
Sunday, June 26, 2016


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I and explore the interviews. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetas by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Books are available on

Today's blog covers the very advanced android type beings that are often mistaken as life forms. There is also a fascinating discussion of transgenic beings who, by their existence, help to stop tribalism. If you are curious about these two kinds of created beings, please read on.  Han also discusses his role as a facilitator or diplomat.

Therapist:  How would you compare your robotic creations to human-made robots?

Zetas:  Compared to some of the androids that exist on other worlds, particularly versions of species you refer to as greys, many of them have artificial intelligence and biomechanical abilities that would astonish the Japanese. They appear as life forms. Since humans have no comparison, it would be easy to misinterpret them as biological entities. They are a combination of technology and biology in a form that permits them to explore planets and go, as they say, into harm’s way. Their form, as technology, permits them to be expendable.

Therapist:  Can they feel pain if they are injured?

Zetas:  Yes. It is not a pain as in a discomfort so much as it is an impulse signal of potential damage. One could place such signals in the same context as pain. It is not as sophisticated as the sensory and nerve endings that most life forms possess, including many forms of life on earth. They are aware of certain harmful stimuli that might cause them damage, and they take preventive steps to avoid such damage. They repair themselves in a fashion that would seem more mechanical, but is done on a very small and molecular level. They almost constitute a new life form, yet they are merely analog copies of true biological greys, many of which control these android artificial forms.

Therapist:  That helps to realize that they are copies.

Zetas:  They are copies. They act as servants. They are assistants, often seen by abductees. Often they are smaller in stature. This is for a practical reason, because many more can be stored in craft and require less support compared to the needs of a biological equivalent. They are also easier to conceal. They can perform many mechanical tasks that require a smaller body size. Many humans understand this. In your aircraft industries, during your Second World War, you hired many small people to perform mechanical construction in small, confined areas. This is a similar concept. Often it is the mere size that makes them useful since many more can be manufactured. Creating a number of them is not a difficult thing.

Therapist:  Are you currently living on your original home planet or another one of the many hundreds that your species occupies?

Han:  I travel occasionally, in the physical sense, to different worlds. This is part of my role in communication but, mainly, my focus is on the outer edge where new species are introduced to the larger community, such as earth, where I am performing the role of the diplomat, or facilitator, for the initial interface, which provides the pathways for wider contact. I also travel telepathically to many more worlds that do not require a physical presence, but I can contact and communicate, such as we are now, in a sufficient manner, which is suitable for the moment. The time may come when we will meet in a physical sense. That great day will come, and it is one that we all look forward to. We will not be afraid. It will be like visiting an old acquaintance again. This is part of my role. On my home planet, and the hundreds of others that exist, there are many transgenic (of, relating to, or denoting an organism that contains genetic material into which DNA from an unrelated organism has been artificially introduced) or blended species that make a form of generic life. It creates fewer interplanetary rivalries with this blending of species among many planets. The pride of one culture does not dominate over another. It is one where we are all the same.

Therapist:  It stops tribalism.

Han:  Exactly. It eliminates tribalism. There is universality, yet each species still has its heritage. We do not deny these. It is good to know where we come from. We know that we are just pinpoints of light that form a larger spectrum of colors that we all share in joy. Such interactions with other species might shock humans but, in time, you, as a species, may be able to understand. It is one of the walls that we will scale together.

Therapist:  I find that a great relief.

Zetas:  Our conversation has taken a turn that is quite enjoyable in where the conversation has led us. 

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Your questions are welcome.

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