
Sunday, August 10, 2014


Excerpts from non-fiction book:  Aliens Answer by Hypnotherapist Mary Barr and Steve Reichmuth. Ongoing telepathic contact with beings from Zeta Reticuli II.  

Book link:   Type in Aliens Answer.  Webpage link: to investigate method used to set up telepathic communication with beings from Zeta Reticuli.

Therapist:  This next question involves exchanges of human beings with other cultures not on this Earth.  One program was called the Serpo Project.  Are there literal, physical exchanges of humans with other beings from other planets?

Zetan:  There are cultures who wish to expedite contact.  Some have a sense of urgency, others not so much.  That contact occurred many years ago.  It was partially successful. Some humans and entities did not survive the exchange.  It saddened us that it was not as successful as we had hoped.  It was with the best of intentions, but permanently changing residences planet-to-planet caused great emotional shock.  Many of the psychological and emotional connections with other humans were severed.  This was not intentional, but a sense of longing for home made for difficult transitions for many of the passengers to Serpo. Though they were well treated, there were limitations in the success of this experiment. The same was true for our beings during the exchange.  They survived better because they were accustomed to other worlds.  It was too sudden a change for humans.  The exchange of cultures and contact was premature, but we have adapted to that.  Now we make contact for shorter time periods so humans can be brought back after many hours, instead of forever.

Mary Barr
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Certified Behavioral Therapist

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