is as I stated, they may be indirectly developing a form of communication that does not reveal itself so physically, but maybe more telepathically. This is not different from, we believe, the archaeology of the history of our own species. We have often wondered what were the first steps toward our telepathic evolution. Perhaps these monks show us a glimpse into ourselves.

Therapist:  I don’t know if you had an opportunity to investigate the HAR-1 molecule, and if not, it is fine. We had talked about the HAR-1 molecule and how that seemed to be unique to human beings. Did you learn anything further on that?

Zetas:  It is a unique molecule, and it has helped to separate and increase the intellectual capacity of humans in relation to primates. This could be an influence from off world. It could be an evolutionary adaptation of your own world. It is a rational ability. I do not wish to give this information about humans to indicate that primates have diminished capacity from humans. They are much more intelligent than their human brothers and sisters are aware. They have many of the human instincts. There are many humans who are aware, and give them the respect they deserve.  Other humans, though, place themselves in primate habitats where the primates are more vulnerable. These are poachers who are a great threat to them. Jane Goodall has done a beautiful service in enlightening people. She would be a good ambassador for human-alien contact. She has demonstrated her interaction with other species. It would not be difficult for her to connect, in a beneficial way, with us.

Therapist:  I don’t see why she couldn’t connect with you now.

Zetas:  She is an example. The molecule is one thing that has made humans distinctive and unique. It is just another evolutionary step to move to a higher form, when it is appropriate.

Therapist:  Yes. I enjoyed the documentaries made about her life’s work, as I am sure others have also enjoyed.

Therapist:   If story of the Annunaki is true, that they came here to our planet for gold, why would they need gold? According to the Sumerian texts, they took the gold back to their planet to be used in atmospheric ways. Why would they need to do that?

Zetas:  Gold, as you know, has a certain purity. It has the ability to separate itself from other minerals. These properties are desirable to the Annunaki for their technology. The use for atmospheric purposes is an interesting interpretation. Perhaps humans saw technology in their craft, and their observation became the ancient human interpretation of how it would interact in an atmosphere. The Annunaki, and other species, often mine inhabited and uninhabited worlds, based on where the mineral deposits are and the convenience of the locations. With the Annunaki, a culture was developed around the basic need for this material. In a sense, it was much like the cultural effects of a California gold rush and the surrounding development to meet the basic need for the material. This need, and its production, produced a new culture, economy, and society. The Annunaki are a distant, ancient example of this, in an off-world sense. I use the 1849 example as an illustration of a more current reference. The Anunnaki left and have disappeared, as the ‘49ers have also left and disappeared. What remains still exists in a more obscure way that can be seen, if the attention was devoted to it.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBC, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Your questions are welcome.

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