
Sunday, October 16, 2016


Meet the beings from Zeta Reticuli I by exploring the many interviews held with them. THESE EXCHANGES ARE NON-FICTION. Exchanges occur between therapist and Zetas (Han, Zestra, and Gen) by using a deeply-induced client, Steve Reichmuth, as the telepathic conduit. Full transcripts of these many sessions are recorded verbatim in two books:  Aliens Answer and Aliens Answer II, which are available at

Today's blog covers knowledge about group abductions and their return, the misunderstanding of the expediency of the Nordics, why abduction memories are blocked, how brain impulses are disrupted, rapid healing, the Zetas' performance of amniocentesis  on Betty Hill, and how Betty and Barney Hill came to terms with their abduction. 

Therapist:  There was a case that happened December 13, 2011, near Bountiful, Utah. It involved a young woman who found herself seeing a very bright light. She had a blinding headache and pulled off the road. Behind her there were two more cars. Directly behind her was a car with a man and wife, and behind their car was a man alone in his car. They were all seeing a ship of some kind, about 30 feet ahead of her. It was quite close and spinning triangles came down. She felt that the energies in the triangles were excited and happy to see her, again. All of the vehicles  stopped running. She had two cell phones with her. One was dead. The second one worked long enough for her to take pictures of the craft.  She ran back to the car behind her and asked them if they were seeing what she was seeing. They were seeing it.

The man behind them just stared ahead and would not say anything.  They discovered that all of them were on a road that was not part of their itineraries. They had been moved from different places to this side road. A larger tow truck appeared on scene with a confused driver. He did not know how he got there, but offered to help start their cars. The involved parties arrived at their destinations, missing about an hour of time. Later, the young woman dreamed about tall blond beings with pupils similar to cat’s eyes.  Her photos and a drawing are now published on line.

Zetas:  From your thoughts, it reads like an entity you refer to as a Nordic.

Therapist:  She sensed there was some kind of competition between this species and another species that involved  mankind.

Zetas:  Often what can appear to be competition is normal interaction. Sometimes the psychology of different species can be misinterpreted by humans.  It may have been competition.  It could have been rushed expediency. It is not unusual to gather different groups for the same purpose.  It would be known that the electrical systems of vehicles require maintenance and they are not often kept in the best working condition.  We, and other species, can sense this.  When a contact is made, certain allowances and considerations are made.  They were provided for so they would not be stranded after their encounter. It is also beneficial to us, once the encounter is concluded, to disperse the different human beings.  A tow truck would help facilitate this to send them on their way again.  There were probably multiple contacts with people in various cars that were gathered together at a collection point.

People are often taken in groups.  Sometimes it is more efficient this way to collect at a rendezvous point. There is more than what has been consciously remembered. This is often the case.  Memories are blocked to allow the lives of these individuals to go on undisturbed, as the contacts can be quite traumatic, profound, and life changing. We know enough of human psychology to know this. Sometimes memories are retained deliberately.  Others are blocked. The memories exist.  These cannot be removed, but they can be covered with a blanket memory to hide them. They cannot disappear, but they can be tucked away.

Therapist:  I have found that there are some people that I would not want to regress to retrieve memories.  For others, the memories are half conscious, anyway.

Zetas:  (The retention of these memories) is to the level that they can tolerate such by those who are enlightened. We consider many psychological factors in humans: society, belief systems, coping skills, and their need to deal with these memories. Some candidates are permitted to be more aware than others. The encounter was not that unusual for such encounters. At the same time, each is unique.  Such encounters gathering multiple contacts have become more common and sophisticated.

Therapist:  We were surprised that she was able to capture a few photos.

Zetas:  I am concerned with this. However, knowing human psychology, it will probably be discounted, as with many others, even though it could be the genuine article.

Therapist:  That is certainly the way human beings function.

Zetas:  Sometimes the answer is hidden in plain sight. Your ‘Condon Committee’ was a great assistance in concealing such activities. Human expectations, and what they may discover, are often two different things. What they recognize as one thing may just be part of a larger structure that was rendered invisible to human eyesight. The term ‘alien,’ is an amusing word to me, but one you commonly use. It is truly alien because it has no relative reference point to compare one reality to another.

Therapist:  You have, I am sure, seen human beings ‘put under’ for surgical operations. Perhaps your species uses something similar. I would think that the consciousness of the cells in the body would recognize when a body is being traumatized, even when there is no pain. I would think that recognition would send out certain chemical signals that would put the body on a defensive alert. What I am concerned about is, although abductees may have their memories repressed or covered, there are certain painful procedures that are done to them. I would think their bodies, at the molecular level, would still have that sense of invasion, and would still send out those ‘defense’ chemicals. What do you think?

Zetas:  It is possible to place an immediate blockage in the human mind. Humans will often experience pain. We understand this. We, too, can experience this and then block it. Humans often lack the ability to do this. So often, during painful procedures, we will place our hand on various parts of their body, primarily around the brain, to block certain impulses that the body is signaling. A disconnect will be created temporarily. However, as you say, there are certain non-electrical impulses to the brain that linger in the local area where the trauma has been placed that linger afterwards. We have the ability to conceal some of this trauma through rapid cell regeneration. It is a rapid healing technique in which, I am sure, the human medical community would be very interested. We can minimize the effects, but you are also aware that there are certain chemical signals, the involuntary responses to fight infection and deal with trauma. These processes are not interrupted, nor do we wish to interrupt them.

Much of what we know of reality is through the mind, so we focus or moderate the impulses coming in focus around the brain. It is the most efficient way. Usually, the physical effects can be reduced to an extent that, once the human has been returned, they could easily be misinterpreted as a bruise or some other accidental trauma. Some procedures, such as the unexpected or planned pregnancy of a female, and then the sudden disappearance of the fetus (that has often been done inappropriately by some species) cannot be so easily concealed. There is a certain instinctual process that the female understands over millions of years that cannot be so easily hidden. They know that something has occurred, that something has appeared and then disappeared. The body of humans is such that, if a temporary pregnancy occurs, when the human is used as a host, the body biochemically reacts and adjusts a response. This cannot be so easily concealed.

Therapist:  Women have unusual perception about that part of their body because there are so many chemical messages being sent.

Zetas:  Humans are very complex. In some ways, physiologically, they are more complex than we are. Their minds, in some ways, as developed as they are, are not as developed in other ways, but physiologically, their bodies are quite complex, especially the females of your species. Changes are often noticed by your females. We respect this and work within the parameters of this species. I regret that humans are used in this fashion. I am again touching on the immoral use of others species and their exploitation. Sometimes the local planetary morals do not understand the larger context where often the species can be spliced or blended. Humans do not consider this possible. What is often a common process around the Universe is not understood or accepted on a planet such as earth.

Therapist:  Wouldn’t you think the earth geneticists would predict this possibility, once they realize that genes could be managed?

Zetas:  In time they will, as they discover more.

Therapist:  Currently, geneticists look at manipulating genes to promote health. Eventually, however, someone will experiment to splice genes to create merged species.

Zetas:  Once humans can demonstrate this for themselves, past contacts will be more clearly understood, especially concerning what is possible and what is not possible. Entities perform procedures that are not understood by human science. These are procedures described by abductees. Later on, as humans discover these procedures on their own, it will suddenly provide new credibility to many abduction claims. The early abductions, such as the Hill case, was performing pregnancy tests. We were examining Betty Hill by using a procedure that you call amniocentesis. This was done before humans had the ability to do this. Soon after, they discovered the same procedure and began to see it with a new light, as far as the descriptions from these misunderstood intrusions. 

Therapist:  Betty Hill is on the spirit side now, as is her husband.

Zetas:  We remember them.

Therapist:  Have they now come to terms with their experiences?

Zetas:  Yes. They came to terms before their passing, but they are more at terms now, seeing a broader context. They now have the ability to sense and connect with those that they encountered when they were in their physical form. Betty felt awkward. She was honest and courageous. Now she fully understands and knows the answers to her questions that she asked her abductors. She has a certainty she .was not. able. to have before. Her understanding of the Universe is greater. The confounding aspects of her life, in one sense, were the intrusions into her life by those entities. The humans who refused to accept her claims caused more debilitating effects.

Therapist:  I am amazed by her courage in bringing it out.

Zetas:  They did not initially wish to disclose their encounter. They tried to keep it a secret, but a journalist wrote the newspaper piece when he attended a local meeting where Barney and Betty shared their experiences, not expecting that it would be written and shared with the public in a manner that they could not control. This expanded into more of a book, later. Nothing would ever be the same again. They would spend the rest of their lives trying to conduct themselves in a normal fashion. This is what the entities they encountered would have wished for them. 

Therapist:  I do remind people to live  normal lives, even if unusual things happen to them.

Zetas:  You have stated it well.

Mary Barr, B.A., CCHT, CBT, CLC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Your questions are welcome.

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