
Sunday, July 19, 2015


Type in Aliens Answer or Aliens Answer II.  

Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit.

Today's session covers the subject of Zetan biology and compares it to human biology.

Therapist:  If this is not too personal, do you have the same organs as the human species? If so, do you have any additional ones or have some of them changed in their functions?

Zetan:  You may notice that often we do not wear certain garments. We often wear garments to enhance our telepathic abilities. For example, we may wear them in our exploratory missions to enhance our awareness of the environment that we are exploring. We wear clothing for exploration, but also for protection. These are designed so they do not inhibit part of our respiration. We have lungs, as you call them. They do not fulfill their role completely. We are also able to respirate through our skin and exude waste products. This is a supplemental part of our lung capacity within our physiology. Therefore, we often do not wear garments because these may inhibit our ability to respirate efficiently. Also, our gender organs are not apparent in our physical appearance. This is partially due to a merging of genders, but both characteristics exist.

In our species, one gender is less apparent and this is partially due to our means of current reproduction being an artificial one. Our gender organs become less important. They are a legacy from an earlier time. I have commented on our bone structure. It is both light and strong with a ‘Kevlar-like’ weave, as you call it, for added strength. This originated from a bird-like missing link in our long evolutionary past. Our minds have increased in capacity, in both size and usage. With this came the telepathic abilities that we have grown to depend upon.

Therapist:  Do you have frontal lobes and a kind of similar structure to the human brain?

Zetan:  Yes. We have areas of our mind that serve different functions. We have frontal lobes and a cerebral cortex with a similar nature and purpose as humans.

Therapist:  The area of the brain that would be highly developed would be the portion that enables spoken language. Has that diminished in your brain because of your ability to be telepathic? Perhaps it has increased?

Zetan:  It has diminished, but due to our telepathic ability, our memory capacity has increased to store in memory the greater volume of communication. The language centers of our brains have been displaced, to a degree by this. On many different levels, we are able to project energy in a quantum way between our minds, both in short distances and through special training, across great distances to other stars, similar to what is happening here with us. 

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Feel free to ask questions.

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