
Sunday, December 28, 2014


This nonfiction book is available at  Aliens Answer

Book link:   Type in Aliens Answer.  Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged.  THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION.

The following are excerpts from interviews held with beings from Zeta Reticuli.  This telepathic link with the Zetans was established by placing Steve Reichmuth in a deep hypnotic trance. 

Therapist: What does your culture value most?

Zetans:  We value knowledge and exploration.  We are primarily explorers, but we are also nurturers of new life and new places.  We strive to develop comfortable living areas on planets for the successful advancement of societies.  We feel like we are developers as well as explorers.  We take pride in this.  It is not a hostile advancement.  It is just the natural advancement of a species into many places of the galaxy that have the room for living space.  We do not displace other cultures for our own nor do we dominate.  There is plenty of room for all, and the ability to travel great distances is just as easy as traveling relatively short distances.  There is plenty for trade, the exchange of ideas, information, and material things that each needs.  There is sharing of resources in this developmental process.t.

Therapist:  I understand that the Australian Aborigines 'sing' someone home when that person has gone faraway.  Are you familiar with this kind of 'musical' telepathy?

Zetans:  The Aborigines are like our cousins in the way we regard them.  It is ironic that they are often regarded by their fellow human cultures as very primitive.  We regard them as very advanced.  This irony would astonish other humans.  The Aborigine are more akin to us and similar to us in how we communicate with each other and how we reach out to others in our communities across space.  In a greater sense, it is with affection that we see the Aborigines as telepathically more advanced than other humans on your planet.

Mary Barr, B.A.
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Certified Behavioral Therapist

Sunday, December 21, 2014


This nonfiction book is available at  Aliens Answer

Book link:   Type in Aliens Answer.  Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged.  THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION.

Therapist:  Can you tell me something about the origin and purpose of Stonehenge?

Zetan:  Stonehenge is well known to us.  Many crop circles are created near this situation.  It is a source of energy and magnetic fields based on the mineral content in the soil.  It acts as a kind of lighthouse or navigation beacon for us in navigating to this planet or navigating within this planet.  When you mention Stonehenge, a smile comes to me because of my familiar acquaintance with it.  It is an ancient calendar sitting on top of an energy engine that comes from within the earth itself that is a source of such magnetic fields.  It is interesting that humans had been fortuitous enough to place Stonehenge in that location underneath such a beacon that we use.

Therapist:  Some humans are sensitive to the earth field energies.

Zetan:  That is correct, the earth field energies.

Therapist:  What can you tell me about Easter Island history and its statues?

Zetan:  They are one more of a kind of homage by man to the sky and those who came from the sky.  Many of the edifices on Easter Island are radioactive.  Others are not.  They come from a place on the island where, surprisingly, certain areas have many uranium deposits.  All building material came from a close proximity to the original basin.  This is the area of the ground where the stones were originally extracted and transported.  They have been radioactive for many years.  These are from the natural deposits.  Some form invisible markers for us as natural wave points.  They emanate energies that are not well known to humans, but they help us to navigate.  At an earlier time to the monument building, other cultures migrated to this place you call Easter Island.  Like the Atlantis that we discussed earlier, so there was another advanced culture on that island.  In several places around the earth, in Europe, the Mediterranean, and South America, there were many advanced cultures that independently developed on islands apart from the main continents.  These cultures, when conditions were right, were able to create an abundance of knowledge, information, and abilities to accomplish certain astonishing tasks by human standards.

Therapist:  Thank you.  The radioactivity was a surprise.

Mary Barr, B.A.
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Certified Behavioral Therapist

Please feel free to submit questions.

Sunday, December 14, 2014


This nonfiction book is available at  Aliens Answer

Book link:   Type in Aliens Answer.  Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged.  THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION.

Therapist:  Mysteries for mankind include walls, pyramids, and even a castle (Coral Castle) built with extremely large, heavy stones.  Can you tell me what mechanism was used to enable the lifting and placing of these stones?  Let's take the pyramids, for example. 

Zetan: Modern man, in interpreting these structures, often does not comprehend the extent of time spent or the abilities of early man, perhaps assisted by advanced out-world cultures, to create these structures for their own purposes.  Many times in history, human knowledge has ebbed and flowed.  Many abilities and knowledge are lost, only to be regained later. Human pride will often mark itself by thinking man has innovated new concepts when, actually, the concepts may have been used in earlier times just as well.  Current humanity is often surprised by the abilities of ancient man that even exceeded what is possible today.  The sense of speed in which new modern structures can be built creates a false expectation and belief that earlier structures could not be built just as rapidly.  It seems impossible.  In fact, many of these structures were very noble designs.  Through innovations, both human and non-human assistance was able to help create lasting structures that have withstood the ebb and flow of knowledge of how they were created.  They withstand the test of time and entropy, even when the tides of knowledge are lost and then regained.  Many physical techniques of advanced tooling, levers, and gravity used in an elaborate fashion made these ancient structures a reality.

There was alien assistance in supplying tools that were harder than the substances being fashioned.  We have been able to provide, without humans knowing, certain assistance in their construction.  We enjoy watching humans create their structures.  It was an expression and a test of their knowledge.  This partial assistance gives us a gauge in understanding the limits of their development over time.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CHT
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Readers are invited to submit questions to 

Sunday, December 7, 2014


This nonfiction book is available at  Aliens Answer

Book link:   Type in Aliens Answer.  Webpage link: to meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli and to explore the many questions and answers exchanged.

Therapist:  Here in California, in Phoenix, Arizona, and a few other places, people have been observing extremely large triangular shapes with lights in the sky.  They are so large that I do not think that human beings have manufactured them.  Are they perhaps holograms or can you tell us to whom they belong?

Zetan:  The Phoenix Lights and other objects are from an advanced species that wishes to demonstrate its presence.  They do not necessarily follow a policy of covert interaction with humans.  They sometimes wish to demonstrate their technology and great power.  They are not our species, but other ones, which also take an interest in Earth.  There are a number of species that interact with Earth and with humans.  They seem similar in appearance, but a number of their craft are different from ours, and they often have their own agendas when they show off their presence.  They seem to be less concerned with non-interference.

Therapist:  I get the sense that they come here on a kind of observational tour, almost a holiday-like excursion of Earth, but it might just be my own reaction to it.

Zetan:  We do have times of work and times of rest that often entail traveling for the pleasure of traveling.  Work and pleasure are often not as contrasting for us as in your species.  Rest is merely a refocusing of the mind to something less demanding, but the mind is still active.  Often, there are excursions to far off places to explore and enjoy the other forms of life and the variety in the universe.  Vacation is what you are saying.  We understand the concept, particularly in humans and in their need to rest and enjoy a sense of play.  It is important in the human species to have a balance between rest and work.  It is part of human evolution. 

Mary Barr
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Certified Behavioral Therapist

Your inquiries are welcome.