Excerpts from non-fiction book: Aliens Answer by Hypnotherapist Mary Barr and Steve Reichmuth. Ongoing telepathic contact with beings from Zeta Reticuli II.
Book link: http://www.amazon.com/books Type in Aliens Answer. Webpage link: http://www.aliensanswer.com to investigate method used to set up telepathic communication with beings from Zeta Reticuli.
Therapist: Steve would like the experience of touching you. Is this possible at this time?
Zetan: Yes. This can be arranged.
Steve: I am reaching out to touch his forearm now. It feels cool. It feels smooth and, at the same time, leathery. I am touching his hand. He is touching mine. He turns his hand up. I can feel a kind of overall pulsing in his hand. It does not feel like a boney, skeletal hand, but it feels more like a kind of cartilage. It is rigid, but when I touch it gently, it seems to have a certain elasticity, like plastic. He is touching my hand, and I can feel his mind, through his fingers, probing and gathering information.
I extend my hand up his forearm, touching gently, but respectfully no farther so as not to intrude into his space. I rest my palm on top of his to show an expression of openness and trust. I then extend my other palm underneath, his supporting his hand between mine. His fingers are long and spindly. I sense they have many nerve endings there. Han and I seem to be exchanging thoughts, as if we are now, strangely, directly wired. Astonished, I withdraw my hands, and Han withdraws his. This creates a moment of reflection and then further questions.
Mary Barr
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Certified Behavioral Therapist
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