
Monday, October 31, 2016


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I by exploring the many interviews held with them. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books:  Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II, which are available at

Today's blog is for those who enjoy the details of biology. The Zetas share details about the changes to their blood that enable them to be spacefarers. They compare the elements of their blood to ours. They point out that diatoms use silicon for structure and carbon-based proteins for metabolism, as do the Zetas.

Therapist:  Are you familiar with the term ‘blood panel?’

Zetas:  Yes. We have used these in concept. It determines the biochemical makeup of various species that we encounter.

Therapist:  If you were looking at your own mineral panel and comparing it to a panel of minerals in a human being, what minerals might  have large variants?

Zetas:  You would find we are composed of a combination of silicon-based structure molecules and carbon-based proteins for metabolic purposes. On your scientific periodic table you would find carbon and silicon exist in the same group. Like carbon, silicon can create molecules that are sufficiently large to carry biological information. Like carbon, silicon can also form the four main stable bonds with itself and other elements to form the essential, long chemical chains.

Our bodies are primarily carbon-based, like almost all life on your planet and most other planets. It enables us to metabolize nutrients and to breathe, but our bodies’ structural components are silicon-based, too. This allows our bodies to live comfortably within a wider range of planetary environments. Many planets we inhabit may vary in both temperature and atmospheric pressures. It also contributes to our apparent physical strength, relative to our body size, when compared to humans.

Therapist:  Does this mean you do not have any metabolic carbon base?

Zetas:  No. Our bodies’ metabolic functions are still carbon-based. We have discovered this is the easiest and most efficient biochemical group that evolves in the Universe. Our silicon-based, biochemical structures are still able to find nourishment from common resources for building up the silicon-based parts of our bodies, too.

Therapist:  What minerals do we share in common?

Zetas:  The elements creating our own organic functional groups with carbon include hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, and metals such as magnesium, and zinc. These same elements forming organic functional groups are perfectly compatible with our silicon-based body structures, as well. Both carbon and silicon in our bodies interact together with very few other types of atoms.  Like carbon, silicon can form the same four stable bonds with itself and other elements.  Our bone-like body structures are based on long chemical chains known as saline polymers. These saline polymers are very similar to the hydrocarbons essential to life.

Therapist:  Do you have iron?

Zetas:  Yes, we share similar proportions of elements including hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, and metals such as iron, magnesium, and zinc. Pure silicon-based life is rare in the Universe, but it does exist. We share in common the body forms you refer to as humanoid, and to the extent of our present knowledge, exhibit some degree of carbon-based biochemistry. The minerals of your planet, much like many planets and moons, are predominantly silicon. Yet in our journeys, the life that we encounter on these planets are mostly or fully carbon-based. This is because we have discovered that, like on your planet, carbon is more conducive to the formation of life.

Therapist:  Thank you, Han. That was informative.

Zetas:  I can sense this from you astonishment and surprise. It is rather a curious thing. It is what we are. In the past, I have emphasized our similarities. This is one area of dissimilarity between us. Yet on your own planet exists examples of life that exhibits both silicon and carbon bases for life, too. In your oceans, we have discovered biological life you call diatoms. These are the basic life forms for creating oxygen for your atmosphere, essential to your life on your planet. These simple diatoms exist in your world everywhere. They are the most common form of life on your planet. These diatoms also use silicon for their structures and carbon-based proteins for metabolism..

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC

Your questions are encouraged.

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