
Sunday, October 2, 2016


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I by exploring the many interviews held with them. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetas by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books:  Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II which are available at

Today's very important blog gives us answers about healing places and the explanation of crop circles, their source and purpose. At last, the Zetas have disclosed that crop circles are just one of several ways of making contact in a gentle way with our world, and many others. Enjoy the unraveling of these two mysteries.

Therapist:  I am sure, in your many travels, that you have encountered places that we call ‘healing places’ that have to do with water sources. There is one at Lourdes. There is also one called the Chalice Well in England. These healing places exist all over. What is actually going on that these places have gained and hold the reputation for healing?

Zetas:  It is a mixture of culture and myth. In addition, there are some recuperative powers that existence. These recuperative powers are sometimes exaggerated, but also, it depends on the context that we should look at this. The recuperative power in the mind can be very powerful and can have an indirect effect on the physical body. Simply by holding the belief that one is being healed, one can, to some extent, be healed. It depends upon the ailment. Some such treatments would be insufficient for some ailments. It creates a sense of ease and wellbeing that come over a person if they reaffirm that the place is a healing one. These are places of peace, contentment, and wellbeing. We are not unfamiliar with this in our worlds. We have places of serenity, both in a physical sense and in a telepathic sense.

These are quiet corners where we can relax. These are havens for reflection and contemplation. It is reflection of an advanced higher being to require the need for relaxation. It is not a luxury, but it is really a necessity for all to have such access. These places fulfill this function. They are also very near where many crop circles are formed.

This is the area of England we have referred to as the ‘chalk board,’ to use a human concept of a classroom. The teacher will draw and erase, draw and erase, leaving new formulas, theorems and communication. For students who walk by the classroom, many crop circles perform this function. The farmers will till the soil for next season, erasing the chalkboard for the next lesson the following season. The teacher has many lessons to share. This area is near these ancient sites, which we have honored throughout time as a focal point for the intention of making contact.

Therapist:  Have you also used that mechanism on other worlds?

Zetas:  Yes.

Therapist:  I find it delightful.

Zetas:  It is one of several ways we use to educate. We find delight in it, too. It expresses both intellectual and artistic abilities. Sometimes hoaxers will create crop circles, mimicking us. At first we interpreted them as replies. They are often used as distractions to convince others to diminish the importance of our own communication. Recently, to further distinguish ourselves, we have counteracted this by increasing the complexity of our designs. We have even included mathematical theorems and even images of ourselves in these markings, which cannot be seen from on the ground, but can only been seen when one is high above. These are intentional, but ones which, due to the elaborate monitoring, are now easily detected. We are aware that cameras and other monitoring devices are present, and we enjoy confounding the skeptics who wish to continue the lie of denying our existence.

Humans have learned to distinguish between our messages and the messages of others who wish to diminish the importance of our messages. We do not prevent them. Instead, we make our designs more complex, as if to speak louder and clearer. This area of England is one that has long historical significance. We know that it is a society that is open to this. They have the means to easily communicate this (activity) to the rest of the world. We see this as an ideal place for this, if we were to select only one place. Multiple locations could be misconstrued as propriety or unique to one area. We have just focused on one area that we feel is ideal. We delight in raising the bar, in challenging new thoughts and perspectives.

Therapist:  It is done in a stunning and non-threatening way and is very beautiful.

Zetas:  Thank you for acknowledging that. That is our purpose. It is done with a child-like aspect, but with an adult and serious purpose.

Therapist:  We thought at first that it was the artwork of, let’s just say done by the children of an alien species, because of its playfulness, which many people recognize.

Zetas:  The greater the intellect, the greater the need and ability for the simplicity of play in the range of our emotional makeup and the structure of our minds. It is a healthy thing to ‘finger paint’ once in a while to help remember, heal, and reflect on all the other things.

Therapist:  I hope it goes on for a long time.

Zetas:  It is difficult, perhaps, to conceive of crop circles in their complexity as ‘finger painting,’ but in some ways, this is a good analogy from our perspective. These are ‘finger paintings’ done deliberately to extend human intellect just beyond what we consider their capacity to grasp. We hold out a ‘carrot.’

Therapist:  When I first saw a video of these crop circles, I was so taken with them that I showed the video to an audience of mostly scientists. Although I was a little nervous about showing this to them, their reactions delighted me because they were silent and confounded. I could see their minds working feverishly, and I enjoyed that.

Zetas:  Crop circles are a learning tablet. It is not profound in larger sense, but it is profound in its own right, in a known way. The fact that it confounds, draws, and attracts intellectual thought pleases us. That is its intent. In an indirect way, it leaves a controlled calling card of our presence. Many crop circles are confounding, but those who understand and can distinguish between each can see through the hoaxers and recognize the genuine article. It is those people we wish to focus communicating with in the first place. The media and general public who discount the significance are probably not who we should be communicating with anyway. They are always welcome if they wish to change their perspective. Our messages will not continue forever but they will continue for some time. 

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC

Your questions are invited.

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