Excerpts from non-fiction book: Aliens Answer by Hypnotherapist Mary Barr and Steve Reichmuth. Ongoing telepathic contact with beings from Zeta Reticuli II.
Book link: http://www.amazon.com/books Type in Aliens Answer. Webpage link: http://www.aliensanswer.com to investigate method used to set up telepathic communication with beings from Zeta Reticuli.
Therapist: Client was inducted, and Han was invited to communicate.
Steve, the client: I can see him. He is tan. He is very skinny. His skin is a light brown. His neck is long and very thin. I don't see how he can hold up his head. His fingers are long and very thin. There are pads at the ends.
Han, the being from Zeta Reticuli II: I am here.
Therapist: What can you tell me about the growing and collecting of food for your species? Do you primarily use robots for this purpose?
Han: We use both robots and our own species to grow and gather food. We also gather food from other planets, thus creating a nice variety. We have created the species that you call "greys" to help us with our ships and gathering.
Therapist: How do you ingest the food -- as liquid, or both liquid and harder substances that require chewing?
We have a liquid. We also have something of an applesauce consistency. We like the apples of your planet, and they, with adjustments, have been planted on our planets as well as planets of other species.
Mary Barr
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Certified Behavioral Therapist
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