
Sunday, April 26, 2015


This nonfiction book is available at  Aliens Answer

Book link:   Type in Aliens Answer.  Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged.  THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit.

Therapist:  When humans are not stressed with having to earn a living and having to deal with violence and governmental problems, I think they would tend to spend their time learning and then sharing that knowledge. Your planet sounds like a much better place for those who would like to learn and share.

Zetans:  You have formed parks for recreation where you often go to clear your minds, what you call vacations. It is a frame of mind. It is like your ‘Disneyland,’ where you have no concerns. They can return to a simpler life, childlike and yet, very adult at the same time. The importance of work is balanced by an equal need for play. In your species we have learned that this is important. Our species have accommodated for this in the lives of our Serpo guests.

Therapist:  Even our allies, our dogs and cats, know the concept of work and play. We were wondering about body form in that a number of species have evolved to be bipedal. Is there a tendency for evolution to move species into the humanoid form for some specific purpose?

Zetans:  It is a form that is very efficient for many tasks, particularly in the creation of tools. From this comes technology and, in turn, the ability to travel between planets. This is not an accident. The human species tended to originate from primates, which is also a humanoid form. Our species originated from a primitive humanoid bird creature and this was our path for evolution. The bird characteristics remain in subtle ways, showing our origin, but our ability to fly by organic means was lost. We have since replaced that with technology.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC

Your questions are welcome.

Sunday, April 19, 2015


This nonfiction book is available at  Aliens Answer

Book link:   Type in Aliens Answer.  Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged.  THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit.

Therapist: Would you describe how your eyes are different from human eyes, particularly in their capabilities?

Zetans: Our eyes are able to see greater wavelengths of light, and also see frequencies in the non-light frequencies in both the infrared and the ultraviolet. Our eyes are somewhat larger than human eyes. Our eyes are also seen as a pathway for telepathic communication. We often use this in our contact with humans to focus our thoughts in the human mind. We can more easily see in relative darkness than can humans. Our larger eyes gather more light and the other wavelengths. This gives us an advantage in our contacts and discrete exploration of your planet.

This is just one feature of our physical characteristics. Part of this may have been due to our adaptation to space flight. Also, perhaps our early missing link had characteristics we  retained that helped it survive in its early evolutionary development. We came from a form of bird-like humanoid being.

Therapist: Are you able to see developing thought forms, and do they come in a large range of colors?

Zetans: Yes. Some humans call these auras. Certain characteristics and colors prevail in certain creatures. Humans, in particular, have a conspicuous effect, which we often use to assess their emotional state when we are in contact with such humans. They provide a further indication of the emotional energies they randomly radiate. This is unconscious to you, but we can see it quite readily.

Therapist: Most of us don’t see the colors, but we certainly sense someone’s emotions when they are nearby, if the emotions are strong enough. We have that condition where hair stands up on the back of our necks or our arms when we feel that something is different.

Zetans: This is part of an instinctual response, often seen in many such animals, humans being one of them. This is part of the instinctual primitive response often called ‘fight or flight,’ which we have often seen in our encounters with humans. It is important for us to understand this instinctual response to our encounters, both with our craft and in direct contact. That knowledge enables our contacts with humans to have outcomes that are more positive. It is our way of making adjustments, which must occur in the interaction with many species.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Please feel free to submit questions. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015


This nonfiction book is available at  Aliens Answer

Book link:   Type in Aliens Answer.  Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged.  THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit.

Here on Earth, we keep pets. For me, the pets I keep are more like allies and friends. Do you have those kinds of relationships with other species on your home planet?

You might say that we regard the greys as pets, but in a more sophisticated way. The greys perform many roles. Many of those that you call greys are of wholly organic origins. Some are bio-mechanical. They perform many functions. They are not servants. They live equally in our social pattern, but we often see them as companions in a larger sense. Humans often have a desire to care for others, and have a love bond for living creatures on their planet. They need to express that affection and to receive affection from pets. Often, in our visits, pets can be troublesome. Many have to be subdued by making them passive to suppress the natural protective instincts they have for their pet owners. We appreciate the loyalty they often express. It is understood. This is part of the human culture to have pets and we accept this. Know that, in our own encounters, your pets are not harmed. They are just rendered passive until we depart. This is to reduce the consequential random elements possible from such contact. When you regard your pets as your allies and friends it creates a positive reflection upon you as a species, even though these ‘pets’ often only react instinctively.

What do you teach your own children about how to interact with life forms such as plants and trees, as well as less intelligent animals?

In our travels throughout the Universe we have encountered many higher advanced forms of life. Some of these have even attained a spiritual energy level of evolution beyond physical instrumentalities. We regard these with respect.  In relation-ship to that, and how they regard us, we embody that and regard, in turn, other life forms with the same respect. In the broader respect of the Universe and our place in it, whether more advanced or less advanced, we try to regard all life as being precious. We also see it as a physical manifestation of the processes of the Universe where physical matter becomes self-aware and intelligent. Any life form that has the ability to become self-aware is regarded by us as very special. We have learned this by various means from our travels throughout the Universe and regard such with the same respect.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC

Feel free to submit questions.

Sunday, April 5, 2015


This nonfiction book is available at  Aliens Answer

Book link:   Type in Aliens Answer.  Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged.  THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetans by using a deeply induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit.

Therapist: In earlier sessions, I have mentioned about the deviant behavior of some within our species. Some minor deviance is welcome because, from this, new ideas and perspectives can emerge.

Zetans: Maybe due to their inability to have the community of mind that is possible through telepathy that our species enjoys, humans are limited in their understanding of mental illness or in appreciating its extent within your society. It often does not become apparent to you until such disabilities become violent. Much of mental illness is also confused with anxiety, simply because of the human condition. Anxiety has been a survival instinct for humans. When human anxiety lingers beyond its original instinctive purpose, it causes much self-inflected pain. In our encounters with humans, we often spend a great deal of energy in soothing human minds as they come in contact with our species and many other species. It is difficult to communicate with them when their minds are, in effect, screaming. We talk with them in a calm and positive manner. We understand this anxiety, but it takes time. We are patient. Sometimes some of our own species become annoyed with this, but in many ways, humans are still primitive. Due to their lack of exposure to other species in the Universe, this would be quite understandable.

Therapist: Is there an effective way that we might use to remove the space junk that is now floating around in our planet?

Zetans: Yes, there is a way. The level of technology that man is presently using causes this.  The energies used in your primitive chemical rockets reflect a relatively inefficient use of energy where a great deal of stored energy is needed to lift a payload into space. Many of your technologies hearken to our early history. Humans will need to minimize their mess, as you call it. We travel interdimensionally. This enables us to travel through this orbiting traffic jam. Your space junk is not of consequence to us. Therefore, in communicating with you, I wish to assure you that this is only a problem for humans, not for us. This is just one more commonly observed indication among most evolving species of Earth having reached an early level of technology to move into space.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Feel free to submit questions.