
Sunday, July 26, 2015


Type in Aliens Answer or Aliens Answer II.  

Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit.

Today's session continues the subject of Zetan biology and compares it to human biology.

Therapist:  Because of your ability to send energy, do you also use it as a mechanism for healing?

Zetans:  Yes. We have learned this and we have specialized entities within our species for this purpose. I mentioned earlier about beings that could be considered doctors or scientists with certain abilities, one of which you could call medicine. These beings can focus these energies, as well as use physical instrumentalities to heal. The two are used in concert. We can interrupt pain signals to the brain. These energies can be transmitted to other beings to help heal as well.

Therapist:  Concerning your glands, your heart, and your liver, would you care to talk to us about them?

Zetans:  We have to metabolize the food we eat. We still eat food and there are waste products. We often have to store these nutrients in various forms that the body makes for itself. In the basic elements there are fats and sugars that we metabolize. These are more plant fats, not animal fats. We are not carnivores.  We mainly have  vegetables and fruits as our food sources. We respect those who need, perhaps, other sources for their diet. Our sources are sufficient for us. Our bodies are able to metabolize these. We have certain digestive organs. Our reproductive organs become less important due to our other form of artificial reproduction. Many species who also follow this form of reproduction will sometimes abduct humans to supplement their genetic stock from species genetically similar to them that follow the more natural forms of reproduction.

Therapist:  Can’t they just use the genetic material without using the human surrogate?

Zetans:  For purposes of hybridization, a surrogate is often required. For genetic material alone, often a surrogate is not needed. At times, certain ova and sperm are taken and genetically altered to suit the needs of the species who need to maintain their ability to be a viable species in their continuing existence.

Therapist:  What about your heart? How does that compare to the human heart?

Zetans:   We have heart organs. Our heart has a different number of chambers. We do have a circulatory and lymphatic system similar to humans. These organs are in a different, but similar location in the chest area. We have a sternum and a kind of rib bone framework that protects the heart and lung areas, much like humans do. Our hearts have reduced and changed in their capacity from our early evolution when we were more bird- like, and we needed to respirate more. Our heart rate no longer requires as high a rate of respiration as it did in the past. Our bodies, in comparison to humans, may seem more frail. Our current hearts are well suited to our present state of evolution.

Therapist:  You are familiar with human beings when they take someone’s pulse. Can you tell us what your heart rate is per minute?

Zetans:  Our heart rate at rest is 90 to 120 beats per minute. It is rapid compared to humans.

Therapist:  I am surprised. I would have thought, with your longevity, your pulse rate would run slower.

Zetans:  This is due to our heart capacity being smaller than your heart capacity. It is of a design that has a number of redundancies. These redundancies contribute to our relative longevity. Where one chamber may become deficient, another will compensate. Two hearts in one may be one way to understand it. This design was genetically engineered and incorporated in our distant past.

Therapist: Has your liver become smaller over time because your skin is respirating some of your waste?

Zetans:  Yes. The form of liver that we have stores sugars that are available to us in case our bodies require it. Our ‘liver-like’ organ, as you refer to it, is for both metabolizing and storage. It gives us added energy at certain times. It is not too dissimilar than humans. Humans also store sugars in their liver, as we understand human physiology, but perhaps not to the same extent.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Your questions are welcome.

Sunday, July 19, 2015


Type in Aliens Answer or Aliens Answer II.  

Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit.

Today's session covers the subject of Zetan biology and compares it to human biology.

Therapist:  If this is not too personal, do you have the same organs as the human species? If so, do you have any additional ones or have some of them changed in their functions?

Zetan:  You may notice that often we do not wear certain garments. We often wear garments to enhance our telepathic abilities. For example, we may wear them in our exploratory missions to enhance our awareness of the environment that we are exploring. We wear clothing for exploration, but also for protection. These are designed so they do not inhibit part of our respiration. We have lungs, as you call them. They do not fulfill their role completely. We are also able to respirate through our skin and exude waste products. This is a supplemental part of our lung capacity within our physiology. Therefore, we often do not wear garments because these may inhibit our ability to respirate efficiently. Also, our gender organs are not apparent in our physical appearance. This is partially due to a merging of genders, but both characteristics exist.

In our species, one gender is less apparent and this is partially due to our means of current reproduction being an artificial one. Our gender organs become less important. They are a legacy from an earlier time. I have commented on our bone structure. It is both light and strong with a ‘Kevlar-like’ weave, as you call it, for added strength. This originated from a bird-like missing link in our long evolutionary past. Our minds have increased in capacity, in both size and usage. With this came the telepathic abilities that we have grown to depend upon.

Therapist:  Do you have frontal lobes and a kind of similar structure to the human brain?

Zetan:  Yes. We have areas of our mind that serve different functions. We have frontal lobes and a cerebral cortex with a similar nature and purpose as humans.

Therapist:  The area of the brain that would be highly developed would be the portion that enables spoken language. Has that diminished in your brain because of your ability to be telepathic? Perhaps it has increased?

Zetan:  It has diminished, but due to our telepathic ability, our memory capacity has increased to store in memory the greater volume of communication. The language centers of our brains have been displaced, to a degree by this. On many different levels, we are able to project energy in a quantum way between our minds, both in short distances and through special training, across great distances to other stars, similar to what is happening here with us. 

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Feel free to ask questions.

Sunday, July 12, 2015


Type in Aliens Answer or Aliens Answer II.  

Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit.

Today's session covers the subject of cellular manipulation and  alien/governmental implants.

Therapist: Are we able to talk specifically to our own cells and send them the message to be resilient and strong?

Zetans: Our science has the ability to heal more effectively in that we can program individual cells to focus on specific tasks beyond their own already existing autonomic roles. We use this to help in resisting certain diseases, such as cancer, that we talked about earlier. For other heredity diseases, humans would benefit greatly by this. At present, due to our limited contact with humans, we do not have the opportunity to administer such medicine or abilities extensively within your population. The concept is not a unique one, but we can put it into practice very effectively. Perhaps humans will someday learn this ability, too.

Therapist: To your knowledge, does our military or any other world military or governmental agency use implants in human beings, without their knowledge, for purpose of tracking or any other purposes?

Zetans: We have noticed in certain intelligence agencies, for their own safety, they will incorporate implants within their agents so that their position is known for their own protection. We have also noticed this in other countries with similar intelligence functions. We are well aware of the secrets of many intelligence organizations, due to our telepathic ability. We can read the minds of many, and we harbor most secrets that many agencies hold dear for their own sense of security. Many share the same secrets, each unaware the other possesses the same secrets. Ultimately, military secrets are often the least secret. Human origin implants are used on a limited basis. These are primitive compared to ours. Ours work in an organic fashion. They have a benign appearance. As such, they disguise themselves. Our implants enhance natural brainwave patterns which humans are unable to register. The human mind sends out energy, and we can detect these naturally occurring waves of energy. 

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Your inquiries are welcome.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Type in Aliens Answer or Aliens Answer II.  

Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit.

The session for today covers the subject of the Anunnaki, their interaction with the Sumerians, and the genetic gift left inside of humans.

Therapist: Are you familiar with the works of an author named Zecharia Sitchin who translated ancient Sumerian texts? The very old Sumerian texts talked about the Anunnaki coming to this planet to find gold. They found primitive human beings whom they changed genetically so that they could use them for workers to mine gold. Is this true?

Zetans: The Sumerians were an important contributor to the human species early in its history. Their great awareness of the sky and the great precision in which they recorded certain celestial events is quite noteworthy. Part of this is due to the visitations of the Anunnaki and their heightened awareness. The Sumerians came to the realization of the need to record their history in detail. They had an appreciation for many things. The Sumerians were often seen in a rather abstract or in an apprehensive way. However, they created and contributed much to the early ancient understanding about humans and the Universe. Many of the Sumerians, and other cultures, too, had contact with the beings they referred to as the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki desired certain materials from your planet, such as gold, for use in their technology.

Therapist: Was the Sumerian language already in place at the time of contact or was it learned from an outside culture?

Zetans: It was spoken prior to contact and was modified by an outside culture later. Looking back in your time, across linear time, you see both influences. In the beginning, the Sumerians created a precise and sophisticated language. It was much like Greek is today, with very specific meanings for words. The Anunnaki widened the Sumerian vocabulary later, when the Anunnaki introduced themselves to them.

Therapist: Was this a cooperative meeting or did the humans ultimately wind up serving the Anunnaki?

Zetans: The Anunnaki initially imposed themselves in very remote places. Gradually, the Anunnaki became more prevalent in the Sumerian society. In turn, the Sumerians had to submit and accept the advanced nature of the Anunnaki. It soon became apparent that it would be beneficial for both. One advanced civilization displaced the less advanced civilization. When the Anunnaki realized that their need for certain raw materials was satisfied, they erased much of their own presence in Sumerian society, and as a result, the Sumerian culture collapsed into your history.

Therapist: Was there any genetic material introduced into the human species at that time?

Zetans: Yes. Some Anunnaki were able to leave their mark in the Sumerian heritage and this modified the human structure, some of which is buried (in genetic code). It will only become apparent in man’s future when they become more telepathic. The contribution of the Anunnaki from long in the past will then manifest itself in a positive, unexpected way. 

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
For questions, e-mail me at