Visit our webpage at Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I in the Constellation Reticulum. Contact has been made. Many interviews have been held with them. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between Hypnotherapist Mary Barr and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books: Aliens Answer andAliens Answer II.
Therapist: Why did your species move underground? I thought perhaps your species went underground in a desire to preserve the surface environment of your planet.
Zetas: This is true on a number of planets. On our home planet, that was not the case. We were not driven underground. It was our love of our planet. We felt this was the best way for us to share a relationship with our planet, to preserve the surface and its beauty. At the same time, the underground facilities are not considered an escape. If you could see our structures, there is a sense of freedom and openness still that our architecture provides. One is not confined in any way.
Therapist: I do not see your structures as confined. I envision them as well lit, with soft colors, curves and very spacious.
Zetas: This is correct. For some planets, going underground is done due to harsh surface environments but, on our home planet, going underground was the result of a reasonable and sound plan. It is one that suits us. It has been in our philosophy for a very long time.
Therapist: As you continue making more contacts with many species, including humans, as a result of this, do you feel that you have become more expressive in your personal relationships? I assume that you experiment a little bit with social behaviors from other species that you might like to take on in your culture.
Zetas: Among our own species we are, more than humans might imagine. It is not that we do not express that affection with other species. It is just that our telepathic connection lends itself easier to that kind of expression. It creates what you would interpret as intimacy. However, the level of intimacy can be different, either shallower or deeper, depending upon our customs and social behavior. We have not forgotten our old ways. In our sexuality, we have detached ourselves for the purpose of our population control and genetic management. However, our old ways, before the asexual change, is not forgotten in our instincts. Those strong reproductive and connecting drives were diminished only for the purpose of clarifying the thought and communication and minimizing passion, which can be both positive and negative. We created a harmonious connection, but, we have sacrificed much of that for the good of the whole. We still remember and do not diminish the importance of touch and other forms of communication in connecting with those we hold special in our society. The struggle we deal with is how to maintain the connection with the whole and maintaining harmonious thought exchange while, at the same time, sharing and focusing with a smaller group of our supportive friends. This is an internal struggle that each of us deals with. These are very personal thoughts that we internalize. I enjoy the beauty of sharing this with you now. We spoke earlier of vulnerability. From that comes trust and understanding that permits me to share that with you.
Therapist: Thank you very much. That leads right into what Harone (another Zeta) described as the Oneness Ceremony. I would equate it to the sensation I get when the energy of a beloved spirit passes through me. Everything becomes activated and expanded. Is that perhaps a hint of the oneness that you experience in the Oneness Ceremony?
Han, the Zeta: Those are perhaps, some terms for it. I am looking at Zestra with warm acknowledgment. We are often sharing in a kind of oneness. She and I will sometimes go back in spirit to an earlier philosophy of being. It is not so much physical, but it is physical in intent, shared telepathically. It is an exchange of warmth and thought. It is a different level that is not often shared. Others around us see and feel and accept this. They find it beautiful. Because of our telepathic community, it would be like two lovers in a public place. It is not offensive to others. Those around the lovers share in the celebration of the two who care deeply for each other. This is what I share with my Zestra. This is not shared with too many. We keep this private from other species, but we consider you part of our species now. You must understand more about us and all of our varied ways. The oneness is more telepathic than spiritual, but its fruits go back to an earlier time of unconditional and erotic love we once enjoyed, but have now relinquished for a different path for our society. You have a term, going back to nature, and the simplicity and beauty of that. That is the closest that I can come to describe this. It does not describe it completely but it is the closest I can give you. So, yes, we have other intimate parts of us that we seldom share with us. Within our society, it is accepted and understood and encouraged.
Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT-RT, CBT, CLC